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Ezen Baklattan

The 4th Annual BOX OFFICE THEORY Awards: Official Ceremony


26 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think will win Best Picture?

    • The Big Short
    • Bridge of Spies
    • Creed
    • Ex Machina
    • Inside Out
    • Mad Max: Fury Road
    • The Martian
    • Room
    • Spotlight
    • Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  2. 2. How angry will CJohn be with these awards?

    • Absolutely
    • Extremely
    • Intensely
    • Profusely
    • Quite a lot

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And now, the nominees for Best Scene are...


Jack's Escape



The Return to the Citadel



Forest Lightaber Duel



Bing Bong's Finest Hour



Single-Take Fight



And the BOFFY goes to....








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3 minutes ago, Spaghetti said:

Who must these righteous heroes face? Why, the nominees for Best Villian!





Kylo Ren

Portrayed by Daisy Ridely




See here's why Ridley should have won, she impersonated Adam Driver playing Kylo Ren

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Lucky Number 7 is ready to go.







“It’s been said that fairy tales exist not to show us that dragons are real, but that dragons can be defeated. Now, Spotlight is hardly a fairy tale, to the point where it’s disturbingly the exact opposite, but in spite of its sobering truths, Spotlight etches out hope through its righteous pursuit of justice. As a pillar of the community, several priests and ministers have been committing atrocities in the forms of sexual harassment of minors, and far too many people have been complicit, if not desperate, in covering it up. When such standards of morality are brought down by such corruption, where’s the damn hope that anything positive can be fixed from it?


Spotlight raises the point that these harsh truths do exists, that higher powers can do very awful things, yet through this point, it does not give in to the despair. Like so many other great films of 2015, Spotlight is about underdogs who use their talents to fight against a seemingly insurmountable darkness. In this case, the reporters of the Boston Globe comprise an ensemble of unexpected heroes, working to uncover the horrific activities of the Church, a process much, much harder than it seems on the tin.


All this said, Spotlight is simply a damn great film in general. Boasting a cohesive ensemble and sharp, yet subtle, filmmaking from Tom McCarthy, it works refreshingly well as an effective newsroom drama and more cerebral entertainment. However, the themes mentioned above truly elevate Spotlight from being simply a great film to one of the best of the year. The stories can be told. Action can be taken. Evil exists in the world, but you can act against it. Will you?”




“Spotlight is a film that doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel. It’s a journalism movie. That’s it. And therein lays its brilliance: In its restrain. It would have been too easy to fall into sensationalism and simply condemn from self-righteous fury but instead the film sticks to facts, which are horrifying enough on their own. Because this is a story about facts and the effect these facts have on a very personal level.


Allow me to get personal for a moment. I’m a very very very lapsed Catholic but I grew up in a Catholic family in a very Catholic country and went to the same Catholic school for 12 years. When I went off-shore to study I ended up in the only Catholic region of a mostly Protestant nation (although that fact had nothing to do with my decision). Even today I’m still surrounded by people with varying levels of piety even if I only step on a church whenever someone dies or marries. Given that it wasn’t hard for me to get into the headspace of Bostonians as they uncovered the Church’s vile behavior. And it all felt real, too real: every testimony of a survivor that gave these crimes a human face instead of just serving up cold numbers hit like a punch to the gut, the terror at the idea of having some of those men a few meters away from your children, the pain at considering how this truth would affect those elder relatives that have counted the Church as a pillar throughout their whole lives, the impotence at finding out that former classmates were victimized, and most of all the anger at this deep betrayal that takes form in Ruffalo’s outbreak. And it’s precisely that scene where everything has boiled to the point where you just can’t take it anymore. And so it happens that you break down with him. It’s so masterfully written, directed and acted that it feels earned. It feels genuine instead of a cheap preaching moment.  It’s a scene that encapsulates the heights you can reach when a skillful director is given a brilliant script and a talented cast.


Spotlight refrains from hitting your head like a hammer and instead trusts its story and cast to make its statement. It’s powerful and haunting. It’s a masterpiece and a storytelling triumph. And it’s one of the best films of the year.”


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