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10/11 - 10/13 Wknd Est: Gravity - 44.2M; Captain Phillips - 26M; CWCM2 - 14.2M; Machete - 3.7M

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Yep. That movie is fucking shit. Honestly, it didn't shock me much, after about 75 minutes of watching Jesus get whipped I just pretty bored by the time they got to the crucifixion.

]The crucifixion was just way too brutal and graphic and oh god. It was planned to get a reaction and it was so blatantly obvious. Fucking hell. 

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  • Founder / Operator

IMO, Argo & The Departed are far stronger comparisons. Inception would be (thinking Nolan helped it to be slightly more front-loaded in that first weekend) if not for its summer release. Even The Blind Side would make more sense than WALL-E., heh.

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IMO, Argo & The Departed are far stronger comparisons. Inception would be (thinking Nolan helped it to be slightly more front-loaded in that first weekend) if not for its summer release. Even The Blind Side would make more sense than WALL-E., heh.


Yeah, THE BLIND SIDE is the best option.

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IMO, Argo & The Departed are far stronger comparisons. Inception would be (thinking Nolan helped it to be slightly more front-loaded in that first weekend) if not for its summer release. Even The Blind Side would make more sense than WALL-E., heh.

They are, but they also made significantly less money so it looks a bit pointless. I think ST2 would be a good one.
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  • Founder / Operator

They are, but they also made significantly less money so it looks a bit pointless. I think ST2 would be a good one.


Heh, IMO, there comes a point when less money doesn't mean as much as the math behind it all. Truth be told though, Gravity has been giving me Avatar/Inception vibes since last Friday.


If the amount of money is the biggest factor in Mojo's chart, Inception still makes a much stronger comparison than Wall-E. :lol:

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  • Founder / Operator

I dont think you can compare Gravity to anything, it's in a class of it'%


This is true. When we look back on it, that's exactly what I think we'll be saying (hence the comparisons to AvatarInception, etc.). But for now and for anyone who wants to guess at what it's going to make in the long run, we gotta start somewhere until it's developed a noticeable pattern all it's own. :)

Edited by ShawnMR
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They're probably trying to make some ridiculous genre comparison based off similar OW. Follow the money, with bonus points for making a personal connection: target Cuaron's biggest hit (HP3), Bullock's biggest hit (Blind Side), and throw in something like INCEPTION or CAST AWAY (adjusted) as well.

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  • Founder / Operator

They're probably trying to make some ridiculous genre comparison based off similar OW.Follow the money, with bonus points for making a personal connection: target Cuaron's biggest hit (HP3), Bullock's biggest hit (Blind Side), and throw in something like INCEPTION or CAST AWAY (adjusted) as well.


Ooh, Cast Away. Good one.

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But there's like four of you who had the same reaction and it's at odds with what I thought everyone thought of it.


Ugh. I still can't believe it could've possibly won BP. I mean even Little Miss Sunshine would be better. (Though, Personally I was really hoping for The Queen. My Favourite of that year)



We're not giving 21 Grams a pass, are we? God that film was pointlessly miserable.


Well it wasn't as bad as Babel..... And it had Nanny. 

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It's not something I'll own or probably even watch again, but Babel had at least a few redeeming moments for me. I just can't remember what they are. :lol:

I liked the bit in the club where the sound kept going in and out, I guess. Edited by CoolioD1
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