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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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33 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Lots of Movies celebrated by the cinephile elite in the last few years are so lame and cheap and small and with very little cinematic values and no ambition whatsoever, there are just basic social commentaries for the dumb.


There  s a reason the most influential cinephile in the world has stopped giving his Top 10 of the year in the last few years.


For a guy raised on 70's cinema where directors had a super advance cinematic language and vocabulary  and stories that went beyond the kitchen of your neighbors, he must be appalled by what is getting praised to the heavens today and I frankly can't blame him.


Please add VS Basic 3M Indie to the title please.




What does any of this have to do with this thread?

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2 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

hype is already beginning, 3 adverts for avatar world where aired during the oscars.


you wont be able to stop it, everyone will love the films but you. You'll think "why do I hate these films again?", then realise it's stubbornness against an annoying poster on a box office movie discussion forum. Can't like something he likes right.


You know the Avatar advertisements were from Disney to promote Avatar Land in Walt Disney World, right? The hype right now isn't for the movies.

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15 hours ago, Ozymandias said:



1.)  The Warner Bro/DC universe will continue to be a dumpster fire and eventually canceled, I doubt Wonder Woman will be good because they no longer get the benefit of the doubt after 3 turkeys in a row.


2.)  Marvel will continue to make competent but forgettable films.


3.)  FOX will continue down the Deadpool / Logan road with risks and freshness.


Edited by chrisman0606
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1 hour ago, Walt Disney said:


You know the Avatar advertisements were from Disney to promote Avatar Land in Walt Disney World, right? The hype right now isn't for the movies.

Of course, I saw the advert my friend.


The hype is for Avatar Land, which is hyping the Avatar franchise, the franchise that Avatar 2 is a part of.

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5 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

4) FOX will make lots of Avatar money

Dude no one even thinks about Avatar anymore it was big it was huge it started a trend let it die we have had no evidence that they are not even making another one beyond a few James Cameron quotes and reports it is years away at the earliest and it's already been 8 

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14 hours ago, Harpospoke said:



Yep...that's how it works.



Everything.   The whole point of the joke is him reacting to the conversation about how the critics hated BvS.



Awards for art really aren't "facts" at all.   No one agrees with them.   They shouldn't exist.   There has never been a single award for art that people agreed with.   The Oscars are pretty much an excuse for actors and Hollywood execs to get together and get drunk and tell each other how great they are.


There is no way to measure art and determine which is "better".   Two people can have the exact opposite opinions about art and neither one would be wrong.


If you start claiming Oscars prove something, you can't change later when you don't agree with the results.   Your stance here means that SS is a better movie than Batman Begins for instance.    And you certainly can't place great importance on one group of people voting on a movie (Oscars) but dismiss another group of people voting on a a movie (RT).   Make up your mind if you think art can be measured or not.


But of course since no two methods for measuring art ever agree, that's another stab wound to the idea that it can be done.   Ask a different group of people to vote and you get a different result.


This is a very stupid post.


Suicide Squad won an Oscar. That IS a fact. Do you not know what facts are?


Nowhere did I say that because it won an Oscar, that means it's a better film.

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9 hours ago, boomboom234 said:

Dude no one even thinks about Avatar anymore it was big it was huge it started a trend let it die we have had no evidence that they are not even making another one beyond a few James Cameron quotes and reports it is years away at the earliest and it's already been 8 

Go on my friend, make a prediction Domestic and Worldwide.


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@IronJimbo I as a Star Wars fan will admit and I am damn serious that a Han Solo opens in May and Avatar 2 opens in December of 2018, Avatar 2 will have a 200 million domestic opening all the way to 600 million cume domestic. It will be the first movie to have the potential to gross over 3 billion USD, and it will also break Chinese Box Office record. I concede defeat and Avatar 2 will kick Star Wars my beloved franchise ass.

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1 minute ago, chrisman0606 said:

@IronJimbo I as a Star Wars fan will admit and I am damn serious that a Han Solo opens in May and Avatar 2 opens in December of 2018, Avatar 2 will have a 200 million domestic opening all the way to 600 million cume domestic. It will be the first movie to have the potential to gross over 3 billion USD, and it will also break Chinese Box Office record. I concede defeat and Avatar 2 will kick Star Wars my beloved franchise ass.

No shame in second place Chris my man, it's good that you can give an unbiased estimation. Better man than I am #$6b

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2 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:



I'm laughing


It's surprising how often I see it actually, the old 'No one talks about Avatar anymore' really gets my goat. They need to start teaching critical thinking or logic in our schools, because it's patently not. 


That or people just flunked English 101. 

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2 hours ago, Arlborn said:

Are you none?



Anyways, I'm getting cautiously excited about Avatar 2.

We are separate don't be obtuse in the GA no one is talking about it, it will do big numbers internationally but the 3d trend is well dead by now I would say around 500 Dom at most 1 billion OS 

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11 minutes ago, boomboom234 said:

We are separate don't be obtuse in the GA no one is talking about it, it will do big numbers internationally but the 3d trend is well dead by now I would say around 500 Dom at most 1 billion OS 

$1.5b world wide.

Ouch, would be embarrassing for you if it made over $3b.

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14 minutes ago, boomboom234 said:

We are separate don't be obtuse in the GA no one is talking about it, it will do big numbers internationally but the 3d trend is well dead by now I would say around 500 Dom at most 1 billion OS 

 Those other People you're talking about will be talking about it soon enough, I promise you. 

1.5 billions worldwide would be a good number  actually? It certainly doesn't sound like you think none is talking about it if you think this is doing 1.5b.

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On 2/28/2017 at 8:38 AM, ChipMunky said:


This is a very stupid post.


Suicide Squad won an Oscar. That IS a fact. Do you not know what facts are?


Nowhere did I say that because it won an Oscar, that means it's a better film.


Sounds like we agree that an Oscar means nothing.   But you brought it up as if it meant something.

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I only skimmed the last few pages, but apparently, a hair & makeup Oscar has become the ultimate in mainstream critical validation now. All of those people who wasted their time working on the Best Picture winner must be in despair knowing that their efforts weren't worthy in the hairstyle and makeup arena. :sadno:

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