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2012 Best Picture Thread

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After seeing SLP, I hope it wins. It is not a perfect film, but it is my favorite film. I think Lincoln is a perfect film but a bit boring at times. I think it will be tough to beat Lincoln, but Les Mis, Argo, and SLP are all solid films. By far, the best lineup of BP nominees that I can remember in a long time. Okay, they aren't nominees yet, but they will be. Also, O'Russel is quickly becoming one of my favorite directors. He gets amazing performances out of everyone. And, Lawrence owns. I think she is the best actress within the last decade.

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Man, I thought Lincoln is everything a best winning picture should be. It seemed to me there were plenty of great moments that stirred up some emotion with me.

Including a feeling of desperation (wanted to yell STOP!) when he was leaving the White House for Ford's Theatre before his death

. And it was also a funny movie in many parts as well. As of now, it's my favorite film of the contenders though I have yet to see SLP, ZDT, or DJU.I would also certainly agree with some above that Argo is far from dead. It is getting some solid response in the early awards and if the academy doesn't want to give Spielberg his 3rd, I think Affleck takes Best Director.

Edited by 33Legend
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I still haven't seen Lincoln. I feel like I have to, but I just don't want to. It's like when your mom forces robitusson on you when you have a cold.

Can't believe you wouldn't like Lincoln. It's so great. I would think it's right up your alley with your interest in politics. DDL portrays him in just the way I would have hoped to see Lincoln behind the scenes. It is not a boring film at all either.
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So it seems like I'm the only person who disliked Lincoln strongly.

I didn't dislike, but wasn't blown away by it and even bored at times. However, it is a well-crafted film and DDL really transforms himself in the role. It's like he is not even acting but rather he casts a spell and summons Lincoln's spirit within himself.
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I didn't dislike, but wasn't blown away by it and even bored at times. However, it is a well-crafted film and DDL really transforms himself in the role. It's like he is not even acting but rather he casts a spell and summons Lincoln's spirit within himself.

Yeah. DDL is probably the only true highlight of the film. Tommy Lee Jones was decent, and Field was just grating. Film itself was bloated, overlong, and boring.
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I think Spielberg takes it. Rooting Bigelow though.

This is a strange year because frontrunners in everything but Actress categories are past winners. At this moment, Director seems either Bigelow or Spielberg`s to take, DDL dominates Best Actor without a strong runner-up in sight, BSAwill likely see 4 past winners (PSH, TLJ, Arkin and DeNiro) or 5 (if Waltz makes it). Someone has to be the first timer. I still expect that guilds turn the Argo tide.Arkin points out at stonger support and it snagged Ensamble which ZDT didn`t despite being very similar in that there`s a central figure (Chastain,Affleck) and a cast of character actors. So we`ll see. Edited by fishnets
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This is a strange year because frontrunners in everything but Actress categories are past winners. At this moment, Director seems either Bigelow or Spielberg`s to take, DDL dominates Best Actor without a strong runner-up in sight, BSAwill likely see 4 past winners (PSH, TLJ, Arkin and DeNiro) or 5 (if Waltz makes it). Someone has to be the first timer. I still expect that guilds turn the Argo tide.Arkin points out at stonger support and it snagged Ensamble which ZDT didn`t despite being very similar in that there`s a central figure (Chastain,Affleck) and a cast of character actors. So we`ll see.

Yeah, they definitely have a first timer problem this year, which is why I think that come Oscar morning we'll have some fairly surprising noms. Actor is fine because Jackman and/or Cooper are first timers. Supporting Actress is missing a first timer. Supporting actor as well unless Redmayne or one of the ZDT guys make it in. Actress is also missing a first timer, which points potentially towards an unexpected actress sneaking in a la Mara last year. In terms of wins, I'm fairly sure supporting actor will go DiCaprio. They award an uber-veteran last year, they'll go with a younger first time winner this year as they do most other times. DiCaprio is the only logical contender in this category right now, unless Redmayne or one of the ZDT guys magically happen.
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Yeah, they definitely have a first timer problem this year, which is why I think that come Oscar morning we'll have some fairly surprising noms. Actor is fine because Jackman and/or Cooper are first timers. Supporting Actress is missing a first timer. Supporting actor as well unless Redmayne or one of the ZDT guys make it in. Actress is also missing a first timer, which points potentially towards an unexpected actress sneaking in a la Mara last year.In terms of wins, I'm fairly sure supporting actor will go DiCaprio. They award an uber-veteran last year, they'll go with a younger first time winner this year as they do most other times. DiCaprio is the only logical contender in this category right now, unless Redmayne or one of the ZDT guys magically happen.

Or Henry (Beasts of Southern Wild). he had great showing with precursors.But 5 past winner line-up (Waltz or Barden joining in) would throw a total monkey wrench. I don`t even know if that ever happened, that a category had a past winner lockdown. Edited by fishnets
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Or Henry (Beasts of Southern Wild). he had great showing with precursors.But 5 past winner line-up (Waltz or Barden joining in) would throw a total monkey wrench. I don`t even know if that ever happened, that a category had a past winner lockdown.

A 5 past nominee line-up is rare enough, let alone 5 past winners. That line-up definitely isn't gonna go to the Oscars intact.
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