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Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Thor: The Dark World (2013)  

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The only one I really know off the top of my head is 2, which is that they implied that Loki being inside his head caused him to go insane. This gets me interested for Hawkeye in Avengers 2 personally :P


I totally missed that.  When did they imply that?

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Selvig's crack about Loki being dead being a relief was a big laugh-getter

Yes, something that took place at least 5 minutes after Loki's death. I can see how it would've completely ruined the scene for some people. Psychics mostly. 

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Well, I saw it again today just to see if it was better the second time around.  It isn't.




1) That glowing thing that the Kursed gets put into him, why does it make him invincible?  I didn't see that explained.

2) Why is Selvig running around naked?

3) How does Selvig know that all those points on the map and markers and that Greenwich is the place where it will all happen?

4) Why does the device that Selvig and jane have make people disappear and into different parts of the world?

5) I liked the end with Loki, but how is it possible?  Did he kill Odin or something?


There's more but I will stop.  The film just doesn't work for me.

seriously ? you were lucky to see the film a 2nd time and you're still wondering about stuff 


ah what i wouldnt give to see it again asap 


well to your first question , did you not read the subtitles when he was speaking to kursed, i'm pretty sure he put in the same thing or something similar to what jane has in her body , i vaguely remember him saying he'd die from it but it would be to further their cause and the guy accepted like a soldier who knew he was sacrificing himself for his lord, and i think kursed also said something like it was a privilege to serve their cause and be a sacrifice much liike all those of their kind who died and were sacrificed by malakith in the intro scene of the film (i'd have to see it again coz memory a bit fuzzy as to specific quotes)

also whatever it was exploded within him and transformed him by melding the mask they gave him and thus he became the beast and was no longer a regular dark elf 


2nd question : i'm pretty sure this was repeated often , he went nutter after what happened in new york avengers, well nut enough anyway , the intern's intern said selvig said he can think better without his pants on (clearly this is just for lol which i did )

and it was in continuity with what we saw from him first half of the film when he's seen running around naked stonehenge , when darcy pulls him out of the nutjob house , something happened and he realized he wasnt so nuts after all and drop all his meds in the dumpster oh yeah i remember the birds disappeared and reappeared under them , so yeah the world is crazier than him and he's been right about his theories 


3rd question : i wish i could quote him but he's pretty clear as to why and how he figured it out , come on this guy is a genius scientist studying something to do with gravity and the universe, you think he has studied stuff from previous civilizations that might point to this , oh yeah something to do with the alignement of worlds being recorded by ancient civilizations , the mayans the egyptians and the druids for england 


4th question : someone else answered this perfectly already on previous page i'll edit to see who 

captaincraig:No, not if you're paying attention, which I find is what causes people to gripe like this.

The rods that Selvig was trying to plant were intended to induce gravitational fields that would keep Earth protected. However, once the shit hit the fan Jane deduced that they reverse that and increase the gravitational pull at the points. This allowed them to use them in an offensive manner.



5th who knows its an open ending to the movie that leaves us wondering for thor 3 and makes tons of fans or as he affectionally calls us loki's army extremely happy he didnt die as we were led to believe earlier in the film

Edited by ladyevenstar22
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i really don't know what was so complicated to follow in this movie , it was pretty straightforward for me and more importantly entertaining and funny 


at least when this happens with tv shows, i can usually excuse it away with the fact that when people watch live with the numerous ad breaks sometimes they're not paying as much attention or they miss 5 seconds or a scene here or there whereas since i'm outside usa i see the episode 42 mn with no interruptions and my full attention


baumer if you can and want to (naturally ) go see it now that you know more and pay attention ....i have to wait till weekend to go see it again 

Edited by ladyevenstar22
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Well, I saw it again today just to see if it was better the second time around.  It isn't.




1) That glowing thing that the Kursed gets put into him, why does it make him invincible?  I didn't see that explained.

2) Why is Selvig running around naked?

3) How does Selvig know that all those points on the map and markers and that Greenwich is the place where it will all happen?

4) Why does the device that Selvig and jane have make people disappear and into different parts of the world?

5) I liked the end with Loki, but how is it possible?  Did he kill Odin or something?


There's more but I will stop.  The film just doesn't work for me.



I will not answer these point-by-point. All I will say is that these aren't problems with the plot. They are problems with your understanding and/or tolerance of it.

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No. Just no. I'll admit I wasn't the fondest of many of the Earth scenes (aside from the climax), but that's a stupid exaggeration.


I kinda see it. You know how the Transformers movies tend to throw all their "comedy" into one scene and then cut back to the serious business in the next? That seemed to be the way they approached this film, especially with Selvig going all nude and insane. Though for the most part the humor worked.

Edited by tribefan695
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I apologize for my stupidity folks.  I'm sorry that I did not understand why the glowing rock makes the Kursed invincible.  I guess I should just accept it when the explanation is that, "This ancient rock will make you invincible".  That's all that is needed.


And I'm sorry that I didn't pick up the part where Portman decides to use Selvig's sticks to make people go into different realms, I missed that explanation too.  


I guess a one line explanation is fine for you guys.  If they say, "This is going to make you invincible because that is what it is supposed to dd" I should just accept it.



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I apologize for my stupidity folks.  I'm sorry that I did not understand why the glowing rock makes the Kursed invincible.  I guess I should just accept it when the explanation is that, "This ancient rock will make you invincible".  That's all that is needed.


And I'm sorry that I didn't pick up the part where Portman decides to use Selvig's sticks to make people go into different realms, I missed that explanation too.  


I guess a one line explanation is fine for you guys.  If they say, "This is going to make you invincible because that is what it is supposed to dd" I should just accept it.



Yet, I fail to see you complain about how there's no explanation for how Thor can summon lightning, or how a lightsaber works or how plenty of other alien tech/supernatural powers/etc work in other films.

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Now that we ask stupid questions, can someone tell me when the Bifrost has been rebuilt? I didn't pick up any hint at how it's like it never has been damaged in Thor 1 or is that just "Bifrost's been built again between the two movies so nevermind"?


And if you want to pick the plot apart Baumer, ask how Thor can still defeat Malekith even if we're told that if Malekith gains back the Ether during the alignment, he's totally invincible.

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Now that we ask stupid questions, can someone tell me when the Bifrost has been rebuilt? I didn't pick up any hint at how it's like it never has been damaged in Thor 1 or is that just "Bifrost's been built again between the two movies so nevermind"?

They didn't answer that. It had to have been some time ago because it's mentioned how Thor has been fighting across the nine realms.


Though if you look when Heimdall attacks the incoming ship you can see the point at which it was repaired, thought that was a nice touch.

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For those that complained about Man of Steel's constant state of dread throughout the climax, you didn't know how good you had it.


You mean the "sense of dread" that is totally glossed over for a lame scene in which SuperDouchebag is making US army/Obama his subordinate and we're told that he makes female officers horny wetting their pants plus an atrocious tone deaf ending where everyone cracks jokes and puns about taking freshwomen interns at a basketball match and cheers like that 11 september meets Hiroshima x 10000 has never happened two scenes before?


Yeah right, I don't see any difference actually.

Edited by dashrendar44
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