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Kill Five Franchises

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As lovers of cinema, we can all see that Hollywood has become increasingly reliant on franchises. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing varies from person to person, but given the staggering number of franchises, I think we can each name a few that we feel have worn out their welcome.


Let's say that you wake up tomorrow morning and have the ability to end five franchises in their tracks. Any movies planned for that franchise are immediately canceled and a new movie in that franchise cannot be made until you want them to make one (it could be ten years, or it could be never).


Or if you really wanted to be a smartass, you could make a film so bad that it'll kill the franchise for years to come, taking the original's reputation down with it. Think about the influence you could wield over certain movie studios.


Here are my picks:


1) X-Men: None of the films have been good enough to warrant a nine+ film franchise. I'd end it right now and then revive it in a decade or so.


2) Indiana Jones: Not because I don't like it, but because I'd want to protect the series from future remakes. I doubt there will be another one with Ford, and the series should start and end with him. It's not Bond.


3) Pirates of the Caribbean: So that Johnny Depp can go back to being a real actor.


4) Happy Madison: I'm kind of cheating with this one, but I tire of Adam Sandler's "comedies." Off with it's head!


5) Planes: This is one where I would make a movie so bad that it would ensure another one was never made. I'd make it really violent and adult-oriented. I would drink the tears of children whose precious Planes franchise was forever ruined.


I'm eager to hear your opinions! Chime in!



Also, I've been on this forum since 2011 and this is the first thread I've made. Yay!

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Three for now. Sorry if like these franchises. 

1. Transformers. These honestly just crap. I can't even see appeal to these movies. Other franchise I can see why someone someone would like it. But not this one.


2. Pirates of the Caribbean they encourage Johnny Depp to be a bad actor.


3, The Hobbit because they suck. 

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1. Paranormal Activities - Marked Ones.  Enough said.


2. Shrek - They ran out of material after the 2nd one.


3. Madea/Tyler Perry - Straight to DVD crap 


4. Resident Evil - as much as I like the series, after 7 movies, it's still going nowhere.  


5. (tie) Smurfs and Chipmunks  - if my kids asks to see another one of these again, I'll disown them.


Honorable mention:  Underworld

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It's not going to be five so...









Twilight         (just in case)


Fantastic Four   (before it starts again)


This crappy Spider-Man reboot quadrilogy





All animated movie franchises... period. Couldn't give a shit about any of them.


All the lame "horror" franchises that go on forever. They can go too.

Edited by Magic
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Fantastic Four - So Marvel will regain the rights. Dr. Doom, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Skrulls, The Thing, etc all belong in MCU.Indiana Jones - An Indy movie without Harrison Ford is like lemonade without lemons. No thank you.There are franchises I dislike that I could list but they still deserve to exist if there's a huge fanbase that loves them (Bayformers, POTC, Harry Potter, Twilight).

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Paranormal activity

Tyler Perry Films

Pirates of the Caribbean 

Fantastic Four (so it can go back marvel and we don't have to worry about 5+ SH films a year)

any other horror franchise.


was gonna say transformers.. and I hope it does soon.. but I am just a little kind of diggin the look of the new one.

Edited by The Winter Soldier
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The only "franchise" I would kill is the upcoming Superman wannabe franchise. I wouldn't even kill it, I just think that WB is doing it all wrong and fucking it up. "Man of Steel" was ehh to me. I wouldn't want to kill it, but if I was the head at the WB I would certainly alter and change future DC/comic book film plans for the future.

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Transformers - At least the Bay incarnation of it. Die you sack of shit, die!


Paranormal Activity - Look that up in the dictionary and you see it ask you to refer to 'beating a dead horse'


Twilight - Just in case Stephanie Myers decides to extend the series. No. For the love that is all that is good and that is holy NO.


Bourne - If the Bourne Legacy was anything to go by, please don't dilute this great action trilogy any further please. kthxbye


Wolverine - Two stand alone flicks is enough. I hope.

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1. Spider-Man: I want the second to underperform just so that Marvel Studios can include him in Avengers 3 & 4 (two part Civil War arc)2. Fantastic Four: same3. X-Men: same4. Cars/Planes: just a tired uninspired franchise5. Ice Age: this doesn't deserve 5 films..

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The Amazing Spiderflop - Remaking the original film after only 10 years is not only stupid, it's downright offensive.

Hobbit - Three films for that 50 page children's book, it's simply unfuckingreal.

Bourne - Agree with Phil, Bourne Legacy was a shitstain on the actual legacy of the trilogy. Renner must be stopped.

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POTC (boring as shit after the first one)

The Hobbit (i can't stand any of that horseshit, LOTR included)

Shrek (horrible from the beginning)

Paranormal Activity (nuff said)

Madea (as Jim Shorts wrote before me: straight to dvd crap at best )

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