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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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I don't know about Avatar versus A2. Clearly, A1 is a beloved film, and its sequel will open beyond our wildest expectations. Clearly Avatar is a beloved film and its sequel will open beyond our wildest expectations. As to who'll win at the box office eventually? I have no clue. All I know is that for me, the Avatar brand will always be the winner, in my heart and my mind.

Only movie I watched in 3D.  Can't wait to see what A2 has to offer.  Perhaps 4D!!!

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And... But saying that AOU will drop DOM and make 850M OS just to prove that Avatar 2 is bigger is just not using common sense. Its obvious Avatar 2 will win, but his way of thinking is way of base. BTW don't remember Kal's predict, but there was a predict around 750M.

Neo Neo, Im noot the only one that thinks Avengers 2 will drop and actually my prediction is 590M-610M domestic

for avengers 2, thats hardly a big dropa and 950M OS. 1.45B.. A


Also your 1.8B predict is extremely over the top , since no comic book movie has increased like that OS. And Avengers has neither

the DVD sales or the fanbase to easily pull of 1.8B.. So Im using logic here, not just my love for Avatar.


 Now Avatar 1 is the most anticipated sequel, it will have people seeing the film 3-20+ times , it has sold 40+M units and made

billions in merchandising. If you truly think the gap over Avengers 2 wont be epic, you havent learned anything on the support James Cameron gets over a comic film.


 Avengers is going to lose and lose bigtime!.  Still 1.45-1.6B is hardly  a dissappointment.

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Only movie I watched in 3D.  Can't wait to see what A2 has to offer.  Perhaps 4D!!!

Of course Juggernaut 2016 will win and destroy A2, the only question is will the gap be  over 1B or over 2B. :)



Indeed Klingo James cameron is going to give us a brand new bag  yet again.. The Domestic battle between Avengers 2 and the

Almight Avatar 2 should be pretty cool though.. OS is where a nuke is going to go off and seperate them by a mile.

 Most expect Avatar 2 this time to hit 2.5-3B OS alone... Holy Moly!!

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Er no he wasnt. I was around then and I was in a club on BOM and WOKJ which predicted Avatar to surpass Titanic. Kal was the most irritating member of that club but he was not alone.

Actually there was no one that had it at a max of 2.8 B.. Sor your lying.


There was a guy on me and Neos side that predicted 750M domestic though.. :)

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  Introducing--The Avatar II  vs  the Risers in the Box office Game..(MOS2, AVengers II, SW VII, Transformers IV)   Game ends 3mths before the first of the Top3 Contenders Debuts(AKA Avengers II). So get your entries in and adjust  them accordingly .We are rocking!!   Grandprize winner  who predicts Avatar and Avengers 2 the most accurately gets a Sony PSP Vista or Cash eqivalent where available.   Top 5 get $20 Paypal and Bragging Rights  and   can lord it over the pretenders- I will also try to include Avatar 2 items for winners.   Grandprize winner gets a Sony PSP or Cash eqivalent where available.   You must come very close to Avatar 2's domestic and  WW gross for the big prizes. You can earn extra prizes/cash for predicting bonus points for  Avengers 2, SW7, MOS 2,final tally.. Enjoy the Game!!   500 pts.for every close prediction with non Avatar movies (ie. Predicting their OW, Domestic, OS etc)   I will use the points to see who gets bonus prizes. Kal---840 Mil (Cameron aim to give us more tho lol)  155M OW,   OS an astounding 2.8B, 3.6B WW   Avengers 2 for oblivion level loss to Avatar 2 predict   -$230M OW, 590M Domestic, 960M OS-1.55B WW   SW7 --580M, 1.1B OS(1.6 ,  MOS II 650M Domestic, 1.1( 1.8B  WW)   Transformers IV  340M, 1.B OS, 1.3B WW   .   Neo: Avatar 2:  OW 133M  790M/3.29B WW SW VII   35/86/52/37/175/18/17/18/11/22/27/22/71/17/16/16/14/ 26/25/15/66/645/1B/1.645B   OW: 175M 4-day: 193M (-51.5%)  5-day: 210M 6-day: 228M 7-day: 239M  2nd wknd: 71M (-59.5%) 10-day: 310M  3rd wknd: 66M (-7%) 17-day: 376M      BvS   38/96/64/52/212/569/895/1.464B   AOU   34/106/82/67/255/706/1.25B/1.956   TF: AOE   10/55/48/39/142/370/1.01B/1.38B   Bballman 2.7B WW   Tarzan 800M domestic, OW 150M,  2.7B OS--3.5B WW       Dash R (Need your predict)       Walt Disney, on 18 Jan 2014Avatar 2: OW 145M , Dom 495M, WW 2.8B   Avengers 2: OW 215M, Dom 530M, WW 2.2B   Shaldun:   Avengers 2 : OW 215M - DOM 540M - WW 1.8B$   Star Wars Episode VII : OW 160M - DOM 570M- WW 1.65B$   Batman/Superman : OW 205M - DOM 540M - WW 1.45B$   Avatar 2 : OW 130M - DOM 560M - WW 3B$   Kayom ...   0575 M - 0675 M domestic   2000 M - 2500 M overseas   2575 M - 3175 M worldwide   AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON   0550 M - 0625 M domestic   1000 M - 1350 M overseas   1550 M - 1975 M worldwide   SW Vll   0550 M - 0650 M domestic   0900 M - 1000 M overseas   1450 M - 1650 M worldwide   ***   MOS ll   0450 M - 0550 M domestic   0650 M - 0800 M overseas   1100 M - 1350 M worldwide*   TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION   0300 M - 0400 M domestic,0800 M - 0950 M overseas   1100 M - 1350 M worldwide   The Stingray,   FINAL PREDICTIONS   TF4   Domestic: 335-360m   Worldwide: 1.25b   TA2   Domestic: 535-560m   Worldwide: 1.5b   SW7   Domestic: 475-500m   Worldwide: 0.9-1.2b   BvS   Domestic: 385-410m   Worldwide: 1.2b   A2   Domestic: 550-575m   Worldwide: 1.8-2.1b   junkshop38   TF4:   DOM - 300-350m   WW - 1-1.3b   TA2:   DOM - 550-600m   WW - 1.5-1.7b   SW7:   DOM - 500-600m   WW - 1.2-1.5b   Avatar2:   DOM - 600-700m   ;WW - 2.8-3b   BvS:   DOM - 300-400m   WW - 900-1.1b   Tarzan the man enters the Avatar vs the world Prize Game..Woohoo   Welcome home Tarzan   OW Predicts:   TF4 160 mil OW   TA2 240 mil   Star Wars 140 mil   BVS 180 mil   (Tarzan) Spongebob Squarepants, on 23 Feb 2014 - 3:30 PM, said:   For kal's game:(Domestic)   TF4 405 mil   TA2 670 mil   Star Wars 460 mil   BVS 450 mil.   (WW #s)   TF4 1.5 billion   TA2 2.0 billion   Star Wars 1.3 billion   BVS 1 billion   Avatar 2 vs the world Prize Game Bump.. Predict and win the prizes!   Prize Game Update 08/12/2014...The Worlds Biggest Sequel is almost upon usBe sure to PM me your updates  gang or post in the Avatar thread. Remind me if you dont see your updates in the game.Loving it.

