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15 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


Women were into WONDER WOMAN in BvsS, considering she was the supposed highlight of the movie and look how that turned out?? I'm not holding my breath on this breaking out like you think and with the word "suicide" in the title, I can't imagine this being that big a draw at the box office..


Suicide Squad, will probably be good. I have faith in Ayer and the marriage of his brand of film making with the source material bodes well in my opinion.



Wonder Woman is the abortion in the making.

I'm sure they suppose if they can play her as Carmen San Deigo and globe trot that glorified clothes-hanger all across the world maybe it'll make up for her inability to act, let alone carry a scene.  Her casting is one of Hollywood's most recent mysteries.


Struggle Gal + a hilariously vaunted director + the genius who wrote 2015's Pan = something Marvel would never do in a million years.





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24 minutes ago, Otakusai said:



Okay.... sure, I guess.

But as a fan of MCU's Tony Stark, I find your snark flavorless.

But whatever.

How'd you like Evan Peters in Apocalypse? He was easily the best represented character, yet again.


I thought this infographic was neat. Not sure if it's been posted already.




BvS has dropped three percent since. 







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25 minutes ago, Otakusai said:



How'd you like Evan Peters in Apocalypse? He was easily the best represented character, yet again.






My date with destiny is this Saturday. I'll write my thoughts down on the spoiler thread then.

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11 minutes ago, filmlover said:







9 minutes ago, Arlborn said:

My date with destiny is this Saturday. I'll write my thoughts down on the spoiler thread then.


I hope you thoroughly enjoy it, I seriously do, but at the same time I'm praying for it to bomb. I need Singer/Kinberg shaken loose from that franchise.  Fingers crossed.

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Interesting CW v BvS comparison:


this comment killed me though :rofl:

This is the second dumbest review of Civil War. The dumbest review wanted a romantic triangle between Cap, Stark, and Black Widow. Your review is nearly as stupid and out of touch for saying BvS makes emotional sense while CW does not. CW is all about emotions and characters driven by emotions. If you missed that, you are pretty clueless. So what if Spider-Man was included in the movie mainly for the big fight scene? This is a comic book movie, it's about having FUN. You're the idiot wanting everything in the film "mean" something. You're the idiot who'd rather have Tony and Cap talk out there differences rather that fight it out. IN A SUPERHERO MOVIE. This isn't a freakin' Ingmar Bergman movie. You need to get in touch with your inner child, you sound like a pretentious uptight wannabe film critic who can't just sit back and let the movie sink in.

Edited by antovolk
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BvS is the opposite of emotional. I'm pretty sure when you kill off a flagship character and no one gives a shit, you've failed at the emotional part. Or when a supposedly dramatic revelation (Martha) incites laughter and ridicule.

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3 minutes ago, moviesRus said:

BvS is the opposite of emotional. I'm pretty sure when you kill off a flagship character and no one gives a shit, you've failed at the emotional part. Or when a supposedly dramatic revelation (Martha) incites laughter and ridicule.

Take it you didn't even read the thing :rofl:


Then there’s Batman v Superman.Its mom scene was widely and loudly mocked. From the Civil Warlens, the scene doesn’t make sense. Why does Superman call his mother by her first name here? Why does Batman care enough to immediately stop trying to kill Superman? There isn’t a checklist of previous scenes that explicitly set up this one. Most people found it ridiculous. UnlikeCivil War’s mom scene, Batman v Superman’s has an emotional truth at its core. We know Batman harbors tremendous guilt about the deaths of his parents. We know that he is threatened by Superman’s superhumanity, and disgruntled over being lectured on his brutal methods by a man who killed thousands in his fight against General Zod. It’s only when he sees Superman at his weakest, begging for his mother, that Batman can see himself in Superman. He drops the spear because he recognizes Superman’s essential human frailty for the first time. Yes, it takes a goofy and nonsensical route on its way to that moment. It’s enough that the moment itself is so emotionally raw. It has a naked power that something as overwritten as Civil War never comes close to achieving.


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2 minutes ago, Harpospoke said:


Interesting idea.   Elaborate? 


I assume spoilers aren't allowed yet so... SPOILER TAG!



Batman clearly has lingering effects from his parents death, specifically his mother. Captain America clearly has lingering effects from his friends death/evil turn. Crossbones mentions Bucky and Captain America immediately freezes up. Superman mentions Martha, in an attempt to make sure Batman knows who to save, and Batman immediately freezes up. You could argue "why would Superman say Martha instead of Mother" well, he's telling Batman, not screaming for her.


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3 minutes ago, ChipMunky said:


I assume spoilers aren't allowed yet so... SPOILER TAG!


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Batman clearly has lingering effects from his parents death, specifically his mother. Captain America clearly has lingering effects from his friends death/evil turn. Crossbones mentions Bucky and Captain America immediately freezes up. Superman mentions Martha, in an attempt to make sure Batman knows who to save, and Batman immediately freezes up. You could argue "why would Superman say Martha instead of Mother" well, he's telling Batman, not screaming for her.


To expand:


would argue - and I think the extended cut will expand on it - Superman

knew mentioning Martha would affect Batman in his way - he probably finds out that their mothers share the name when in Gotham investigating Batman (which is a whole subplot in the extended cut). From the start of the fight he's been trying to get to Bruce, but failing until that moment.

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