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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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So I saw this reddit post about KoTOR and TFAhttps://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/3xfbor/spoilers_kotor_influence_in_the_force_awakens/

Pretty cool stuff, some I would say are just coincidences, but there are some things that makes a KoTOR fan like me all giggly, like the Rakata Prime and Scourge of Malachor. 


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Just now, syntaxerror said:

Had always hoped for a KOTOR movie. Wanted it to be one of the anthology movies.

Too much to cover.  We could have tens of thousands of movies covering Star Wars universe.


I mean just this one for Star Wars online. 


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Just now, syntaxerror said:

Had always hoped for a KOTOR movie. Wanted it to be one of the anthology movies.

We got games, cartoons, novels and CGI tv series like Star Wars Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels.  Not to mention fan made films.

Edited by Klingo
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A few points after my 3rd viewing.


-Definitely very rewatchable. 


-the hand that holds young Rey in flashback is definitely the junkyard boss. It's also his voice.  It's not a human hand. 


-an aspect to the Force awakening in Rey also has to be her awareness of it being triggered by Ren using it on her. He isn't fully trained and doesn't have total control.  His lack of control allowed Rey's natural strength with the Force to see his fears about Vader.  This also allowed her to see what was possible with Force. It was a jumpstart which lead to her manipulating the guard. 


-the final fight.  Ren is pretty badly wounded. He punches the wound several times to use the pain to keep himself alert for the fight.  Fin is pretty clumsy against Ren and probably only got one blow in due to Ren's overconfidence in his own abilities.  Throughout the Rey/Ren fight she's backtracking and fending off Ren's attacks almost the entire fight until the moment they pause. It's very clear he pauses the fight because he wants to turn her.  Snoke has already instructed Ren to take Rey to him.  It's then that Rey lets the Force flow through her. 


-The Balance of Power in the Galaxy. How much exposition do people want? The opening scroll and a few of the lines of dialogue set up the current situation pretty clearly.  The Emperor died in ROTJ and subsequently the Empire collapsed. Elements of the Empire coalesced around Snoke as the First Order. Many other systems in the galaxy attempted to re-establish the Republic of old with the New Republic.  The remaining military elements of the Empire must have been split between these two forces. Neither was powerful enough to defeat the other. However, the First Order was guided by the dark side of the Force.  The Resistance arose, covertly supported by the New Republic, to fight the First Order.  That's the situation at the start of the movie. 

Edited by DeeCee
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Just now, DeeCee said:

A few points after my 3rd viewing.


-Definitely very rewatchable. 


-the hand that holds young Rey in flashback is definitely the junkyard boss. It's also his voice.  It's not a human hand. 


-an aspect to the Force awakening in Rey also has to be her awareness of it being triggered by Ren using it on her. He isn't fully trained and doesn't have total control.  His lack of control allowed Rey's natural strength with the Force to see his fears about Vader.  This also allowed her to see what was possible with Force. It was a jumpstart which lead to her manipulating the guard. 


-the final fight.  Ren is pretty badly wounded. He punches the wound several times to use the pain to keep himself alert for the fight.  Fin is pretty clumsy against Ren and probably only got one blow in due to Ren's overconfidence in his own abilities.  Throughout the Rey/Ren fight she's backtracking and fending off Ren's attacks almost the entire fight until the moment they pause. It's very clear he pauses the fight because he wants to turn her.  Snoke has already instructed Ren to take Rey to him.  It's then that Rey lets the Force flow through her. 


-The Balance of Power in the Galaxy. How much exposition do people want? The opening scroll and a few of the lines of dialogue set up the current situation pretty clearly.  The Emperor died in ROTJ and subsequently the Empire collapsed. Elements of the Empire coalesced around Snoke as the First Order. Many other systems in the galaxy attempted to re-establish the Republic of old with the New Republic.  The remaining military elements of the Empire must have been split between these two forces. Neither was powerful enough to defeat the other. However, the First Order was guided by the dark side of the Force.  The Resistance arose, covertly supported by the New Republic, to fight the First Order.  That's the situation at the start of the movie. 

Good job pointing out that it was the junkyard boss.  Someone else says it was that old guy in the beginning handing over part of the map.  But I already pointed out that doesn't make sense to leave Rey on her own like that unless she had a guardian.