Edited by Superman001
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Is this really happening for December 2016? The STAR WARS spin off is for December 2016 too, right? Disney must have known that this isn't going to be ready for 2016.

Disney will move the SWS spin off or hope that Avatar madness will help propel the spinoff. Its a dangerous game for any

film to run for Avatar.. Avatar fans will boycott the movie purposely to support James Cameron's masterpiece(Well as long as he doesnt drop the ball) I remember hearing folks saying Avatar is so good Im going to watch it 7 times to help it beat Titantic.


 That is crazy fan support Kayom...


We will send these Nolanites and Avengers normals the message.. The Avatar 2, The Might ,, The madness go beyonds

a BO behemoth... Its something else entirely..


Can you guys imagine if Avatar 2 manages to beat Avatar 1 by a billion.. This place will go bat shit crazy!

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I don't think the worldwide Box Office is ready for "Avatar 2", especially in China.  You guys thought TF4 was huge in China, I don't think we've seen anything yet.  This was just he beginning of China's takeover. 

Man I truly think like you man that the fucking China BO (especially since James does the biggest deals with them and they love him) could compete with the domestic... I think 650-700M in china alone is going to happen... Film

 What do you think.. I feel it that 2.8-3.01B OS alone is fucking possible.

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The Star Wars Spin Off is not a threat to Avatar 2. 

I think SW7 will beat Avengers because of the Original cast and if its handled nicely : ).


 Lol Film, after the HV BO and seeing news of people committing suciide around the world , because they took the Pandra world a bit

too seriously.. Im not sure any film is threat. I would love to see anyone put their behemoth against it though.


I would personal help in the destruction by buying 100-200.00 worth of tickets for the Juggernaut just to put in my 2cent worth

to widen the gap.

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I think SW7 will beat Avengers because of the Original cast and if its handled nicely : ). Lol Film, after the HV BO and seeing news of people committing suciide around the world , because they took the Pandra world a bittoo seriously.. Im not sure any film is threat. I would love to see anyone put their behemoth against it though. I would personal help in the destruction by buying 100-200.00 worth of tickets for the Juggernaut just to put in my 2cent worthto widen the gap.

I don't know, the footage description of TA2 sounds really good. And I think people are overestimating SW7
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I don't know, the footage description of TA2 sounds really good. And I think people are overestimating SW7

Its got that potential thanks to the original cast(Especially with Harrison Ford playing Han Solo) to take SWS to some incredible

levels, so dont count it out yet.. Still Avengers 2 does have the edge, but you know with the original cast, I gotta root for SW7 over

Avengers 2. (LOL whoever wins the war, Disney is the true winner lol. They own them all lol)

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