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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)


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That ending... talk about pulling the plug. The way the film stops - not ends just stops - right when Smaug is about to attack Laketown I don't think is going to go over well with many people. At first I thought the projector broke down or something, until the credits popped up and at that point you can hear the whole crowd moaning and feeling jibbed. Bad move Jackson, bad move.


Other than that, it's pretty good. Smaug was the highlight.


The twitter feedback I've seen suggests people aren't hating it at all; on the contrary, they're stoked to see what's next.


There are, of course, some who're bothered by it.

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The twitter feedback I've seen suggests people aren't hating it at all; on the contrary, they're stoked to see what's next.


There are, of course, some who're bothered by it.


You remind me of myself back in 2009 when I used to vehemently defend what people said of HBP. I've been there...I know it's hard.

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AUJ excels in characters moments and DOS excels in action, both very emotionally engaging and both could've been 30 minutes shorter. Spider and Barrels sequence were fun and thrilling, Sauron vs Gandalf was beyond epic, Bilbo and Smaug first ecnounter was just perfectly conducted. The action doesn't feel unnecessary here. It's funnier, the new characters were interesting and Cumberbatch's voice work is terrific. Unfortunately, the movie started to drag after the barrel scene, the whole fish city plot could've been easily cut and the final action scene continued for too long. The cliffhanger divided me, one part think it was very well executed, the other part think it was one of the most anticlimactic cliffhanger in recent years.


Note: It's a must see in 3D

Note 2: I don't advise the HFR version.


B (75)

Edited by Goffe Luvs 1D
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Initial thoughts (no spoilers):

There's certainly no denying that Desolation of Smaug is overlong and features a good few unnecessary characters and scenes, but despite these issues it's hard to resist being swept up in the great adventure of it all. Middle Earth is again realised with the high level of creativity and imagination we're used to from Peter Jackson and crew, with each locale bursting with it's own particular brand of beauty. Speaking of those new locales, Desolation benefits a great deal from the fact we're exploring new ground in the series, adding a freshness that many felt was lacking from An Unexpected Journey. Despite a handful of awkward stops in the narrative that primarily serve as set up (Beorn), DOS moves at an exciting pace towards a finale that feels both a treat (Smaug is jaw-dropping!) and a bit of a cheat (you're ending it THERE?!).


Sure DOS isn't airtight but it's very often too exhilarating to notice.

4/5 (B)

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About the ending 


Can someone please tell me what other movie ended DURING its climatic action scene ? Seriously, Smaug attack on Laketown is a part of the same action sequence with the dwarves vs Smaug 


Either don't go there at all or finish off what you started ... its borderline insulitng and dampens the credibility of the entire trilogy 


Did Two Towers end when the orcs breached the first wall of Helms Deep ? 


That's my take on it 


and yeah the ending didn't go to well with my audience too 

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First part of the movie just dragged on forever and the barrel scene was a bit over the top for me.  The elves kicked butt, I thought Tauriel was particularly good (more girl power this year) and Smaug was great.  The dwarves, well they were just there; they remind me a little of the Ewoks in The Return of the Jedi (not a good thing).  The ending was fine with me, I figured it would be a cliffhanger and thought it was a good lead in to the next movie.

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About the same as AUJ. Unfortunately, that also means the movie is overly long for the material. The second half of the movie is very poorly paced and is stretched a like a chewing gum.


I always admired Peter Jackson for his great ability to stage action scenes. But here the video game quality of action scenes continue just as it did in AUJ. The barrel action scenes was amusing but the rest are meh. 


Martin Freeman and Lilly are interesting among the group of seriously dull characters. Thorin is irritating.



Edited by jb007
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