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The Strain | FX

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Well I liked the first episode.  Part of it was a little slow, but it was understandable to set up some of the story.  Overall, it was a good watch and it made me want to see episode 2 so I think it did its job :)

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I'm actually watching this now 25mn in CDC is in the plane and I'm freaking out like duh even though I'm trying to be brave with pfff please you've watched Fringe you can deal with this, fringe also had episode with creepy creature that kills entire plane lol and turned out to be a genetically enhanced porcupine (lol) By the way thanks for spoiler in first post lol I was all ready to freak out but vampirism virus how mundane !

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Oh shit oh shit oh shit I just saw a hand move ! I'm literally pausing every 30 seconds I'm such a pansy Plus the plane is such a claustrophobic space and they're in hazmat? Suits not easy to manoeuver in now I'm wondering if the cute looking scientist is going to die ? On the other hand tots explain beating heart in pond shop man basementI think I might finished this in the light of the day , suspense isn't my cup of tea not the scary movie kind anyway

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Why is it the woman who is not listening or just scientists regardless of gender who have disregard for security when in the throws of scientific discovery If someone tells me get out of a room you can bet your ass I will and I will say roger that asap 10mn now trying to watch scene where she enters the cockpit I'm hopeless lol def watching this in the morning but I'm curious if she survives the cockpit scene

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Arrrrrghhhhh OmG Omg they aliiiiiive run for your life run!!! My poor heart I just jumped hyperventilating now I told you guys I don't watch shit like this I don't cope well with scary stuffIf I could post a gif right now it would be of sheldon hyperventilating in a brown bag from big bang theory

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Ok so maybe I overreacted a bit but its really scary so when they go back to normal bits I'm all oh ok and then its back to supernatural element just passing through Darn germans and their experiments ...there's that airport guy I feel I've seen him in a die hard film

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Def curious about the strain itself Why am I not surprised this isn't the virus first occurence ? Poor morgue guy wonder if he survives this episode? 9mn to go I'm kinda proud of myself for facing my fear Worse than scientist , the crazy looking person who comes warn them and us audience with cryptic as hEck warnings "so much to tell but can't say anything" writer bs for ya!

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Is this a modern version of dracula? Minus any version that is remotely fairy tale vampire style from twilight to anne rice's lestat and usual myth Funny have same cryptic society in syfy "helix" with people living forever hmmm

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So tonight was interesting between this and extant , def weirded out ! I kinda feel for the CDC guy whatever will he say when these dead people start popping up alive kkkkkkkkk And of course we end it with a cosette lookalike in a les miserables scene !

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