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Some men just want to watch.... TDKR (The Amazing Baumer Transformation Thread)

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You haven't been paying very much attention around here the last couple years I guess.


Marvel is praised for faithfulness to the comics. Rightfully so. They deserve to be praised for that. Baumer was talking about the Bat symbol fire on the side of the building in TDKR. That kind of stuff is straight out of the comics, yet it's the kind of thing Nolan was nitpicked to death for allegedly jumping the shark.


TDKR has plenty of flaws, but the nitpicking went pretty over the top. I just wish people would be consistent. One second they're bashing Nolan for not following the comics. The next minute they're bashing him for using stuff that comes straight from the comics because it's "not plausible." Is it a comic book movie or what? Why does TDK get a free pass on similar things?


No sorry but I call bullshit on that too. TDKR is the only film of Nolan's that's received some hate on this site and even then, its had better reviews than most of not all of the marvel films in the 'review that film' thread so im not going to believe that the majority of people on this site praise Marvel and hate on Nolan because its simply not the case.


BTW TDKR got some criticism simply because it was coming off what's know to be the greatest CBM of all time. You here a few posters bash Nolan and you 'jump the shark' by assuming most of the thread feels the same way when its clearly not the case, just look at TDKR on the review thread, its very highly rated on this site and there's no denying it.


As a whole, this site loves Nolan.

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The review thread couldn't have hit 100+ pages without some people loving Nolan, and that movie pissing off a lot of people.


Almost 100 people gave it an A rating. 43 gave it a B, 16 gave it a C, 7 gave it a D and only 4 gave it an F. The haters are clearly a minority.

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Almost 100 people gave it an A rating. 43 gave it a B, 16 gave it a C, 7 gave it a D and only 4 gave it an F. The haters are clearly a minority.


It's like the internet. Haters are always a minority. They are just the loudest.

Edited by vc2002
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Keep in mind, the stuff that happens in the film is still really silly.  I still groaned when Bruce found Selina on a random deserted street in the middle of a city but then he has to ask her for help to find Lucius.  

Edited by baumer
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Good weed will make any movie that sucks much better than it really is...


Kinda like good old jealousy will make someone go from giving a film 9.5/10 to hating it to death. Yeah, that's right. I saw your original review of Batman Begins. The subsequent flip-flop makes Baumer's on TDKR look like Child's Play.

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The scene with the football stadium collapsing (Which I actually had reservations on from seeing the trailer edit) was one of the most perfectly executed scenes in the history of cinema.


Everything from the score to the editing to the audience reaction... just perfect.


Scenes like this make the pioneers efforts:




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The scene with the football stadium collapsing (Which I actually had reservations on from seeing the trailer edit) was one of the most perfectly executed scenes in the history of cinema.


Everything from the score to the editing to the audience reaction... just perfect.


Scenes like this make the pioneers efforts:





Again, its a great scene but its not one of the greatest in history Squaremaster.

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TDKR is like how Ferris Bueller says licking his palms are so that his parents think he's sick.  "It's a little bit childish and stupid, but then again, so are a lot of comic book films."  Or something like that.


For some reason this time, all the stupidity and plot holes don't bother me as much.  I'm enjoying it much more than I thought I could.  The fire Bat symbol on the building is still incredibly dumb but dammit it's kind of cool.  


Oh GOD!  what's wrong with me?


Can't believe this wasn't presented yet:


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To be honest I've had the opposite reaction to TDKR. I really liked it after first seeing it, but upon further viewings my opinion has changed. Now I can't stand to watch it any more even though it is on frequently on the movie channels (HBO..ect).

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Empire's 301 films list:


3. The Dark Knight16. Avengers59. Oldboy72. Dark Knight Rises121. Superman138. Batman Begins153. Watchmen182. Sin City183. The Winter Soldier190. Kick-Ass239. Iron Man241. The Crow242. Iron Man 3274. Scott Pilgrim286. Man of Steel288. Batman 89

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Empire's 301 films list:


3. The Dark Knight16. Avengers59. Oldboy72. Dark Knight Rises121. Superman138. Batman Begins153. Watchmen182. Sin City183. The Winter Soldier190. Kick-Ass239. Iron Man241. The Crow242. Iron Man 3274. Scott Pilgrim286. Man of Steel288. Batman 89


That certainly looks like a list from Empire.

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