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Monday Numbers

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Guys the 2 new movies that are out right now suck. Point blank. To me, New Year's Eve looked like some pointless movie where they threw random stars together and labelled it "new year's eve" in hope to cash in for the holidays. I just don't even see what the story is, the whole movie trailer looks like they are just showing us star after star for no reason. They failed big time as the public isn't stupid. As for The Sitter, it looks dumb and rude.

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That's not true. Around Thanksgiving people have a few days off (i assume, i don't live in the USA), that's why numbers are inflated, and as previously said in the last third of December, leading up to Christmas and New Year. Otherwise box office behaves ordinary.As far as Holiday Season goes, i meant the time when people actually don't have to work or go to school.

ok Edited by ECSTASY
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Guys the 2 new movies that are out right now suck. Point blank. To me, New Year's Eve looked like some pointless movie where they threw random stars together and labelled it "new year's eve" in hope to cash in for the holidays. I just don't even see what the story is, the whole movie trailer looks like they are just showing us star after star for no reason. They failed big time as the public isn't stupid. As for The Sitter, it looks dumb and rude.

Right. You get no argument from me. Somebody has a post on Speakeasy addressing this very issue. Edited by ECSTASY
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Exactly, that's the main reason why numbers aren't hot right now. Had they released the same movies last year they wouldn't have fared any better.

Most likely, but I bet if they were released in 2002, they'd be selling twice as many tickets as they are.
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Yeah but twice the amount of tickets is crazy talk, maybe 20-30%. I disagree, this weekend says more about the movies.2002 (year) 1,575.7 (tickets sold) 478 (number of movies)2010 (year) 1,339.1 (tickets sold) 534 (number of movies)

Edited by Elessar
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This weekend says more about the climate than the movies themselves.

It's both. The box office is fluctuating more as of late, but people are growing sicker of seeing the same old garbage. New Year's Eve opening to a measly 13 million is the biggest slap in the face I can think of to the Hollywood machine.
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But then the question is, why aren't people seeing the holdovers? Apparently Arthur Christmas, The Muppets and Hugo are all brilliant. People should be flocking to them in droves.

Because they don't have much mainstream appeal.
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Good. DH1 had to face a $63m 5-day opener five days into its release. BD1 had such lofty competition it's actually shocking.Plus, this makes me more impressed with DH2's domestic performance. It managed to get a 2.24 multiplier after having an OW that was 20% higher than DH1 in admissions. Plus, it received STIFF competition.DH2 would have passed $400m in its sleep had it had the minimal competition BD1 has had so far.

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Not only that, but if you take the midnights out of the equation, both DH1 and DH2 had the exact same multiplier, 2.69, which is phenomenal because even then DH2 is $25 million ahead

Edited by spizzer
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