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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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No, geeks hate Avatar. ;)  You're not a trVe geek if you do.


Time span between Terminator (1984) and Terminator 2 (1991) = 7 years


Time span between Avatar (2009) and Avatar 2 (2016-2017) ~7 years


So relax. And get ready when first footage and teaser roll out then we can talk about the inexistent interest or not.

Edited by dashrendar44
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LOL ... how laughable ...This is universally beloved crowed/family pleasure. This is not a geek flick. How much buzz you are expecting on the internet a few years ahead before even release date announced ?Wait till the week when it actually opens and then tell your theory of " little interest".

We will see buddy, Avatar had a perfect storm of factors to get where it ended up. The sequel will NOT be even close to as lucky. Edited by GiantCALBears
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  • Founder / Operator

We will see buddy, Avatar had a perfect storm of factors to get where it ended up. The sequel will NOT be even close to as lucky.

 I think most will agree that Avatar 2 should open big (still sticking to Jurassic Park/Lost World comparison), but everything after that opening weekend depends on the movie itself. Granted, Cameron has an incredible streak when it comes to crowd-pleasing movies... but one never really knows. I don't usually like throwing around numbers so far out, but, my way-too-early-to-even-guess numbers would be 200-225/500-550.

Edited by ShawnMR
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Anyone shocked about how little interest there appears to be in this? I see this taking a huge step back domestically and OS will be lucky to clear $1b, not joking


There's little interest because there's been little real news about it. Everything we've heard for the last three years has just been a lot of "maybes".


I remember Cameron saying after Avatar came out that he didn't expect the sequel to ride on the hype of the first one. I think after putting out the highest grossing film ever twice it's foolish to doubt his plans, even if he takes a bit longer executing them than we were hoping.

Edited by tribefan695
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I think most will agree that Avatar 2 should open big (still sticking to Jurassic Park/Lost World comparison), but everything after that opening weekend depends on the movie itself. Granted, Cameron has an incredible streak when it comes to crowd-pleasing movies... but one never really knows. My way-too-early-to-even-guess numbers would be 200-225/500-550.

I trust Cameron, I don't trust how over saturated the 3D market has gotten nor do I trust fanboys who claim how beloved it is and how well it's held up. We'll see, it's always difficult to replicate a massive game changer. Cameron is the king of the world because of how lucky with timing he has been IMO
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Anyone shocked about how little interest there appears to be in this?


Probably because it's not actually going to happen for at least a few more years now

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I trust Cameron, I don't trust how over saturated the 3D market has gotten nor do I trust fanboys who claim how beloved it is and how well it's held up. We'll see, it's always difficult to replicate a massive game changer. Cameron is the king of the world because of how lucky with timing he has been IMO


Cameron knows better than anyone how much the 3D bubble has burst. I'm sure he's got something else up his sleeve to make the sequel the kind of event the first one was.

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Cameron knows better than anyone how much the 3D bubble has burst. I'm sure he's got something else up his sleeve to make the sequel the kind of event the first one was.


The part that worries me is he was banking on 60fps HFR being that trick up his sleeve. Not happening.


Either way, this time around Avatar 2 needs more than just visual flare. The story and characters will be even more important. I think he knows that, which is why I wouldn't be surprised if the doesn't try to top the 3D buzz this time.

Edited by ShawnMR
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I trust Cameron, I don't trust how over saturated the 3D market has gotten nor do I trust fanboys who claim how beloved it is and how well it's held up. We'll see, it's always difficult to replicate a massive game changer. Cameron is the king of the world because of how lucky with timing he has been IMO


You are right. Neither Titanic nor Avatar were crowdpleasing, all-demos-busting, word-of-mouth-powered favorites. They were just well-timed. ;)

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  • Founder / Operator

You are right. Neither Titanic nor Avatar were crowdpleasing, all-demos-busting, word-of-mouth-powered favorites. They were just well-timed. ;)


They were all of the above. Avatar, especially, hit at the right time. Titanic, IMO, is more timeless.

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The part that worries me is he was banking on 60fps HFR being that trick up his sleeve. Not happening.


Either way, this time around Avatar 2 needs more than just visual flare. The story and characters will be even more important. I think he knows that, which is why I wouldn't be surprised if the doesn't try to top the 3D buzz this time.


I agree with that and one thing I'm hoping for is that the sequels end up retroactively making the first film remembered as a first part of a greater saga as opposed to just "Dances with Smurfs", kind of like how A Fistful of Dollars is remembered now as opposed to just being a Yojimbo knockoff. 

Edited by tribefan695
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The part that worries me is he was banking on 60fps HFR being that trick up his sleeve. Not happening.


Either way, this time around Avatar 2 needs more than just visual flare. The story and characters will be even more important. I think he knows that, which is why I wouldn't be surprised if the doesn't try to top the 3D buzz this time.


Come on, lots of hugely successful films rely on visual flare, but at the end of the day, people have to be invested in what the characters go through. No matter how "crappy"  or "unoriginal" a writer is, if he tells a story well, and if he sells his characters, people will care about them. I know that "Avatar characters were cardboard, it was all about the visuals" is an online mantra, but I don't believe for a second that a movie makes the money that Avatar, Titanic, and even The Avengers make, without general audiences ----who don't care about character nuance or so-called originality---being emotionally invested in what happens to the characters.

Edited by cochofles
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