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Weekend Estimates: JW: 102 IO 91...RTH: Sun JW 38.3 | IO 25.3 with possible upsides PG 287, possible 107M for JW weekend

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are you joking? so if there was a nigrsaurus and the line was "the nigrs are out of containment" they're stupid and should be smart enough to know? even though it doesn't matter and they still had to sit there and hear a word that could be extremely painful for them? like i'm asking genuinely are you joking? do you really have so little understanding of the world that you don't get how hearing a word that is identical to a violent racial slur could hurt someone? and instead you call them stupid? do you not see that you're being extremely prejudiced?


and @ baumer how are you a mod? like you're totally biased, you're breaking the forum rules by making hateful comments instead of stopping them, and you're trying to bully me off the forums, i don't get it. plus it's hilarious that you were talking about how you and everyone else who was raised with your parents physically disciplining you "turned out fine" except you're clearly anything but fine. you're obviously disgruntled, bigoted, lacking in empathy and critical social thinking skills, and poorly adjusted for human interaction. that's really fucking sad, attacking and making fun of people on the internet, including kids.


Edited by Mitch
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So things got really out of hand yesterday and the thread got shut down for a while, let's not have a repeat of that tonight.  Let's keep away from the racism and spanking stuff and all the other crap and just stick to box office.  Can we do that?

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So things got really out of hand yesterday and the thread got shut down for a while, let's not have a repeat of that tonight.  Let's keep away from the racism and spanking stuff and all the other crap and just stick to box office.  Can we do that?


as usual i didn't start it. you and everyone else went out of your way to post that article and make fun of it.

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are you joking? so if there was a nigrsaurus and the line was "the nigrs are out of containment" they're stupid and should be smart enough to know? even though it doesn't matter and they still had to sit there and hear a word that could be extremely painful for them? like i'm asking genuinely are you joking? do you really have so little understanding of the world that you don't get how hearing a word that is identical to a violent racial slur could hurt someone? and instead you call them stupid? do you not see that you're being extremely prejudiced?


and @ baumer how are you a mod? like you're totally biased, you're breaking the forum rules by making hateful comments instead of stopping them, and you're trying to bully me off the forums, i don't get it. plus it's hilarious that you were talking about how you and everyone else who was raised with your parents physically disciplining you "turned out fine" except you're clearly anything but fine. you're obviously disgruntled, bigoted, lacking in empathy and critical social thinking skills, and poorly adjusted for human interaction. that's really fucking sad, attacking and making fun of people on the internet, including kids.

Okay, at this point you're basically trolling the thread (and other users). No one can tell you (or anyone else) not to be offended by something, but just because you're offended DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE IT WRONG. In this particular case, shortening a dinosaur's Latin name (the same way everyone does for most dinos) is not racist or wrong. The etymology of the word has nothing to do with people of Pakistani descent and neither does the shortened version.

The more you cry wolf, the less importance or meaning people attach to the actual problem. So your incessant efforts at finding sexism and racist literally everywhere ironically weaken the very causes you claim to support. And, don't get me wrong, they're worth supporting. But stop with the blind accusations. They don't you justice, and they don't help the situation whatsoever.

If you continue to bring up these non-relevant "issues" (and I use that term loosely), I've instructed the staff to consider it trolling. Please consider your posts carefully if you wish to actually meaningfully influence the fight against sexism and racism in a positive way.

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