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top 50 films for the half decade; Kalo's list begins! (pg. 45)

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5. Transformers: Dark of the Moon

I have no ashame in sharing my love of the first film, and the same goes for this film, it's amazing. I remember axiously sitting in the back row of an IMAX 3D showing of this film hoping that the franchise would be able to come back from the god awful Revenge of the Fallen. Well it did. The opeing monolauge is great and I love the fact that they bring real history into this serise. Shia LaBeouf of course is flawless once again in the role of Sam Witwicky. He is in a life seperated from the autobots and he obviouly feels uneeded in the world. Of course I feel for his character, I've always loved the character. Sam's parents are back breifly and they're still hillarious. Then comes the moment when Sam is reunited with the autobots and things start to pick up. There are a couple of big reveals ( all of which being effective.) Leading into the portion of the movie that makes me tear up everytime. Watching the Autobots get blown up and mostly Sam's reaction to the events get me. Then there's the big destruction and Chicago and Sam getting together with some of the dudes from the other movies, that stuff gets to me too. Then the last action scene is just massive. It's incredibly entertaining, incrediblly intense. Hell there are several incredibly emotional beats during this battle.


I actually loved this movie the first time I watched it.. not anymore though. I haven't watched it in a couple years though.. it has some cool sequences but yeah the story is pretty much bogus.

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4. The Fault in our Stars

The Fault in our Stars is my favorite book of all time. I feel like this film is a worthy telling of the book in movie form. Shailene Woodly plays Hazel Grace Lancaster one of the two main protagonists of the story. She is quite excellent in the role. Now Agustus Waters, whom I consider to be the greatest character in the history of literature, is brought to life by the amazing Ansel Elgort.  Ansel is perfect for the role. The movie is funny (not as funny as the book) The two protagonists meet and fall in love. This love forming is beautiful to watch. Hazel has her sidesteps with cancer in everything and yeah. During the dinner in Amsterdam scene I just get such a high from watching that scene. William Dafoe is great  in the role of an author who is a dick and that scene was unervingly intense. THen you have Hazel's struggles through the Ann Frank house which is also incredibly intense but in the here is the payoff of their first kiss. From there this movie just tore me down. Slowly breaking my heart with every scene that goes by. Then there is the scene of Hazel driving after the funeral that just shatters it altogether. That's the beauty of this story: It creates an incredible high only to drag you down to an incredible low.

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I thought I our taste was similar.. after Winter Soldier things went downhill very quickly.

I understand that a lot of people aren't a big fan of Transformers or Mockingjay. Do you not Like both Source Code and Rise of the Planet of the Apes?

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Transformers DOTM would make my list.

Source Code wont but its awesome.

FiOS obviously will. Probably top 5.

Apes is fanrastic. One of the best stories of the decade.

Edited by baumer
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I understand that a lot of people aren't a big fan of Transformers or Mockingjay. Do you not Like both Source Code and Rise of the Planet of the Apes?

Source Code is good, but nothing spectacular. same with Rise (but I might like it better if I watched it again, because Dawn was incredible) neither would make my top 50, probably not top 100 either.

Edited by KaloVisor
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2014 isn't over so I can't be sure what takes top from that year, but otherwise my #1 is a battle between Double JC Chandor and Kathryn Bigelow (with Christopher Morris and Jacques Audiard trying to wedge into the conversation).

Edited by 4815162342
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2014 isn't over so I can't be sure what takes top from that year, but otherwise my #1 is a battle between Double JC Chandor and Kathryn Bigelow (with Christopher Morris and Jacques Audiard trying to wedge into the conversation).

Big fan of Margin Call or All is Lost?

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