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REGRESSION (Emma Watson, Ethan Hawke) Alejandro Amenabar Directs

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I really don't understand what happened with Emma's career, she always was the most promising actress coming from HP, after the end of the franchise, I thought she would easily explode, I predicted something like JLaw in 2013 for her in 2012, but........ Nothing happened, she made some small movies but didn't get any acclamation from them, and now, she's making these mainstream bombs, I really don't know what expect for her future, it's been 5 years since HP ended, I don't know if she can break out anymore 

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12 hours ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:

I really don't understand what happened with Emma's career, she always was the most promising actress coming from HP, after the end of the franchise, I thought she would easily explode, I predicted something like JLaw in 2013 for her in 2012, but........ Nothing happened, she made some small movies but didn't get any acclamation from them, and now, she's making these mainstream bombs, I really don't know what expect for her future, it's been 5 years since HP ended, I don't know if she can break out anymore 


Compared to? Evanna was a fan who got the role of a lifetime, Bonnie Wright had a facial expression and a half, Katie didn't get a ton of screen time. It's one thing to come off well in movies that don't require much in the way of acting, but another to go up against the world's best and brightest playing grown-up roles. Perhaps Emma would have done better in a world where rom-coms were still a thing; maybe roles like that are more suited to her skill set than gritty indie queen. She has Beauty and the Beast coming up, it will probably be another winning Disney live-action adaptation, if Disney plays their cards right she could get a Golden Globe nod out of it.

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10 hours ago, BoxOfficeChica said:


Compared to? Evanna was a fan who got the role of a lifetime, Bonnie Wright had a facial expression and a half, Katie didn't get a ton of screen time. It's one thing to come off well in movies that don't require much in the way of acting, but another to go up against the world's best and brightest playing grown-up roles. Perhaps Emma would have done better in a world where rom-coms were still a thing; maybe roles like that are more suited to her skill set than gritty indie queen. She has Beauty and the Beast coming up, it will probably be another winning Disney live-action adaptation, if Disney plays their cards right she could get a Golden Globe nod out of it.


My mistake, I'm talking about the trio

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13 hours ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:


My mistake, I'm talking about the trio


IDK, by the end of the HP movies my impression was that DR was the most eager to shed the Potter image and be seen as an AC-TOR, and the most willing to work hard for it. Emma was the most conventionally attractive of the three, but seemed to have other life interests, plus Hollywood never seems to love actresses as much as when they're in their twenties, but her competition maybe spent years in drama school or grew up playing a wide variety or roles or are just more innately talented than her. So, unless she showed some amazing range or brought huge box office to the table, she was never going to be at the top of the list for very long, once the HP novelty wore off. She was attached to another musical before BatB and if she really shines in that, it could give her career a whole new life.


Regression is eventually bound to be one of those movies that "premieres" on a premium cable channel on a Saturday at 1 AM or {gasp} Lifetime, right?

Edited by BoxOfficeChica
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I think she is very pretty but have never thought Emma Watson is that great of an actress. I can't even remember anything she has been in besides this and and The Bling Ring (which was so forgettable the only thing I can remember about it was that she played a popular girl).

Actually I take that back, I liked her a lot in The Perks Of Being A Wallflower but I love that movie. Logan Lerman kind of acted circles around her there though.

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She also had a funny part in This is the end. I always wondered what happened to her in that movie.


Anyways, I saw Regression in Spain months ago and was very disappointed. The actors were good, the problem was with the script and the whole concept of the movie.

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She wanted to focus on her studies for a while then tried to taken more seriously as an actress which has not quite worked, she does not have seemed to receive much ofers for more award calibre films. She could have been Cinderella last year if she had not been waiting for Beauty and the Beast.


 But she is doing just fine, she has projects coming up and has left the Hermione image behind a bit. Not everyone can be a big star, expecially these days where stars are rare. And lets face it, she is not talented enough for JLaw's career and that kind of career is almost impossible for anyone to have anyway.

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