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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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Finally got back home. Went for a drink with the friends I saw it with. Everyone enjoyed it immensely. Crowd was great. Fucking museum played their PA announcer right after the credits started, so I couldn't hear the glorious credits score. It definitely has its flaws, but it's a ton of fun and sets up everything well going forward. First hour and last half hour were great, everything in between was mediocre. It turned out about as well as anyone could expect, due to the amazing character work. Blows the prequels away. Have to see it again, but it definitely gives Jedi a run for its money. Props to the marketing as well, they misdirected one of the best parts of the movie (Rey being teh Jedi, not Finn)

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For what was essentially Star Wars the greatest hits collection this was a good movie. As much as I was pleased to finally see a SW with good dialogue and acting, I actually missed Lucas's input in some areas. The plot and world building were a lot less ambitious than the prequels and there were no sequences as thrilling as the duel of the fates, the last act of AOTC or the beginning of ROTS. It was just a solid movie with few highs but no real lows, thankfully. The new main characters are great so hopefully the sequels can take more risks.

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11 minutes ago, Sam said:

I was both overwhelmed and underwhelmed walking in out of the movie. Huh.


Probably will have a more coherent and definite opinion tomorrow having sleeping on it. 


This is how I feel. I'd give it a B.


I feel like the mythology didn't really advance as much as I would have liked. Han is given a rather unceremonious death and the whole thing seems to lack a certain energy to it. It's meeting the beats but nothing ever particularly wows. Can't say I liked the angsty Kylo Ren angle they took either.


Poe Dameron tho.

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6 minutes ago, Dr 3va2an said:


The knowledge, I must have it.


Well Lucas' ideas get me curious too.


Also people who complain about the the big villain being too obviously CGI didn't understand the resolution has been deliberately taken down because he is a transmitted hologram, I have no doubt the real version will look great like Lupita's character.



The only thing that I really didn't like were the slobs monsters scene, kinda lame ...

Edited by The Futurist
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4 minutes ago, Chewy said:





Something about me just didn't particularly like Han dying just standing there, and being part of his own death. At least the Chewy reaction was worth it.


Whether I'm referring to stalking you at your showing, or referring to Chewbacca is up to you.

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1 hour ago, DMan7 said:

The SW universe is already small when Luke is Vader's son and Luke and Leia are both siblings. 

True.   I can definitely buy that the Force contributes to these improbably meetings.



First impression is that I like it very much.


The good:

Beautiful movie!   So many shots which are epic and awe inspiring.   I would go as far to say it should be in the running for a Best Cinematography Oscar.


Good casting.   No one disappointed me.   Particularly great choices with Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver.   Ridley has some serious charisma and moves around like an athlete.   There is a grace to her...like a dancer almost.   Driver at first put me off due to his unusual look.   But I quickly became comfortable with him.   It also took me a few minutes to get used to Boyega and Issac, but they won me over eventually.  


Ford, Fisher, and Hamill looked great for their ages...especially Hamill.   He looked epic at the end rocking that Jedi beard!   Also really enjoyed the small role of Max von Sydow.   Something about that guy.   Andy Serkis does his usual great job bringing a CGI character to life....very intimidating.


Great use of FX.   Maz Kanata was about as well done as any CGI character I've ever seen.   She had personality and I totally bought into her.   That character blows away the likes of Jar Jar and Watto.   Give Lupita Nyong'o some credit too.   Nice to see the scenes not packed with FX shots....no "dense" in this one.   I could actually follow what was going on at all times.   The new cantina scene was really well done.   That's how Lucas wanted it to look.


Han Solo.   No problem here with his death.   I think it adds to Kylo Ren's character.   Ford finally gets his wish, eh?     ....Although....I'm not completely buying it since he dropped out of sight.   I'm leaving that door open frankly...I know how this works.


Big moments with Rey.   The crowd cheered when she got that light saber away from Ren and I was right there with them.   Thrilling moment.


Ren's motivation.   He's got a serious hero worship thing going on with Vader and I kinda like that.  Explains why he wears the mask...which I was worried about.   He can't really live up to what he imagines Vader was (no doubt inflated to godlike proportions).   He must have heard a lot about Vader growing up and I could see that leading to an admiration which went wrong and was exploited by Snoke.  Again...Driver makes this guy into a character with very little backstory or screentime.


BB8 is cute as can be and a cool twist on the droids.


Several funny lines I enjoyed very much.  "Still wearing the same jacket?"


