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And the world doesn't revolve around America. Just because America thinks of Middle America meaning this, doesn't mean that the rest of the world automatically has to. We are entitled to our own opinions and definitions and I'm just reporting the facts as I see them.

But the opinions are misguided. It like saying everyone in the Middle East is a terrorist.
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Pffff haters on the sidelines runnin they mouth


Just go see the movie and judge for yourself, I hardly took away an "America fuck yeah!" message from this... it way more of a "uh, this fucking sucks for everyone"  I think this is why its doing really well in blue states as well.

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But the opinions are misguided. It like saying everyone in the Middle East is a terrorist.


Except that example is totally not the same thing. Not everyone in the Middle East is a terrorist because the middle east is a concept at least with some semblance of geographic continuity and establishment and terrorism is something that is at least somewhat clearly defined. 


Middle America is a very abstract concept that obviously means different things to different people and people outside of America may very well think of the American definition as 'misguided.' My point to jandrew was that we were referring to Middle America in very different contexts and definitions and that he can't impose the 'American' view of 'Middle America' on everyone else and tell people to stop using it and that we basically were agreeing to the same things once you redefined our posts into more concrete terms.



And for the record (yet again) I'm not hating on the movie; I actually really liked the movie. 

Edited by riczhang
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Anyone who really expects anyone to be a normal family man who had over 160 confirmed kills, is a blind idealist imo.

Who said that? He is far more violent than the vast majority of soldiers, and boasted about murdering Hurricane Katrina victims.

NO ONE expected him to be normal, but Kyle was a lunatic. And Eastwood shouldn't have turned him into something he's not.

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Middle America is a very abstract concept that obviously means different things to different people and people outside of America may very well think of the American definition as 'misguided.'


My interpretation of it is not misguided. Settled, married middle class people typically lean right and have a strongly favorable view of the military, regardless of where they live. I don't believe that's a very controversial observation either here or abroad. 

Edited by tribefan695
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Pffff haters on the sidelines runnin they mouth


Just go see the movie and judge for yourself, I hardly took away an "America fuck yeah!" message from this... it way more of a "uh, this fucking sucks for everyone"  I think this is why its doing really well in blue states as well.

Which is why when it comes out I'll see it and I'll most likely enjoy it. That's not my issue at all.

My issue is Eastwood doing the film on Chris Kyle himself and turning him into something he isn't.

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And the world doesn't revolve around America. Just because America thinks of Middle America meaning this, doesn't mean that the rest of the world automatically has to. We are entitled to our own opinions and definitions and I'm just reporting the facts as I see them.

Who said that the film just appealed to bigots? Eastwood pussied out on creating an accurate portrayal of Chris Kyle. The majority will have no idea just how much of a psychopath Kyle was.

Um...you did? In your last post. And its basically Richgangs implication. Look, for the last time, my point was that American Sniper, based on those numbers, is appealing to the whole country of the USA, not just the "Mid America." Alot of you here that dont actually live here try to tell us how it is, and its pretty annoying and misguided. If you come to South Carolina, the state ranked #1 in patriotism, you will see your "opinions" on my state are wrong.

I and many of us have college educations, are not low intullectuals, and are with the times, and its insulting for someone on the other end of the ocean to try to say otherwise when theyre not here 24/7. Richgang basically shat on my entire state and anyone who supports these movies and thats not fair. I mean I can say everyone in the middle east is a terrorist or everyone in the UK has shitty teeth and dresses like an idiot. Is that fair? Ive never been to the UK or the Middle East so what do I know? Im not experiencing it first hand like yall are, so im going off - assumptions.

And no one is forcing you to see Sniper. Sorry its not accurate, like every Hollywood movie. Selma isnt 100% either. Oh well. Come to America, come chill, and you will see its not as bad and backwards as the internet tells you. Until then, have your opinions, but stop trying to tell me what i see first hand is wrong.

Edited by Jandrew
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Ehhhh it's cinema tho Noctis. Like it's not a documentary so skewing viewpoints, facts and even huge chunks of their life is expected. It made for good cinema at the end and I think that is what matters as it is a film.

Also, like it is basically the same thing as some TIG critics make out of the supposed 'straight-washing.'

Edited by riczhang
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My interpretation of it is not misguided. Settled, married middle class people typically lean right and have a strongly favorable view of the military, regardless of where they live. I don't believe that's a very controversial observation either here or abroad.

That's why I put it in quotes. I'm just saying having a different opinion on a concept may make the different opinions seem misguided but at the end of the day they are all opinions with equal validity and weight. We just have to understand and tolerate what other people define a concept as and etc. Which was what I was getting at in the post you quoted.

Edited by riczhang
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Ehhhh it's cinema tho Noctis. Like it's not a documentary so skewing viewpoints, facts and even huge chunks of their life is expected. It made for good cinema at the end and I think that is what matters as it is a film.

Also, like it is basically the same thing as some TIG critics make out of the supposed 'straight-washing.'

But it would be like making a movie on Charles Mason and not showing all the murders and cult the he was behind.
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Pffff haters on the sidelines runnin they mouth


Just go see the movie and judge for yourself, I hardly took away an "America fuck yeah!" message from this... it way more of a "uh, this fucking sucks for everyone"  I think this is why its doing really well in blue states as well.

That's what I got when watching the trailer. A man that was having a hard time dealing with what he was doing over there and then coming back stateside to his wife and kids and trying to sort all that shit out. And, the talking tough stuff is usually a cover to try and hide how they are really feeling. 

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But it would be like making a movie on Charles Mason and not showing all the murders and cult the he was behind.

I know that it didn't tell a lot of the truth but it was a good movie. Is that too much to ask for these days? To have a movie judged on its merits and not what truth it has?

Also like I know this isn't the most relevant example but at this hour I can't think of anything else. Like Birth of a Nation. It glorifies the KKK and is racist, but it doesn't change the fact that cinematically it is one of the best films from that era and maybe even of all time.

Edited by riczhang
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Who said that? He is far more violent than the vast majority of soldiers, and boasted about murdering Hurricane Katrina victims.

NO ONE expected him to be normal, but Kyle was a lunatic. And Eastwood shouldn't have turned him into something he's not.

You got proof of this?

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Come to America? I lived in Boston for two years, and my younger sister moved there six months ago for uni. I have nothing but good things to say about the American people. What I said about Middle America is just how most of the world perceives it as. The East/Northeast and West are typically regarded as more intellectual and critical. I know these are sweeping generalizations, but that's what the world usually thinks.

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