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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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Surprised no one has commented on my name, guess im not popular enough. Anyway, remember, its pronounced "ayyy laugh my ass off", not "ayyy lamayo."No "Jandrew" either. Please dont call me that retched name. Many negative things associated with it.

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Surprised no one has commented on my name, guess im not popular enough. Anyway, remember, its pronounced "ayyy laugh my ass off", not "ayyy lamayo."No "Jandrew" either. Please dont call me that retched name. Many negative things associated with it.

Hello, ayy lamayo! Awesome new episode.
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Well that was a big gut-punch to the solar plexus.


Good news, Tawasal and Walt are now set up to fight one another.


Bad news, they may instead team for up the ultimate slasher team.


Better news, they've gotten the hell away from Westeros so I only have Damien and whatever tricks the Mods have planned to worry about (aside from dat countdown clock).


Worse news, it's gonna get very fiery in here once Claire shows up to read.


Best News, the Capitol teams are united and the Quadrangle returns.


Worst News, the Capitol is obviously about to be onto them

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Well that was a big gut-punch to the solar plexus.


Good news, Tawasal and Walt are now set up to fight one another.


Bad news, they may instead team for up the ultimate slasher team.

Well, don't give Jan, er, Ayy Lmao any ideas!

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Ayy lmao, part 15. Sorry for delays, today was super busy and my real life comes first. Not the best part in my opinion, but it should still entertain. If you havent, make sure you read the teaser trailer for Helium on the previous page.Films, Heretic, K1stpierre, Spaghetti, Ecstacy, and Snoopy all do a Emily Blunt-esque yoga move on the floor and all get up.Heretic: So should we train?Films: Maybe we should see what we're dealing with first. Let's explore the Admin Capital.K1stpierre: We have to be careful though. There could be Mod police around. Who knows what booby traps Jandrew has set.Ecstacy: I don't think he knows we're here.Spaghetti: Well, let's not let him know.Pink, Ed, Sam, Reddevil, Dragon, and Mango are walking through the courtyard.Mango: We need to figure this place out. Maybe we can get the other players out of the Dorum.Sam: I need answers. I need to know how we got in here.Reddevil: Well, let's go find our answers. We can't answer them ourselves.They all get up walk out of the courtyard. Mango helps Reddevil walk.Blankments, now alone in the tree, ponders.Blankments: Sam! Red! What the hell! Where is everyone? Where-- Blankments leans over and falls out of the tree. AndyLL hears a thud and runs over. He aims, but sees it's just Blankments. I come in peace, I come in peace! AndyLL lowers his weapon and helps Films up. I lost my team, they got sucked up into the sky!AndyLL: So did mine. Andy notices the tick around Blankments' ankle. You have a tick too?Blankements: (alert) Wait!AndyLL: Relax, I'm not going to kill you. We can team up. But remember, we only have one hour. If we can't meet that timeline, then we'll have no choice but to duke it out. Sounds fair?Blankments: All's fair in love and box office.Claire Holt: So now where the hell do we go?Lady Evanstar: I don't know! Just keep your weapon ready!Claire Holt: Fuck Empire! Fuck him! I'm so going to drag him when I see him!Lady Evanstar: You can't blame Empire though.Claire Holt: Bb, what the hell?Lady Evanstar: These are the Games. They're making everyone do crazy things to survive. Just be glad this isn't Saw or something where we have to eat each other and pulls keys out of our eyeballs.Claire Holt: So you're saying what Empire did was justified?Lady Evanstar: No, I'm just saying, people here are going to do what they have to do.Claire Holt: So when our 2 hours is up...what are you going to do?Lady Evanstar: Claire, I would never!Claire Holt: I'm starting to think you would...Lady Evanstar grows impatient. You know what? I don't need you. I'm a tough bitch, I can survive this on my own.Lady Evanstar: Seriously, Claire? Just like that?Claire Holt: You better start cool running. I'm done playing games. Lady Evanstar backs off. She runs off and Claire stands frustrated.Jandrew wakes up in a cell. He's chained and confused.Jandrew: What? Chains? What the hell! I bet a white man putt these on me! Have you people seen Roots, The Butler, 12 Years, Django, Rush Hour 2!? Get me out of here! Get me out! GET ME OUT! Jandrew bangs on the wall. There's no where he can go.Lady Evanstar is walking through the snow covered Snow Mountain woods. She hears a noise in the trees and arms herself.Lady Evanstar: Who's there! I have throwing knives! Lady Evanstar scans the trees. She hears more movement. You better be an ape! She keeps scanning the trees. She hears something warming up and ducks. PEW. A laser nearly hits her. She looks in the trees and sees Alfrestellar with a TF4 alien gun. PEW PEW PEW, he keeps firing at Evanstar and she keeps dodging. She throws a knife at Alfredstellar and misses. He nearly falls out of the tree, but regains his balance. She