Little homages.   From the cantina creature popping up in the desert, to Chewie picking up the "Obi wan robe" with a puzzled look, to the hologram chess, to Luke's training remote.   Just enough to make me smile without any eye rolling.   Oh...always like "I've got a bad feeling about this".   :D


Rey being the hero.   Really enjoyed when Finn asked her if she was ok at one point and she just looks at him with an incredulous look as if to say "Why wouldn't I be?"    And he kept trying to take her hand to guide the poor helpless girl and she was having none of it.    No irritating "falling down" stuff from this character....thank you very much.   I thought the scenes where she was impressing Han were well done too.   Of course he offered her a job.  Her personality appeals to me.   No nonsense and yet is empathetic when needed.  The boy in me can't help noticing she is sexy and charismatic too.


I like that Luke was saved until the end.  Totally works for me.


No Prequel stink anywhere to be found.   Finally a real sequel which fits the tone of the original movies.


The not great:


Is it possible I've seen this before?   Let's see....bigger version of the Death Star which they have to destroy at the last second.   Hmmm...not real creative.   I was kinda hoping they would fail to destroy it to throw us for a loop.    I mean...why not let that Star Killer stick around for a couple of movies?   Pretty cool concept.   Reminds me of how Marvel kills off the villain at the end of every movie.   Let it develop a bit.


The story moved...really fast.   Lots of stuff was crammed into the narrative.   Finn felt like he decided to rescue Rey really fast...I guess he loves her or something?     Would have liked to see Ren kill Han in the second movie to give it more weight.  Would rather they had a confrontation where it seemed like Han may have got to Ren a little.   Then when he killed Han in the second movie it would really pack a punch.  ...Kinda like the one scene except spread out more.   And Rey....really progressed FAST!   I like it...but how does she go from knowing nothing to being stronger than Ren in a matter of minutes/hours?   Even Luke took a couple of movies to get up to speed like that.


The Han Leia scenes.   I think I needed a stronger reason for why Han took off and would certainly like to see Leia react a little more strongly to seeing him again.


Not enough Leia.   Was hoping she would have followed through on the "You have that power too" stuff from RotJ.   Han is still out there engaging the enemy and she is left behind as a "general".    Meh...

Edited by Harpospoke
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11 minutes ago, MrPink said:


This is how I feel. I'd give it a B.


I feel like the mythology didn't really advance as much as I would have liked. Han is given a rather unceremonious death and the whole thing seems to lack a certain energy to it. It's meeting the beats but nothing ever particularly wows. Can't say I liked the angsty Kylo Ren angle they took either.


Poe Dameron tho.


I thought Han's death was handled very well. It just would have had more impact if Han/Leia/Kylo were more of a focus in the movie.

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1 minute ago, Dr 3va2an said:


I thought Han's death was handled very well. It just would have had more impact if Han/Leia/Kylo were more of a focus in the movie.


I'm not sure why but I kinda just had a 'That's it?' reaction. Maybe it was the lack of buildup. Not that Ford wanted to do another movie, but if it had more than half a movie to kinda build up that moment it would have worked much better.

Edited by MrPink
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1 minute ago, MrPink said:


I'm not sure why but I kinda just had a 'That's it?' reaction. Maybe it was the lack of buildup. Not that Ford wanted to do another movie, but if it had more than half a movie to kinda build up that moment it would have worked much better.


They needed to give Harry Ford what he's wanted for a long time, they needed to give their villain a kick the dog moment of no return, so it got put in. I agree that the buildup definitely could have been better.


Leia probably feels like a bit of an ass for telling Han to do what he could to redeem their son. If she hadn't been so insistent, Han probably doesn't break cover to confront Ren, and probably lives in the end.

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6 minutes ago, MrPink said:


Something about me just didn't particularly like Han dying just standing there, and being part of his own death. At least the Chewy reaction was worth it.


Whether I'm referring to stalking you at your showing, or referring to Chewbacca is up to you.


You can admit it, you're sad we won't be getting any more Han/Lando (Hando?) or Han/Luke

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Kylo's character was handled well. He's pretty much what Anakin in the prequels, (handled a million times better) as a Sith (or whatever a knight of ren is). Pretty easy dude to hate. Nice twist on him being tempted by the light side as well. We've seen so many lament their temptation to the dark side, it was nice to see it reversed

Edited by Jayhawk the Hutt
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Does anyone think they wasted Phasma on purpose? They wanted a Boba Fett like character that seemed all cool, but was all style and no substance. Didn't work great in the film, but I loved Finn when they were deciding what to do with her. Boyega was awesome, Finn may have been my favorite new character, although they were all fantastic.

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3 minutes ago, Jayhawk the Hutt said:

Does anyone think they wasted Phasma on purpose? They wanted a Boba Fett like character that seemed all cool, but was all style and no substance. Didn't work great in the film, but I loved Finn when they were deciding what to do with her. Boyega was awesome, Finn may have been my favorite new character, although they were all fantastic.


A movie s only 2h+ and FA has already a lot on its mind.

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