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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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15 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:


I look at it like this:


With Jedi lore Anakin was strong with the force before he had one bit of training.  Qui Gon says this about his pod racing skills.  Then when you see the younglings training, you see that there are 4 and 5 year old kids there, very young, which is what they are supposed to be according to what Mace and Yoda say at the end of Menace.....they say anakin, at the age of 8 is too old to being jedi training.  So Rey, being the offspring of Anakin and Luke, might have more natural ability than any other Jedi, perhaps ever (with the exception of Yoda and Palpatine) and so whatever training she received as a young child, she would have innate ability with the force plus she would have 3-4-5 or whatever years of training under her belt.  Put this all together and I don't think it's unreasonable to think that she is more naturally gifted than Kylo and it just took something to awaken that ability.


And yes, you are right, this is about as nerdy a conversation as it gets. :)


For sdeezy

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3 minutes ago, theStun said:

I wonder if they will ever introduce like a long lost kid or relative of Palpatine considering his strength with the darkside


Maybe Finn is Mace Windu's son, and he's had enough of these mothafuckin stormtroopers on these muthafuckin missions.

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1 minute ago, theStun said:

I wonder if they will ever introduce like a long lost kid or relative of Palpatine considering his strength with the darkside


Note how they did not use his name or anything introduced from basically ROTJ on. There were some side characters, but no midichlorians, Ewoks, Palpatine, Naboo, heck they didn't even mention Padme/Amidala unless I missed it. I doubt we'll be seeing much of the above in this trilogy. 


Has anyone considered Rey is Obi-Wan's granddaughter? It would explain her accent. :P

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19 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:


But once again, you are assuming she had no prior experience.

I do think there was a lot of things in the film that they should of explained more, either through flashbacks or just conversations.

I know people don't like to be spoonfed everything but this wouldn't really be spoonfeeding, it would just be stopping all the confusion and these kind of discussions.

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4 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Everybody is a father, mother, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, grandfather, grandmother, cousin of another character in these movies from now on.


They are all from UTAH !


I will just say this regarding the speculation into Rey's parentage; what's more interesting? When Kylo Ren says in Episode 8 that he is her cousin or when he says he is her brother? Leia looked like she knew a hell of a lot more about Rey than she was willing to reveal...even to Han. Something is up there...

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I'm surprised people dislike Kylo as a villain. I think they did a great job in portraying someone constantly conflicted about who he is and what he's doing, while simultaneously making him erratic/dangerous/hateable.

Him with the mask on (IMO) is who he wants to be. He feels more in control of himself and confident and it shows. He's brash, commanding, domineering and ruthless. With the mask off, he almost feels naked or exposed. He's less confident in himself, more human.

His actions, from the opening scene to the 'outbursts' up through him killing his own father give him so many dimensions that he's not just "bad guy #43 boss level". He's deeper than that, more emotive and more substantive.

I don't think many films have been able to pull off a character like this in an antagonist role.

Also, his force abilities are kickass. His crossguard saber is brutal as hell.

If he didn't take that shot from Chewie I'm pretty sure he would've ran through Finn like butter through a knife. At least, that's what it felt like in the film.

ALSO yeah Rey is definitely not newly introduced to the force, and her abilities (while somewhat impressive) portrayed in the film aren't really all that advanced or impossible to think that she could've jumped so far forward. Luke has no issues "learning on the fly" in the first 2 films. I did appreciate that they showed her as gifted with melee combat in the first act, it helped sell her lightsaber abilities.

Can I also say that those fights in the snow were BRUTAL? I mean, damn.

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3 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Everybody is a father, mother, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, grandfather, grandmother, cousin of another character in these movies from now on.


They are all from UTAH !


So the Skywalkers are part of the Joseph Smith clan. This explains so much.

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3 minutes ago, stuart360 said:

I do think there was a lot of things in the film that they should of explained more, either through flashbacks or just conversations.

I know people don't like to be spoonfed everything but this wouldn't really be spoonfeeding, it would just be stopping all the confusion and these kind of discussions.


Wow, you would have been pissed watching Empire for the first time.

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1 minute ago, stuart360 said:

I do think there was a lot of things in the film that they should of explained more, either through flashbacks or just conversations.

I know people don't like to be spoonfed everything but this wouldn't really be spoonfeeding, it would just be stopping all the confusion and these kind of discussions.


Yeah. You just can't leave it to the audience to decipher that kind of thing. Especially people who are new to the franchise. 

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Can you give me a place (forum) where "fans" are loosing their shit about the movie and especially the fact that Rey the  young female scavenger is kicking some Dark Jedi Lord and telling stormptroopers what to do like Anakin ?




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