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Why do people pay to see bad films?

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Now obviously there are many times where you expect or hope a film could be good and it turns out terrible. (Maybe Tammy is an example of this)


There are also times when even if reviews are awful, you could find something to enjoy as it is just not a reviewer friendly film (Many Horror and low brow comedies can be included here)



However, there are times when trailers look horrible, the story sounds awful, early previews sound awful and then the reviews and WOM are toxic. Yet some people who know all this will still go and see it and of course put in in a bottom 10 of the year.


I'm thinking of films like I Frankenstein, Mortdecai and the like where everything points to the 99% liklihood that you will have a torrid cinema-going experience. Why do people still go?



Is it a case of having to see a major new release each week? You want to see the worst of the worst to greater appreciate the good films? Why do people put themselves through this?

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Now obviously there are many times where you expect or hope a film could be good and it turns out terrible. (Maybe Tammy is an example of this)


There are also times when even if reviews are awful, you could find something to enjoy as it is just not a reviewer friendly film (Many Horror and low brow comedies can be included here)



However, there are times when trailers look horrible, the story sounds awful, early previews sound awful and then the reviews and WOM are toxic. Yet some people who know all this will still go and see it and of course put in in a bottom 10 of the year.


I'm thinking of films like I Frankenstein, Mortdecai and the like where everything points to the 99% liklihood that you will have a torrid cinema-going experience. Why do people still go?



Is it a case of having to see a major new release each week? You want to see the worst of the worst to greater appreciate the good films? Why do people put themselves through this?

Online reviews are different than the average movie goer, who just wants to be entertained, watches the movie and never thinks of it again, also there are far less critical people who just like to watch movies, my 22 year old niece is a good example of this, she loves almost everything she sees, she loved American Sniper, as well as Maleficent and Transformers 4. and Amazing Spider-Man 2, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, The Lego Movie. see where I'm going? some people just like critique things the same way, and it doesn't make them lesser people, just not critics. and yes some just watch movies to say it was awful. and some people just like different taste, I love the Host and it's one of the worst reviewed films of the last few years.

Edited by Kalo
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There's time I'll go see a film I think I am going to dislike and i end up loving it.  


I will give any film a chance.  Critics, as I've said so many times, are useless and everyone has different taste.  So what you love I might hate and what you hate I might love.  Plus sitting in a theater is blissful to me.

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Now obviously there are many times where you expect or hope a film could be good and it turns out terrible. (Maybe Tammy is an example of this)


There are also times when even if reviews are awful, you could find something to enjoy as it is just not a reviewer friendly film (Many Horror and low brow comedies can be included here)



However, there are times when trailers look horrible, the story sounds awful, early previews sound awful and then the reviews and WOM are toxic. Yet some people who know all this will still go and see it and of course put in in a bottom 10 of the year.


I'm thinking of films like I Frankenstein, Mortdecai and the like where everything points to the 99% liklihood that you will have a torrid cinema-going experience. Why do people still go?



Is it a case of having to see a major new release each week? You want to see the worst of the worst to greater appreciate the good films? Why do people put themselves through this?

I, Frankenstein was in Top 10 for 2014 for me. And I LOVED Mortdecai. Deciding not to see a movie just because it has bad reviews is just plain stupid to me. Look at JA. I wasn't as excited for a movie in a LONG time. And it's gettin horrible reviews. At the same time a lot of highly praised movies were so bad I stopped watching them. 

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I, Frankenstein was in Top 10 for 2014 for me. And I LOVED Mortdecai. Deciding not to see a movie just because it has bad reviews is just plain stupid to me. Look at JA. I wasn't as excited for a movie in a LONG time. And it's gettin horrible reviews. At the same time a lot of highly praised movies were so bad I stopped watching them. 


I can get somebody liking a film others don't and yes sure some people are watching these films because they appeal or they will like them.


But there are also people, including members here that will watch, let's say Twilight and then the next year will go to the cinema and see New Moon and hate. But then the next year they'll still go and see Eclipse and then Breaking dawn even though they hate the series and therefore are probably 99% certain they will not like what they are paying to see. Transformers is another example of this. (The 3rd more than AOE)


A film's popularity or lack of, is not what confuses me here. It's that some people do seem to regularly go to the cinema and pay money to watch a film they expect to dislike/hate.


As some of the more recent replies are indicating, it appears that some people can take enjoyment out of the mere act of theater-going even if the product is sub-standard (in their eyes). I find that fascinating.



(For the Record I made this thread as tonight will likely be the first time I go to the cinema to see a film I'm expecting to hate [Jupiter Ascending]. Yes there is a chance it could surprise me, it could even end up my favourite film ever, but in the past I have limited my cinema-going to films I want to see on at least some level. This will be a first for me.)  

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I can get somebody liking a film others don't and yes sure some people are watching these films because they appeal or they will like them.


But there are also people, including members here that will watch, let's say Twilight and then the next year will go to the cinema and see New Moon and hate. But then the next year they'll still go and see Eclipse and then Breaking dawn even though they hate the series and therefore are probably 99% certain they will not like what they are paying to see. Transformers is another example of this. (The 3rd more than AOE)


A film's popularity or lack of, is not what confuses me here. It's that some people do seem to regularly go to the cinema and pay money to watch a film they expect to dislike/hate.


Yeah I'm curious about that too. Some people already expect they won't like the films. But anyway they go to the cinema, watch the films and jump at cynically cursing them. What the fuck? 

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In Korea there's this thing called patriotic marketing where they emphasize that watching the movie is somehow doing ones duty for their country. D-War is the worst culprit that I can think of but there have been a few others besides it. Bad word of mouth spreads but people still go see it. 


Besides this, my girlfriend generally has really poor taste in movies...  :ph34r:

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I am not sure this thread makes much sense although I understand what is meant.



Before I started reading in internet movie forums, I sometimes simply went through the cinema shedules with friends and we picked the movie we thought would be the best for us to watch right now - without knowing anything more about the movie.


I - of course - still do that but it has become more "planned" in a way, as I simply follow the movie-making industry too much to not get at least an idea of a movie's buzz, content, critical reception, etc. 


But even for "bad" movies - if a group of friends calls me up on a night when I have nothing to do and ask we to go with them to a movie I know I probably will not like all that much - I would still go. For the experience, for being with these people, maybe even for a surprise; being won over by a movie.


Sitting in a cinema is a special feeling, imho, even if a movie turns out to be bad.


But how can a movie even be more than "bad as expected"? How would you know before seeing it that you will have a bad time? How do you decide which movies simply look bad?




There is a huge part of the GA out there who may simply go into a movie without any real expectations, maybe not even having seen the trailer or just having read the short summary on a cinema's website etc etc. 


We shouldn't make the mistake here to project our involvement with movies and the movie industry onto "the GA". 



Actually, I sometimes miss the times when I was ignorant of BO numbers, RT scores and internet buzz (hence, my weird user name).

Edited by ShouldIBeHere
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In Korea there's this thing called patriotic marketing where they emphasize that watching the movie is somehow doing ones duty for their country. D-War is the worst culprit that I can think of but there have been a few others besides it. Bad word of mouth spreads but people still go see it. 


Besides this, my girlfriend generally has really poor taste in movies...  :ph34r:


Oh yes Korea is great for that. (and also rushing to see a Hollywood film en masse because a Korea actor is on screen for 2 minutes at some point). :)

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I pay to see movies I know I'm not gonna like all the time. I just love MOVIES and enjoy the theater experience. 

yeah I paid for me and my other half to see Season of the Witch. It was so bad that the next week, I paid for me and my mate to go see it so I could show him just how bad this movie was.

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