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Star Trek Beyond | 7.22.2016 | Not an Oscar winner.

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What is the correlation between these franchises?

I mean, beyond the fact that they all exist

They are both part 3s, that saw substantial growth in box office over their predecessors.

It's rare enough sure...why not. And Woody and Buzz are names that have to be sexual innuendo, and James Bond is all about that.

So many connections.

Edited by kowhite
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I read that article this morning. I feel like in order to rebuild the Trek Universe they need to either get rid of the alternate timeline or set a more solid foundation for a new web of storylines.


I don't remember in which part of this forum was, but not long ago I pointed out the irony that just when every major studio started developing their own set of big-scale franchises, Paramount opted for trimming down and simplifying one of the biggest ones they had.


Moreover, the movie reboot of 2013 opens up a literal universe worth of ideas, characters and even simply alien races for use, reinvention or exploration by any number of future television series or movie projects; with all stories past the 2001 prequel series Enterprise undone, almost everything that has appeared in nearly five decades' worth of television shows, movies, comic books and novels is up for grabs. There is an amazing amount of potential material available to be mined, should someone go looking for it.


I would argue that this could actually be more of a burden than anything else. Judging by their plan with Into Darkness, it sounds like the new timeline limits them creatively to simply reimagine the stories and characters already portrayed on film and TV. Make a new doomsday machine, a new Locutus of Borg...and nothing truly new or creative.


In my opinion going further into the future and then play with the evolutions of every culture has more potential than simply rehashing old stories.


I would argue that 95% of people who saw Skyfall knew or gave two fucks about the fact that the first Bond was released in 1962, 50 years ago.
But that s just me.


I see it more like the anniversary gave it a big promotional push that then made possible for the movie to break out with the GA.

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When Will 'Star Trek' Get a Cinematic Universe?


I think it's clear that the Star Trek Universe has expanded it's ideas on the small screen that if played accordingly and correctly could capture an even wider audience. 

The various Quadrants of space

Section 31-deep covert ops

Alt Universes-Mirror,Mirror & the current Beta-verse

Various alien races as leads

Space ship based shows, Planet based, Space Station based

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