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Wknd Est: TLM2 - 30M, 22JS - 29M, HTTYD - 25.3M, JB - 13.5, [DOFP - 6.2M]

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Is that the latest? Because that's actually very poor in the end. A 45% drop from early estimates for JB. Though in the end it would be expected.


I don't think this summer has had even a single exciting weekend on the whole. TASM2 was uneventful. Neighbours just ran out of steam over the weekend. So did Godzilla. XMDOFP disappointed. Maleficent was expected. Fault imploded. Edge was disappointing. Jump bled out. Dragon was a non-factor. Maybe others expected it but I thought TLAM2 should have opened to $40m+ because Hart and the first was well liked even if this trailer looked bad, they all look the same tbf so.


Transformers needs to open to $120m to inject some excitement into this dreadful box office landscape. At least the quality has been lightyears ahead of last year. Lame how crappy movies did so well last summer.

Neighbors had a huge opening. Yes, it ran out of steam, but that was fucking huge and beyond what most were expecting.

Godzilla ran out of steam post-OW.

I would not say DOFP disappointed - it's pretty much in line with expectations.

Maleficent is playing a bit above expectations.

Fault was always gonna be frontloaded. But the OW was much bigger than expected, and its weekdays are far better than expected, considering that second weekend drop.

And how the hell did 22JS "bleed out"? It's performing well even relative to big expectations, let alone compared to the first one.

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I can't agree, since those were 2 sequels that I quite liked (Dragon 2 was fantastic).


I haven't seen either. What I'm saying is it might be in their financial interest. For some reason, besides Shrek, they can't seem to crack it when it comes to producing sequels to their hits. 

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Dragon is going to be hit HARD when Planes 2 is released. It has to make as much money as it can these next couple of weeks. Who could have seen this coming just a few weeks ago? :o

The one song in Dragon 2 hit me more emotionally than the ten songs combined from Frozen



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I haven't seen either. What I'm saying is it might be in their financial interest. For some reason, besides Shrek, they can't seem to crack it when it comes to producing sequels to their hits. 


You forget Madagascar.

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I love that we feel the same way, considering that you and I both go so far back when it comes to following box office (and are among the few "originals" that remain). :D But really, it's baffling how people let their expectations color everything else. Judging by the reactions of some here, you'd think it was the release of Cutthroat Island, not friggin' How to Train Your Dragon 2. Geez!

I will be the first to admit that I bit the increase bullet really hard - as evidenced by my BSG prediction, but things happen that we can't always explain away :)
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Is that the latest? Because that's actually very poor in the end. A 45% drop from early estimates for JB. Though in the end it would be expected.


I don't think this summer has had even a single exciting weekend on the whole. TASM2 was uneventful. Neighbours just ran out of steam over the weekend. So did Godzilla. XMDOFP disappointed. Maleficent was expected. Fault imploded. Edge was disappointing. Jump bled out. Dragon was a non-factor. Maybe others expected it but I thought TLAM2 should have opened to $40m+ because Hart and the first was well liked even if this trailer looked bad, they all look the same tbf so.


Transformers needs to open to $120m to inject some excitement into this dreadful box office landscape. At least the quality has been lightyears ahead of last year. Lame how crappy movies did so well last summer.

Deadline updated at 9:43 PDT. So yeah that's the latest. TLAM2 is severely under-performing.  I expected an increase for TLAM2 and a drop for JB from those earlier estimates.

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I'm passing out guys.I love you all.Tele, Pink, E, Sam, Empire, Claire, CJohn, AA, Baumer, Neo, chewy, Grim, Mulder, Mango, Jay H, J Andrew,, water bottle, dragon, K1, Marston, Blank, red devil, Damienroc, Jack, MGS, Tawasal, Dex/Jesus, BKB, RTH, Spaghetti and everyone !Peace and love!

If you don't wake up, I want your word that Tele can distribute your likes between Pinky and myself. 

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I know. We talk at night sometimes. Chris seems to drift day by day from me. Pink was there to comfort me. Things are good now.How you been?


I can't complain. Life is good.

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It's a massive disappointment if it can't even match the original. However we don't even have a concrete second Friday number yet, so let's hold off a bit longer on what its legs will be like.


Um, I think all the Dragon fans and hopefuls should just go back to...oh wait KFP2 posts have been completely eliminated.


Anyway, the gist of that movie, was that it could recover because it had 1)no competition 2)opened low 3)better than predecessor but it never did. Average throughout its run. Dragon 2 has reviews and audience score going for it, highest of summer so far, but I am under no illusions it's going to pull a Dragon from here on out when everything actually points to normal summer weekdays and weekends for an animated flick and also because KFP2 was already the warning and now present of Dragon 2.


I would have hoped it would have had its WOM show but the week's drops were like Mad 3. That's not lighting the world on fire. It'd be a sumptuous recovery if it started gaining momentum after this weekend but there's no precedent for it to do so.

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I'm passing out guys.I love you all.Tele, Pink, E, Sam, Empire, Claire, CJohn, AA, Baumer, Neo, chewy, Grim, Mulder, Mango, Jay H, J Andrew,, water bottle, dragon, K1, Marston, Blank, red devil, Damienroc, Jack, MGS, Tawasal, Dex/Jesus, BKB, RTH, Spaghetti and everyone !Peace and love!

Love you too, #ED.  ^_^

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Do you guys realize if TF4 doesn't have at least a 95m OW or so DOFP could be the highest grossing movie of the summer with a whopping 230m or so? :blink:  I mean holy fuck that would be awful for the #1 summer movie.



with the same opening as DOFP, TF4 should have better legs

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