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Weekend Estimates | TF4 - 100M (Paramount sticking to 100M for the Wknd Est)| More Numbers on Page 1

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All of you should read this article to understand why Michael Bay rules and Pacific Rim is not very good.


Michael Bay, Blockbuster Expressionist... Is 'Age of Extinction' His Vulgar Masterpiece?


Excellent article.  It's this part that encapsulates it and Bay:  "After all, how do you judge a movie such as Age of Extinction, decrying its sound and fury when that's exactly all it is and all it's meant to be? This is a film meant to evoke a mood and response through its visuals. That's it." 


So true!  At the end of all things, Bay is a "male" in the basest sense, and his movies are a perfect reflection of him:  cloddish, visually and sexually driven, lacking self-control and in desperate need of restraint from external sources. Watch and judge his movies on those terms or waste a lot of energy pulling your hair out over why the GA flocks to see his TF films. 

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Not even close. Truth is there hasn't been a JP in this generation.


Ah, but has there been a Casablanca of this generation? That's what I want to know.

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Wow Red. Transformers one was one of the best popcorn films I have ever seen, its not oscar material but a pure example of bringing back old school done right and built to give you one hell of a good time.



I give Transformers I an 8.8 for overall quality and fun :)



The supposed best aspect of it wasn't even done right. Zoomed in shaky cam made it darn near impossible to tell the robots apart during the final fight sequences.

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Why in God's name would I pay money to see a sequel to a movie that I almost walked out of after paying way too much to watch? If I ever watch TF4 it'll be on cable TV. Probably won't watch all of it though. 165 minutes is way too fucking long for this type of movie.

Good job man, that movie was basically consistent shit in my eyes.

I am finally done with the series lol

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Jay??? Cap 2 didnt have a great score and cinematography??? Did you miss the first scene of him jumping off the plane the wide out view as he boards the ship and music...When hes standing on his own trying to get out of shield.. Its not LOTR type cinematograph, but its still wonderfull stuff showing Cap dealing with a modern world my friend.


Its not all about mountain tops and sunsets and castles Jay :P


Then again Cameron seems to always have earth shattering scores and cinematography in almost all his films... So I do agree music and cinematogrpah are important for that soul grabbing experience.


Thats why there is only one Titanic and Avatar  ,  Jurassic PArk, LOTR 2-3, Indy and the last Crusade, Jaws and ET


Aliens out there.. :) 

It's not often a movie has a bad score. If it's not good it normally stays in the background and doesn't really add or detract from the film.


Cap 2 has a bad score. 

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Not even close. Truth is there hasn't been a JP in this generation.


Titanic and Avatar are both bigger than Jurassic Park in sheer wonder, cinematography and wonder of filmmaking and Titanic beats them all in terms of Music and score and lasting effect on the soul. :)


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Wow Red. Transformers one was one of the best popcorn films I have ever seen, its not oscar material but a pure example of bringing back old school done right and built to give you one hell of a good time.



I give Transformers I an 8.8 for overall quality and fun :)


Wow Red. Transformers one was one of the best popcorn films I have ever seen, its not oscar material but a pure example of bringing back old school done right and built to give you one hell of a good time.



I give Transformers I an 8.8 for overall quality and fun :)

WTF is old school about it. Ugh, never mind. I ain't getting into this shit.


Anyone a tennis fan? Watching Wimbledon? Serena Williams got ousted in the third round. Anyone?

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Titanic and Avatar are both bigger than Jurassic Park in sheer wonder, cinematography and wonder of filmmaking and Titanic beats them all in terms of Music and score and lasting effect on the soul. :)


JP destroys Avatar's ticket sales. Titanic is part of the same generation as JP (mid-90's films). Not sure why you're trying to lump it in with the current generation.

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