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Wknd Est: TLM2 - 30M, 22JS - 29M, HTTYD - 25.3M, JB - 13.5, [DOFP - 6.2M]

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possibly NSFW


"HEY TWILIGHT!! OH MY GOSH TWILIGHT, WAKE UP NOW!", Pinkie Pie was yelling, standing in front of the purple pony's house. "YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!"

"Uh.. yes, Pinkie.. I'll be downstairs in a minute..", her hair was afro-like, and her breathe smelled like shit. "That little puink bitch needs to stop interfering with me and my sleep.." she tought to herself, as she brushed her teeth.
"Oh, I'm sure she is", Twilight rolled her eyes. When she came downstairs and opened the door, she found an overly-excited-looking Pinkie, and a nearly crying Fluttershy.
"... she kidnapped and raped you again last night, didn't she?" Twilight asked, but already knowing the answer. Fluttershy nodded shyly.
"LET'S GO THIS WAY!" Pinkie Pie said, ignoring the fellow ponies, and running towards the forest that had magically appeared next to Twilight's house the night before.
"I.. have to do what she says" Fluttershy whispered, while her and Twilight walked behind Pinkie. They walked into the forest and walked, and walked... aaand walked. Until a couple of hours later, the pink pony found what she was looking for.
"Wow... what's.. that?" Fluttershy asked, with a disgusted look on her face.
"It's a pony" Twilight replied, "Geez, why are you so freaking stupid?"
"SHUT UP.. IT'S MOVING!" Pinkie was yelling for some reason.
The team of three stared at the figure. It had some strange red and blue outfit, and had a mask on. It was lying on the floor, and blood was coming from a little hole on his forehead.
"What the fu**?!" Twilight exclaimed, "Is it dead?!"
"I don't know" Pinkie replied, calmly, "I was just looking for some apples to make apple cupcakes for Applejack's funeral, and that thing came from nowhere. I got so scared I shot him"
".. When will you stop shooting people you don't know?! Yeesh! It's the fourth time this week, Pinkie, and it's only fucking Tuesday!" Twilight was angry. She had seen much dead.
"You", Twilight glanced at Fluttershy, "You can talk with animals and shit. Go and try to communicate with it"
Fluttershy slowly walked up to the mysterious pony, and shaked it. "It's not moving..."
"You don't know how to shake a corpse!" Pinkie walked up to it, and started jumping on it. The pony woke up, pushed Pinkie away and stared at the three.
"What?!... Where am I?!"
"Welcome to Ponyville, stranger. And I'm sorry my friend shot you in the forehead" Twilight asked herself how could he still be alive, "what's your name?"
"My name?!.. MY NAME?! I'm Spiderman, you bitches! And I need to get back to New York now!"
"Ponies.." Fluttershy whispered.
"The hell?" everyone was confuseded.
"You called us bitches, but we're ponies, you bitch" Fluttershy was angry.
"I'm not a bitch, I'm a fucking spider!" Spiderman was angry as well.
"TIRED OF THIS SHIT" Pinkie shot Spiderman again.
"What the fu** is wrong with you?!" Twilight was angry too. Everyone was angry.
"DONE WITH YOU" Pinkie shot Twilight in the forehead. She fell on the floor dead, seductively.
"Oh please no!" Fluttershy exclaimed, "don't kill me!"
"Oh, but I'm not done with you yet " Pinkie winked at Fluttershy, who covered her anus, seductively.
-scene cut-
"THAT'S ALL FOLKS" a kraken waves at you with his tentacles, smiling.




Only Blankments goes this far to get a like, then gives out likes like they were candy and it was perpetually Halloween.


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Only Blankments goes this far to get a like, then gives out likes like they were candy and it was perpetually Halloween.


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... I didn't write that fanfiction :lol:


You know... the best fanfiction I ever read was an Ed, Edd, n Eddy one that took place in a Roger Rabbit style world. It was about them trying to find work in a new show post-cancellation, but CGI cartoons were on the rise and their style was considered outdated. Entertaining actually

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... I didn't write that fanfiction :lol:


You know... the best fanfiction I ever read was an Ed, Edd, n Eddy one that took place in a Roger Rabbit style world. It was about them trying to find work in a new show post-cancellation, but CGI cartoons were on the rise and their style was considered outdated. Entertaining actually



Still, you've written some pretty elaborate stuff. I'm entirely too stingy with my craft for these mewling quims.


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