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Top 10 of 2015 predictions

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so many people are undershooting Ted 2 which is funny because Ted arguably had the best WOM among the GA of 2012. Yes arguably better than Avengers.

Damn it I left that off my list. Also it's grown it's fanbase among teens a lot since being released on DVD. 

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I doubt very many kids under the age of 10 cared about Titanic (little boys especially). And most guys went to see it because Leo dies (it was before he consistently made great movies - Gilbert Grape was the only good one in his resume then) and to get laid. Not completely universal appeal. It airs on Lifetime for a reason ;)Titanic is indeed vanilla - same with Avatar.Neither are particularly good especially compared to other mega blockbusters. Terminator 1 & 2 and Aliens are leaps and bounds above Cameron's two biggest. They just hit all of the right buttons. Doesn't make them high quality in the way Star Wars 1, Gone With the Wind, E.T., Sound of Music, etc. are. 


You're just plain wrong man. Titanic is the fullest four quadrants movie of our era. It is totally universal.


As for the rest, that's just your opinion.


You're using the same old hat rhetoric of those delusional fanboys who were adamant that Titanic was a blooper that TPM would obliterate and it failed to do so, still butthurt Cameron did it twice in a row."Blah Titanic and Avatar are not good Blahblah I'm so against the grain, I prefer Star Wars because I'm an Internet tough guy yaddayadda"


I was 13 in 1998. All the girls of my middle school class were gushing about it since the '97 christmas holidays and like most boys my age annoyed by that hullabaloo, I tried to go against the grain like "I'm not a sheeeeep, I won't sit 3 hours of lovey dovey stufff just to see a boat sink" "I hate Leonardo DiCarpaccio, that dull whitey heartthrob". The year before I went to see SW trilogy special edition and I was still high about it like "best movies ever!".


One day of April, it was sunday, my family decided to go see it because they heard it was breaking records after records. I was really reluctant but I didn't want to stay all alone. Titanic was playing in 3 movie theatres nearby, our theatre was full and bear to mind it was in April in France. Then the movie begins...


I was so plain wrong about it blinded by my fanboyish stupid preconceptions at the time. Because frickin' JAMES CAMERON. I never doubted him again.


(My sister still got her ticket B) )

Edited by dashrendar44
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Titanic was popular with kids somewhat... 

I was what 8 years old when it came out? 

The disaster scenes were truly epic for any guy and a certain scene was a huge note of curiosity and scandal at the time. :P


Also everyone in Canada was singing "My heart will go on" for about a year. 


Cameron, Canada's sweetheart.


That's Cameron's assets for you. When you're a young boy, you're like "Come on already, when this boat gonna sink!" and then when shit hit the fan, your mouth go agape how the action feels spectacular and real on the big screen. You didn't sit 2 hours for nothing, it delivers the apocalyptical vision of the Titanic you paid for.



But to get those chills, you got to empathize with Jack and Rose genuine romance no matter how you fight against it "Uh, I'm a boy, romance movies are for sissies!", you just get sucked and can't help rooting for them during the sinking. That's why the sinking is a feat for the eyes but a blunder for the heart like that Holy shit! momentum when the boat splits in two. It resonated more.


People that criticize Titanic still don't understand that mass appeal and empathy process of some sort.

Edited by dashrendar44
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Why would AOU jump all the way up to 800M? Of the movies you listed only JP had a sequel and it went down considerably. Very optimistic on JPW. Inflation doesn't translate like that. What is your OW on VII?


Everything else looks solid.


I dont see going beyond 700, but these is coming right after IM3, CA:TWS, THOR2 and Guardians. Phase II bump all Marvel movies why would the sequel to the main film in the franchise go down? I know its hard to replicate first one box office but well, we'll see. 


The Lost World went down considerably because it was a bad sequel (i love the film, but nothing in comparison to the first Park). 


VII opening? I would say anywhere b/t 150-200. 

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You do realize only 2 predicted 90M for Guardians out of over 70 right? You do realize CAP2 250M and Guardians is its way to 250M+ You do realize this is post-AOU. Must be new to the boards thinking Guardians was easier to market. You work for Marvel? You have no idea how family friendly it will be. A lot of time you predicted higher.

Why have you become so RUDE Neo? That was his prediction. HIS. He is not forcing you to believe him. Why do you need to reply with this I KNOW I'M RIGHT kind of attitude.
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Never said Titanic or Avatar were horrendously bad... but compared to the original Star Wars trilogy, the Disney classics, E.T., Sound of Music, Wizard of Oz, Avengers, TDK, LOTR trilogy, Shrek 2, Frozen, Jurassic Park, and other mega 4 quadrant blockbusters, they're decidedly meh. All of those I listed weren't going out of their way to please everyone and in the end, they still did for the most part. 


They're both the biggest because of how bland they are. They were both trying so hard to appeal to everyone (action scenes/explosions for guys, cheesy love story for girls) but the story wasn't there compared to Terminator 1 & 2, Aliens and True Lies. They're nothing special and it still irks me Avengers and TDK weren't nominated for BP while Avatar (easily the most subpar BP nominee of this century) did. 


Avatar - 6/10 

Titanic - 7/10

True Lies - 7.5/10

Aliens - 8/10

Terminator 1 - 9/10

Terminator 2 - 10/10 


Just because Titanic sold gobs of tickets doesn't make it better than Terminator 2 or Aliens... both have significantly better stories and execution. Titanic and Avatar are vanilla - the flavor that everyone can enjoy, but nothing special about them beyond the surface. 

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Never said Titanic or Avatar were horrendously bad... but compared to the original Star Wars trilogy, the Disney classics, E.T., Sound of Music, Wizard of Oz, Avengers, TDK, LOTR trilogy, Shrek 2, Frozen, Jurassic Park, and other mega 4 quadrant blockbusters, they're decidedly meh. All of those I listed weren't going out of their way to please everyone and in the end, they still did for the most part. 


They're both the biggest because of how bland they are. They were both trying so hard to appeal to everyone (action scenes/explosions for guys, cheesy love story for girls) but the story wasn't there compared to Terminator 1 & 2, Aliens and True Lies. They're nothing special and it still irks me Avengers and TDK weren't nominated for BP while Avatar (easily the most subpar BP nominee of this century) did. 


Avatar - 6/10 

Titanic - 7/10

True Lies - 7.5/10

Aliens - 8/10

Terminator 1 - 9/10

Terminator 2 - 10/10 


Just because Titanic sold gobs of tickets doesn't make it better than Terminator 2 or Aliens... both have significantly better stories and execution. Titanic and Avatar are vanilla - the flavor that everyone can enjoy, but nothing special about them beyond the surface. 


Yeah the whole world is wrong and you're right. Give me a break.

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It's coming off the badwill of the prequel trilogy. Don't see why that's not a good reason to undershoot it.

You mean the same "badwill" that got all of those movies to 400+ adjusted? Without 3D? Without the original cast? Without a well-liked director? 

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Wait Titanic is a bad movie because Manhamahna said so? Since when?

No but his reasons are more valid then yours. Not to mention Titanic and Avatar haven't had the most long lasting good will especially Avatar. 

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