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The Last Witch Hunter | October 23, 2015 | Vin Diesel | Final Trailer on Page 5

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Hansel & Gretel and Seventh Son (seemingly similar movies to this) were both great fun:
eye candy
and humour!!

Hansel & Gretel was much better as a movie, but Seventh Son had even nicer visuals. Saw them both 4 or 5 times in cinemas each.

This Diesel flop here is at the opposite end. So dull and boring I slept through half of it. Really disappointing, even for a stupid urban fantasy. Witches make for some of the best characters ever - and they couldn't come up with a single interesting character or power.

That's disappointing.


i had fun with both Hansel and Gretel and Seventh Son (totally right Gretel wins though).

Nonehteless...fuckin witches.

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Im thinking 500k previews, 11-12m for the weekend and 30m total. Its always a little sad when a movie sets itself up for sequels and then falls on its face ensuring they'll never happen, but here we are.

Ended up being pretty darn close.

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Diesal is simply not a draw outside the F and F franchise. (And maybe his voice work in GOTG).

Sorry, Vin fanboys, but that is just the fact.  If not for F and F, Diesal would be in DTV movies, the last refuge of washed up action stars.

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1 hour ago, dudalb said:

Between this and Pan, I am begining to suspect you are a contrarian....

well you know i'm sure I agree with you on thousands of movies, but you don't know it cause when you see a post of mine that isn't complete wacko, it doesn't register with you.


Anyway, what's wrong with being contrarian? :D

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55 minutes ago, Ethan Hunt said:

Alright. ..

It is!


LAST WITCH HUNTER is genius. However, if you haven't played a huge amount of role-playing and fantasy games then its wit and intelligence and satire will fly right over your head and make it seem like a piece of garbage. I can totally understand why people hated this, but I think it's really, really clever thanks to its script and Diesel's unknowing performance.

Edited by treeroy
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You're not being sarcastic I'm assuming?


im really glad you liked it! I personally didn't when I saw it, and I worked immediately afterwards. Barely anybody went to see it, but everyone who did seemed to love it, which I found strange.

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