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Monday Numbers (Actuals: Hunger Games-$3.4m, FRZ-$2.4m, Thor2-$0.53m, Homefront-$0.503m)

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My body is tight and a bit sore right now and I am only going to do cardio tomorrow....lol...but thanks for the shout out.  



Are we talking about the same thing? :D


Just making sure.

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Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread with talk of working out, but until I decided to lose weight last year, I could never imagine myself back in the gym.  But then once I decided to go, it got much much easier after about day 4.  And then you kind of crave going.  Here I am 18 months later and I don't need an alarm to wake up anymore.  I wake up between 4-430 every morning.  It's kind of funny.

More power to ya and great job sticking with it.  I took up Weight Watchers for similar reasons the beginning of last year.  Fewer weights involved, but it's nice to feel in control of your own body again.

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There were a lot of people who didn't know who he was here until his coming out party during Avengers OW. He used to mostly stick to the International forum


That's were I used to see him. 

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Now that's just plain misinformation.  I can get the bad predictions but she should at least get her facts right.  She's literally feeding the class wrong information at this point, maybe you should complain to a Dean or something.


I'd be pissed off if I were in that class.

Trust me, I am so pissed off. But the semester ends about a month, so it makes no sense for me to drop it at this point. I am dreading Hobbit predicts next week


Are you in a real class or is it some kind of performance art which no one gets? Your teacher seems to be trolling really hard. Also, LOL on The Dark World overperforming because the total gross expected was 150M. Did you tell your teacher that Thor made 165M so 150M would have been a major disappointment?


The other 3 are just factually wrong.

The only one I corrected him on was Frozen not being a Pixar movie. After that, I was just done with it for the day and barely listened. Although to defend where he messed up on one of them, the website he was using for box office numbers had a typo next to Philomena (or as he pronounced it, "Phil-mania") that listed in 4450 theaters. I figured common sense would make it a typo to him too, but he insisted it just must've been a huge disappointment.


Honestly, these posts are just starting to piss me off... How does that teacher have a fucking job?! :lol:

The hell if I know :lol:

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Am I the only one who didn't know Rth was on BOM? :thinking:

for the forums from at least 2004 maybe earlier, use to help Brandon a lot with the site, in fact Brandon when he was still in Uni and years before BOM started use to ask me questions industry/BO tracking.. I should have had shares in BOM LOL

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Off-topic :P  . Week 3 of "Fact or Fiction" is up and features Empire, ChD and Films. Do give it a read:  http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/13002-box-office-fact-or-fiction-week-3-with-chd-films-and-empire-spider-man-hobbits-khan-and-more/

Dude, seriously you need to invite me on there. I can talk about awful predicts and how Frozen's gonna hit 300M


(or just talk about Walter Mitty's guaranteed hit status :P)

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Yes, it must have been frustrating for you at first RTH, when people were telling you that you knew nothing.   :)



I may have been one of them.



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Edited by Accursed Architect!™
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Oh yea, the box office.


Glad to see Homefront have a decent drop.  It opened so softly but maybe it can find an audience.  Perhaps it will have a small drop this weekend.

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Yes, it must have been frustrating for you at first RTH, when people were telling you that you knew nothing.   :)

LOL yeah few decades in industry and even more involved


I can't wait for the next instalment of the double feature drive in explanation in about 2 months.

Yeah going to turn it on its head you'll need a maths major to follow




My body is tight and a bit sore right now and I am only going to do cardio tomorrow....lol...but thanks for the shout out.  

lifting heavy shit last night and cross training this morning :)

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