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37 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

The Balance of Power in the Galaxy. How much exposition do people want? The opening scroll and a few of the lines of dialogue set up the current situation pretty clearly.  The Emperor died in ROTJ and subsequently the Empire collapsed. Elements of the Empire coalesced around Snoke as the First Order. Many other systems in the galaxy attempted to re-establish the Republic of old with the New Republic.  The remaining military elements of the Empire must have been split between these two forces. Neither was powerful enough to defeat the other. However, the First Order was guided by the dark side of the Force.  The Resistance arose, covertly supported by the New Republic, to fight the First Order.  That's the situation at the start of the movie. 



I didn't pay too much attention, but I'm still unclear about why The Resistance seems like such a rag-tag group of fighters when surely whatever's left of the Republic and/or the New Republic don't just provide its undoubtedly huge army. Might have saved the idiots in Coruscant from getting blown to smithereens.




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Just now, Hatebox said:



I didn't pay too much attention, but I'm still unclear about why The Resistance seems like such a rag-tag group of fighters when surely whatever's left of the Republic and/or the New Republic don't just provide its undoubtedly huge army. Might have saved the idiots in Coruscant from getting blown to smithereens.




It does have a large fleet, they were somewhere else. 

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5 minutes ago, Klingo said:

It does have a large fleet, they were somewhere else. 


Was that actually stated in the film? I can't remember.


It's not a big deal, just odd since we're left to assume that either the Republic was too stupid to perceive the threat of this colossal, Nazi-esque First Order... or it did perceive the threat and was bewildering blase about getting annihilated.






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Just now, Hatebox said:


Was that actually stated in the film? I can't remember.


It's not a big deal, just odd since we're left to assume that neither the Republic was either too stupid to perceive the threat of this colossal, Nazi-esque First Order... or it did perceive the threat and was bewildering blase about getting annihilated.






When they were discussing on how to destroy the Starkiller, CPO mentioned without the fleet, they are doomed.

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1 minute ago, SofNascimento said:

It was said the Republic Fleet was destroyed along with the planets. 


Yeah, I'm just wondering where they were before that. I'd have been rather worried by another Nazi Death Star long before it took out entire planets.

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I did find it interesting that the capital of the Republic in the movie is not Coruscant. Someone in the film says the Starkiller blew up the "Hosnian" system, and Hosnian Prime on the new canon galactic map is quite separate from where Coruscant is.


Kinda odd that the Republic wouldn't reestablish its center on Coruscant.

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Just now, SofNascimento said:

It was said the Republic Fleet was destroyed along with the planets. 

Probably have to read the novel to see if confirmed.  I didn't see a fleet destroyed in the movie.  I'm sure there were ships there protecting it when the whole planetary system was gone.  But I doubt it was the whole fleet.

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2 minutes ago, Klingo said:

Probably have to read the novel to see if confirmed.  I didn't see a fleet destroyed in the movie.  I'm sure there were ships there protecting it when the whole planetary system was gone.  But I doubt it was the whole fleet.

You can see in one of the shots of a planet blowing up a couple of capital ships just being obliterated. But I think that was it as far as visual goes. 

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4 minutes ago, Klingo said:

Probably have to read the novel to see if confirmed.  I didn't see a fleet destroyed in the movie.  I'm sure there were ships there protecting it when the whole planetary system was gone.  But I doubt it was the whole fleet.


In the movie they do say that they lost the Republic fleet. Probably a combination of much of it being stationed in the Hosnian system and with the leadership gone, the remnants are too scattered and confused to come to the Resistance's aid in time.


Since the Republic is covertly supporting the Resistance, I doubt there is an open line between Leia and any Republic ship. With Hosnian Prime down there's no direct way of communicating with whoever is left.

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I get the impression it was a Cold War type situation. Each side new they weren't strong enough (up until the First Order completed the Starkiller) to defeat the other.  The key point is in Hux's Hitler speech.  The First Order knows that the New Republic supports The Resistance but wasn't yet strong enough to take on the New Republic directly. 


General Hux: Today is the end of the Republic. The end of a regime that acquiesces to disorder. At this very moment in a system far from here, the New Republic lies to the galaxy while secretly supporting the treachery of the rogues of the Resistance.
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