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Some men just want to watch.... TDKR (The Amazing Baumer Transformation Thread)

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In seriousness though, I understand why Nolan wanted to tie things back in with Batman Begins, but the story he used for it just wasn't up to snuff and he kinda butchered Talia and Bane in the process.


Of course his choices for the final act of TDK coupled with his time-skip idea are the root of much of the film's evil pockets.

Edited by Numbers of House Stark
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Yes, but that's on Nolan too, since it's an artificial limit imposed by that specific format.


Yeah. He knew all along he was going to film a bunch of it in IMAX and wanted to present it in 15/70 IMAX film, so he had to be aware of the time limit from the very beginning. Then when he and his brother wrote the script, it comes out to 4 hours. At that point they probably should have split it into two movies.

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All of Nolan's faults (which show up in all his movies) are more prevalent in TDKR (which also suffers from trying to tell too much story in too little time), but for all that, it's still very entertaining.


He tried it before on TDK and it turned out well, so I dont think that's necessarily the problem.


I still think the biggest issue on TDKR is what all the 3rd installment in a trilogy have to face. They have to be the climax. The story have to be the biggest showdown in the trilogy. In BB & TDK Gotham and Batman were facing troubles but they didn't break down, so the climax in TDKR just had to be Bruce and the city breaking down completely, and of cause you had to somehow bring them back from hell for a victory because you need a happy ending.


With all these pre-set restrictions, even a brilliant film-maker like Nolan showed his in-abilities. I guess that really speaks for how difficult it is to end the trilogy well.


But still, I will take TDKR over a lot of SH movies (including TA :stirthepot: ), even tho I feel there are a lot of dumb stuff in it.

Edited by vc2002
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Isn't it closer to 2:45? They either needed to lengthen it by 20 minutes or go really crazy and turn it into two movies at 2 hours each. Supposedly the script was 4 hours long at one point.


Without credits it's closer to about 2:35 - 2:37

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The Dark Knight Rises Volume One: Age of the Fallen Bane


The Dark Knight Rises Volume Two: Gotham's Exodus Into Extinction


The Dark Knight Rises: An Unexpected Journey


The Dark Knight Rises: The Desolation of Bruce Wayne


The Dark Knight Rises: There and Back Again


Make it 3 parts, 2 hrs and 40 minutes each.

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Credits count though. They pushed it to the absolute limit for IMAX film stock, which is right around 2:45.


Fair enough. The showing I was at had to shorten the IMAX intro it was that close.

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Without credits it's closer to about 2:35 - 2:37



Credits count though. They pushed it to the absolute limit for IMAX film stock, which is right around 2:45.


It's exactly 2:35 without credits.  I watched it last night.  

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While TDKR might exaggerate some of Nolan's weaknesses, I've always loved his films despite his weaknesses. The issue with TDKR is that it's lazier than any Nolan film I've ever seen. Every director takes shortcuts, but some things in TDKR are just really stupid shortcuts:-Bane's ending

-John Blake knows who Batman is (seriously, if he can figure this out at 7 through some facial reading, how the hell can nobody else realize this?)-Talia's death scene (not a shortcut, but awful acting)

And so forth.With that being said, I remember enjoying it (admittedly though, I have bias and wasn't being objective). 

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I originally gave TDKR a 6.  All of the poorly written plot pieces bugged the hell out of me.  Well none of those plot pieces have changed, they are still really dumb, but as many of said about the film before, you can overlook them when the film has a grip on you.  I had no intention of ever watching this film again.  But then my brother in law (who I guess is just a friend now) gave me a copy of it along with about another 100 films.  He does this for me every 3 months.  That's about how little we get to see each other now.  I digress.  So I've watched all kinds of films in the last two weeks, mostly straight to DVD films like The Paperboy, The Factory, For a Good Time Call and so on.  And then last night, there was a lot of commotion in the house, so instead of watching a new film, I decided to watch TDKR again.  


When I saw it in 2012, even the beginning bothered me.  The tone was set right away and it never recovered.  I picked apart the movie from minute one.  Then I saw it again two days later, and still didn't like it.


Apparently time can heal all wounds because seeing it last night, the tone of the film really felt different this time.  The music felt like it made the film a dark and almost ominous experience.  I liked the theme of the rich paying a price for all of their greed and opulence.  I liked Catwoman SOOOO much better this time.  Her motives, her look and her speech.  The Stock Exchange robbery and the Bruce Wayne lost fortune was still really dumb and there were still a lot of dumb things in the movie.  But they didn't bother me.  The film just resonated with me this time.  And dammit I even got a little choked up when he told Catwoman that he hadn't given the people everything, not yet.  


This is still not as good as TDK, which in my eyes is a masterpiece and the true best picture of 2008 but I'll definitely bump it from a 6 to an 8.5.  I'm glad I saw it again.


As for Citizen Kane, that opinion will never change as I've already seen it 4 times.  


ASM won't change either because it's just a rip off of the series that came out 5 years previous.


Thanks for making a separate thread for this, it's kind of funny.  



Haha good to hear this Baumer. I've noticed your opinions change sometimes when you watch things again. Which is great to see because you always admit your change of heart. Happens with me alot too. 


p.s i agree about citizens kane. Overrated bore

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