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OMG, forget Pocahontas, forget Dances with Wolves or Hollywood altogether. Those are stories just taken from actual history. HISTORY. So if you want to tell me that James "smartest man among smart men" knows nothing of history then yes I'll admit I was wrong to use that phrase. 



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8 minutes ago, Captain Craig said:



OMG, forget Pocahontas, forget Dances with Wolves or Hollywood altogether. Those are stories just taken from actual history. HISTORY. So if you want to tell me that James "smartest man among smart men" knows nothing of history then yes I'll admit I was wrong to use that phrase. 



"Avatar's story, which you think is a just copied from Pocohontas, how uncreative!" -Jimbo

It's not an opinion. It's an objective fact. -Craig


Could it be what you wrote and what you meant were two different things?

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"Titanic",though a much better film then "Avatar", did not exactly win awards for originality either. The "Love Story  with the Lovers caught up in
Historical Events" is a classic film formula....."Gone With The Wind" and "Dr.Zhivago" come to mind among many others.

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1 minute ago, dudalb said:

"Titanic",though a much better film then "Avatar", did not exactly win awards for originality either. The "Love Story  with the Lovers caught up in
Historical Events" is a classic film formula....."Gone With The Wind" and "Dr.Zhivago" come to mind among many others.


totally agree.  I love Titanic but I wouldn't call it exactly original either.  Not sure why that is such an insult.  I know you aren't saying it as an insult, but just saying some take it that way. 


Every story has been told, the only difference in how it is being told.

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5 hours ago, dudalb said:


I find your idea that "Big Box Office meand a Great Director" to be stupid and foolish/

I don't like everything that Tatantino does, but as filmmaker he is much more creative and interesting then James Cameron.


Then why are you here? Shouldn't you be browsing the Kino Elitist Critical Theory Film Forum? 

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@Barnack your logical fallacy of the day is Special Pleading. 


I merely used Tarantino as but one example. I find it highly suspect that so many supposed 'box office theory' fans are so against using box office as a measure of objective fact. 


Yet, you use this phrase 'trolling', and please pardon me for not understanding (I'm not quite as young as most here), but what is that supposed to mean exactly? I've only really seen it used so far in places where some leftist is trying to overlook some fact I have presented. 

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Just now, That One Guy said:

Yes, because we are a box office forum, we are only allowed to talk about filmmakers from a perspective of how much money they make.

Do you really want to go down this path again TOG? I never said that we should only discuss the box office, I am merely observing the fact that the box office is so often cast aside in favor of far more subjective criteria. 


Please, lets not go any further with this line of reasoning. I'm still suffering from second hand shame from our last little talk. 

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It's almost as if when people are discussing their subjective thoughts on a director, they will give subjective reasons for why they think said director is better.  I don't think anyone is doubting that James Cameron is one of the most commercially successful directors of all time, but there's a difference between commercially successful and subjectively successful.

Edited by That One Guy
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1 minute ago, That One Guy said:

there's a difference between commercially successful and subjectively successful.

Of course there is, I'm glad some of you are able to articulate this fact that seems lost on so many! One can be measured and therefore discussed with some rigor, the other cannot and is practically nonsense. 

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3 minutes ago, JamesCameronScholar said:

@Barnack your logical fallacy of the day is Special Pleading. 


I merely used Tarantino as but one example. I find it highly suspect that so many supposed 'box office theory' fans are so against using box office as a measure of objective fact. 


Yet, you use this phrase 'trolling', and please pardon me for not understanding (I'm not quite as young as most here), but what is that supposed to mean exactly? I've only really seen it used so far in places where some leftist is trying to overlook some fact I have presented. 


How can box office be anything else than an objective fact (how much a movie made at the box office) and what else can be used to objectively factually demonstrate ?


What is flawed in my logics, try to name 10 director with a better box office track record than Tarantino since the early 90s outside the franchise/ip movie world ? even just 5, it will not be that easy.


Trolling is saying stuff in a way on a message platform not to engage in a meaningful conversation, just to create a strong reaction or were you serious about people that talk about Tarantino on this message board should go away ?


4 minutes ago, JamesCameronScholar said:

I am merely observing the fact that the box office is so often cast aside in favor of far more subjective criteria. 

Because everyone can look at the box office numbers and in less in 10 minutes pretty much known everything objective about it, there is just nothing to talk about that is objective, can just post a series of numbers and that is it, the conversation will always tend to turn around subjective stuff, where something can be talked about.

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@Barnack your latter paragraph has some merit, but alas it is 1am my time so I must get some sleep - please don't let me get away with ignoring your post though, I'd hate to be that rude. 


To the rest of those questioning the 'originality' of Avatar I leave them with this: 



What has been will be again,
    what has been done will be done again;
    there is nothing new under the sun.


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4 hours ago, dudalb said:

Cameron is cutting edge on film technology, but if he wants to make "Avatar" the next Star Wars , he is going to have do much better in the story and characters department then he did that three shour tech demo film that was "Avatar".

Like Star Wars has been a beacon of originality... And the latest entries are the worst offenders. Taking tropes from elsewhere and putting your spin on it is one thing but regurgitating oneself... nah... that's just lazy. The stories have been nothing special from the start but TLJ just felt trite. That doesn't take away from the fact that the OT still is really enjoyable to watch. Some of the casting was a stroke of genius, for sure.


If you argue Avatar was a tech demo i will argue the same for Star Wars. Or do you really think the wow factor didn't play a part in the success of the OT?

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1 hour ago, That One Guy said:

I don't think anyone is doubting that James Cameron is one of the most commercially successful directors of all time, but there's a difference between commercially successful and subjectively successful.

Wait, who wants to argue that Cameron is not "subjectively successful"?

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2 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


Well yeah, anyone who claims Titanic to not be the greatest film of all time deserves to have their movie watching abilities highly questioned

So in the sense of: any director is subjectively a complete failure because someone somewhere doesn't like one of their movies?

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