heaves another and it scrapes his wrist, causing him to drop the alien gun. FOOM, FOOM, FOOM, she heaves her knives in the thick tree leaves.Alfredstellar: AH! She stops and waits for Alfredstellar to fall out of the tree. FOOM. A knife flies out of the tree into her chest. She spits up blood and looks down and sees the knife. She pulls it out, FOOM, another knife strikes the side of her neck. She falls. Alfredstellar jumps out of the tree. He picks up the gun, puts one laser in Lady Evanstar to be sure, and runs off. Claire is running with her barbed wire staff. She hears a snowmobile in the distance and hides in the bushes. As the snowmobile approaches, she notices it's Empire. She gets her staff ready and jumps out. WHAM. She nails Empire in the face. He falls off the snowmobile into the snow. His face is bloodied and scratched.Empire: Ah! Ah! Claire comes charging with the staff. She flings it, but he rolls out of the way. He gets up and she flings it again, hitting him in the side. Ah! Empire collapses again, into the snow.Claire Holt: You bitch! You killed Spidey Freak! And you killed Water Bottle, and only God knows who else! I'm not having any mercy on you! I'm sliding this wire all-over-your-body.Empire: Claire...(coughing blood) Claire, I have something to tell you...please...Claire holds the barbed wire staff to Empire's head.Claire Holt: What is it?Empire: (weak) I have the map out of here...it was in the glovebox of my snowmobile. Claire backs away and takes in what Empire said.Claire Holt: No...no...there's no way they'd give that to you.Empire: (weak) You don't remember? The Mods said one player would be given an exit. I got.Claire Holt: I don't remember that at all. You're lying!Empire: Fine. I'm not going to try to convince you.Claire Holt: You killed Spidey Freak, Water Bottle, and God knows who else you killed. I'm not letting you off. I'm splitting your wig, and taking that map.Empire: (weak) You can't go anywhere without me.Claire Holt: Sure I can.Empire: Sure you can't. I locked the glove box. I'm not telling you where the key is unless you agree we go together.Claire Holt: You're slime. You're lying.Empire: (weak) I'm weaponless. I'm going to sit right here. If you think I'm lying, then pick up that staff and split me between the eyes. If you think I'm think I'm telling the truth, go get my snowmobile and we can get out of here and search for Stingray, Wile E Coyote and Alfredstellar; they're the real enemies.Claire Holt picks up the staff and walks over to Empire. She moves over to the snowmobile. Claire Holt: Where's the glove box and key?Empire: The key is stuffed under the seat, the glove box is beside the gear shift. Claire Holt finds the key. Claire Holt: Sorry, Empire. I'm getting this map, taking this mobile, and running your ass over.Claire puts the key in the glove box and turns it. The snowmobile explodes. Empire watches and slowly helps himself up.Empire: Well now you and Spidey Freak can be together. He can get in you for all eternity. Empire limps over, picks up Claire Holt's staff. And that's another hour for me. He walks away from the burning wreckage.Tawasal is still running. He looks down at the timer on his tick. He has 45 minutes to kill.Tawasal: 45 minutes to kill!? Damn, now I wish I was Kevin Costner.Baumer: The ticks were a good idea. Now we got ourselves a game.Neo: Sure was.Baumer: But I noticed some players are missing?Neo: I don't think so. I think theyre just hiding.Baumer: They have an hour to kill. You think they're just going to hide?Neo: I'll have I.T. check on it, sir, but there's no way they can't not be there.Baumer stares at the screen intensely. He sees Tawasal running, Lady Evanstar and Claire dead, and Walt Disney running. He grows a suspicious look on his face.Baumer: Neo. You see this one (pointing to WD), and this one (pointing to Tawasal) they've been running too long, I want interaction. Get 'em together. Neo does what he says.Tawasal and Walt Disney are running respectively. Portals open in front of them and they fall in.Pink, Sam, and co. make there way out of the courtyard into the building. They peak into a corridor and walk down.Sam: (whispering) Heads up, eyes open. Sam hears a noise and stops, everyone else stopping as well. They see Heretic and co. walking by.Reddevil: Players? Hey!Everyone: SHHHH! The other group stops and they all meet. They all brace, but then settle down.Ecstacy: Ed?Ed: E?Mango: Who are you guys!Dragon: Are you guys from the Games?Films: Yeah, we were dumped in here. You too?Reddevil: Yes.Snoopy of Suburbia: We're trying to find the control room.Reddevil: So are we. Maybe we can orgy up. They all grow a Ken Watanabe look. It means work as a group.Ecstacy: If it will help us accomplish our goal. I'm all for it. Ed can't help but not stare at E. Pink notices.Spaghetti: Well...now what?...Shit.K1stpierre: You need a bathroom? Spaghetti turns K1stpierre's head. They are all standing right in front of a camera. Guys...smile.

No that was not planned, I drew both Lady Evanstars and Claires names. Claire, I'm sorry. You were a boss ass bitch. Go ahead and cuss me out, idc, but it had to happen. Ps there was supposed to be more deaths, but I just couldn't get them to click. So you will be spared this part, but your names are not going back in the hat.


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