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A Marvel Fanboy

Should Hollywood make a live action EVANGELION movie ?

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An interesting question, likely wasted since about 90% of people on here have no idea what Neon Genesis Evangelion is.


I think it unlikely we'll ever see a Hollywood adaptation of Evangelion, partially because it'll be near impossible to tell the 26 ep series in 1 movie and, considering the dark, psychological issues of its main characters and its occasional mindscrewy nature, it's really not mainstream enough for executives to risk the undoubtedly large budget it'd need. The closest we'll probably get is Pacific Rim.


Would I be interested in seeing one though? Kinda, if only for the huge scale battles and the fact that Asa Butterfield was practically born to play Shinji (and even mentioned he based part of his performance in Enders Game of Evangelion).


As for other series, Death Note would (and has (and likely will do again if Shane Black ever gets his adaptation started)) work very well in a live action movie. I'd also be interested in seeing either a Planetes or Berserk film, maybe done in the style of Gravity or Game of Thrones respectively.

Edited by rukaio101
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An interesting question, likely wasted since about 90% of people on here have no idea what Neon Genesis Evangelion is.


I think it unlikely we'll ever see a Hollywood adaptation of Evangelion, partially because it'll be near impossible to tell the 26 ep series in 1 movie and, considering the dark, psychological issues of its main characters and its occasional mindscrewy nature, it's really not mainstream enough for executives to risk the undoubtedly large budget it'd need. The closest we'll probably get is Pacific Rim.


Would I be interested in seeing one though? Kinda, if only for the huge scale battles and the fact that Asa Butterfield was practically born to play Shinji (and even mentioned he based part of his performance in Enders Game of Evangelion).


As for other series, Death Note would (and has (and likely will do again if Shane Black ever gets his adaptation started)) work very well in a live action movie. I'd also be interested in seeing either a Planetes or Berserk film, maybe done in the style of Gravity or Game of Thrones respectively.

I mean they could make it a triligoy in live action, with story telling in a way like the Rebuild of Evangelion movie series 1.0, 2.0, 3.0.


The actions/battles would be so awesome. (Battles in Pacific Rim would not even compare).


It would be great if oneday Hollywood are brave enough to make some serious big budget sci-fi movies.

Edited by firedeep
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I mean they could make it a triligoy in live action, with story telling in a way like the Rebuild of Evangelion movie series 1.0, 2.0, 3.0.

I considered that, but they'd probably find it too risky to make even one, let alone 3. 


The actions/battles would be so awesome. (Battles in Pacific Rim would not even compare).

Can you imagine Unit-01 ripping apart Zeruel on the big screen? I'm getting chills just thinking about it.

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I'm familiar with Evangelion, but Hollywood shouldn't make a live action adaption of anything "animated" or "anime" period.

Why not? There are plenty of animated properties that could fit well in a live action Hollywood adaptation.

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Why not? There are plenty of animated properties that could fit well in a live action Hollywood adaptation.


Because its Hollywood. The producers would try to change it too much from the original source material. It would be crap.


I don't want it to make into a live action movie, unless they get a great director, but I doubt they will.

Edited by Fancyarcher
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Why not? There are plenty of animated properties that could fit well in a live action Hollywood adaptation.


I'd rather see Japanese directors do a live action Anime like Evangelion. They're more than able to get their own property right than selling it out to an american studio that will try to "americanize" and muddle the original property to suit western audience sensibility.


See what they're trying to do with Akira live action movie. It's awful. Neo Manhattan, Tetsuo is Travis, Kaneda is Chris (Evans döppelganger), Sean Paul lookalike as a gang leader and so on...An Akira movie based in USA featuring american characters, talk about missing the fucking point of the manga.


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That's why I don't want James Cameron doing a Gunnm movie like fanboys have been whining for years because if he did and the movie made 1 billion at BO, they wouldn't stop bitching how he ruined their childhood and the original material to catter to a larger audience like Avatar (which would have been a fanboy cult hit if it had flopped hard), Blah"I feel no more special above the idiotic mass anymore"Blah obnoxious fanboy rant.


I'd rather see Cameron selling Gunnm's cinematic rights to a japanese studio that will make a copy/paste anime like Final Fantasy Advent Children then call it a day.

Edited by dashrendar44
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I support Hollywood making these adaptations because a.) Hollywood has the money to do these projects justice and b.) the market range to make it financially viable.


Because you really think


a- Hollywood would keep the original property's plot intact and can perfectly adapt Evangelion's material doing the tone, settings and spirit justice, paying the genuine respect it deserved?


b- That the global market is really interested in Evangelion as it is and that Hollywood studios won't interfere to muddle and erase certain aspects (what makes it special in the first place) to make it more viable and universal to the mass to earn back their huge investments.(Fanboys would say "dumb it down to Transformers 2 level")?


You don't think japanese studios could handle your wet dream all by themselves (even in a co-production with american producers)? Do you really want (and need) Evangelion to be some big american summer blockbuster?

Edited by dashrendar44
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I am not an anime fan. I am talking about movies and why it makes more sense for Hollywood to adapt these properties. The truth is that Hollywood movies are more accessible to a wide audience than Japanese movies and Hollywood has resources that Japanese studios don't.

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I am not an anime fan. I am talking about movies and why it makes more sense for Hollywood to adapt these properties. The truth is that Hollywood movies are more accessible to a wide audience than Japanese movies and Hollywood has resources that Japanese studios don't.


It makes no sense for Hollywood to make an Evangelion movie if they want it to be profitable worldwide, imo. Too much risks of diluting or totally erasing the material's specifics to catter to the lowest denominator directed by some yes men that will claim "I'm an absolute fan of the material" even if that's total PR bullshit to please fans. You can add Macross, Appleseed, Ghost In The Shell and Gantz to the list as well. (Cowboy Bebop should not be made as an american blockbuster too).

Edited by dashrendar44
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An Evangelion live action would probably be expensive and I don't think it would appeal to many americans.

Pacific Rim was basically Evangelion lite and it didn't connect that well with the American audience.

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Pacific Rim was nothing like Evangelion, not even in concept.


It makes no sense for Hollywood to make an Evangelion movie if they want it to be profitable worldwide, imo. Too much risks of diluting or totally erasing the material's specifics to catter to the lowest denominator directed by some yes men that will claim "I'm an absolute fan of the material" even if that's total PR bullshit to please fans. You can add Macross, Appleseed, Ghost In The Shell and Gantz to the list as well. (Cowboy Bebop should not be made as an american blockbuster too).

Ghost In The Shell (Hollywood) movie is in works.

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I dont agree with these "Hollywood will ruin the source material" nonsense. I mean, its Hollywood, they can adapat everything well, if they want.


There must be a way in which a large audience can be reached while the truth about the property can be kept, with top notch Hollywood budgets and effects.

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