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The B rate is mine.Extremely enjoyable  fantasy flik, it wont get u bored even for a sec.


There is  only 1 issue the lack of progression in some characters, DUncan Jones has put so much love and passion and a little Warcraft fanboism and that led to the surface of many  interesting in-movie characters.It needed 25-30 more min, that being said  commercially dont know if it would be good for Legendary it might turn out that 2h 10 min might  been Ok

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I've rated it A because in termes of sheer enjoyment it is the movie of the year for me so far. Maybe that's cos i'm not a critic and when i go to the theatre i just sit there enjoying the movie not seeking for some flaws and other shit.

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B, thoroughly enjoyable.


Character Development seemed rushed as hell, Lothar and the green women were in love in just moments.

Also the kings armour was so clean, it looked like a cosplay.


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This movie is second to only Fant4stic as the most soulless movie I have paid to watch in cinemas. 


I've seen nothing like it. First off it seems to go out of its way to make sure you don't understand what the fuck is going on, like these orcs all mumble their dialogue, it's really tough to understand some of the shit they're saying. All the human characters look the same (white guys with long hair and beards), I could only tell who they were halfway through a scene. Why not shave some of them and make this shit easier?


The human actors are TERRIBLE, absolute garbage. If you've seen a BBC1 fantasy show like Merlin, or Robin Hood, or Once Upon a Time, that is the caliber of acting on display here. There's 2 scenes where someone yells "For Azeroth!!" and its just sad, you can how awkward and nervous they are in their faces, and hear it in the delivery. And the worse part is they are all paper thin in terms of character. People died, were betrayed, experienced loss, and I couldn't give a flying fuck. There's nothing to them. This one is the king, this one is a warrior, this one is the queen, this one is a wizard, this one is a kind young wizard, THATS IT, THAT IS ALL THEIR IS TOO THEM. I really cant give a fuck about people I don't know. The Orcs are just as bad. Something happens to one of the orcs in this movie and my reaction to it was pretty much exactly the same as when Paul Rudd looks up and says "huh" in the Ant Man trailer. That was the biggest reaction any part of this film got from me.


In terms of building a living world with places, elements, characters, and species and races I care about this movie falls flat on it's face. The Humans need to stop the Orcs from invading their world and I'm still trying to figure out WHY. The Orcs just seem to be in one isolated location throughout the whole. Where's the threat? What is that green stuff the evil orc is using? Where does it come from? Why is their a giant man made out of clay? Why is the Orc in-fighting not explored enough to make people care? Why does one Orc betray another Orc, start a conflict within the Orcs and then switch sides in the space of 3 minutes? Why did the evil orc turn one Orc into the strongest Orc ever only for that Orc to get defeated in a 2 second fight? How does the strongest Orc ever get defeated in 2 seconds? Why is this character suddenly in love with another character? Why does this one guy give Paula Patton a rose made out of light? What does the light rose represent? What was that cube thing? Who was the person inside the cube thing? What was the point of the person inside the cube thing? 


3/10. DREADFUL. The goddess Paula Patton (who struggles to get her lines out thanks to these upside down vampire teeth they put in) was the only saving grace of this mess. The action has also been outdone by Game of Thrones, and LOTR, you'll find more tense and thrilling action there and one of those is a TV show that has a seasonal budget that is a fraction of the budget of this movie. This movie isn't even convoluted, I wouldn't say that, it's pretty simple 'Orcs VS Humans', it just fills it's time with nonsense to make up for the fact that they have no idea how to build a story that would make people excited to see the resulting battle. In that regards it actually feels like a Video Game, you have the main premise, and then you have all the random levels and events in-between. Games takes a thin premise and spins it into situations that are fun to play through, not actually focus on an immersive and captivating story because at the end of the day the story isn't what truly matters to a game, it's gameplay. 


Fuck this movie and fuck China for making it profitable. Game fans for the love of God please recognise that you deserve better. 

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32 minutes ago, AJG said:

This movie is second to only Fant4stic as the most soulless movie I have paid to watch in cinemas. 


I've seen nothing like it. First off it seems to go out of its way to make sure you don't understand what the fuck is going on, like these orcs all mumble their dialogue, it's really tough to understand some of the shit they're saying. All the human characters look the same (white guys with long hair and beards), I could only tell who they were halfway through a scene. Why not shave some of them and make this shit easier?


The human actors are TERRIBLE, absolute garbage. If you've seen a BBC1 fantasy show like Merlin, or Robin Hood, or Once Upon a Time, that is the caliber of acting on display here. There's 2 scenes where someone yells "For Azeroth!!" and its just sad, you can how awkward and nervous they are in their faces, and hear it in the delivery. And the worse part is they are all paper thin in terms of character. People died, were betrayed, experienced loss, and I couldn't give a flying fuck. There's nothing to them. This one is the king, this one is a warrior, this one is the queen, this one is a wizard, this one is a kind young wizard, THATS IT, THAT IS ALL THEIR IS TOO THEM. I really cant give a fuck about people I don't know. The Orcs are just as bad. Something happens to one of the orcs in this movie and my reaction to it was pretty much exactly the same as when Paul Rudd looks up and says "huh" in the Ant Man trailer. That was the biggest reaction any part of this film got from me.


In terms of building a living world with places, elements, characters, and species and races I care about this movie falls flat on it's face. The Humans need to stop the Orcs from invading their world and I'm still trying to figure out WHY. The Orcs just seem to be in one isolated location throughout the whole. Where's the threat? What is that green stuff the evil orc is using? Where does it come from? Why is their a giant man made out of clay? Why is the Orc in-fighting not explored enough to make people care? Why does one Orc betray another Orc, start a conflict within the Orcs and then switch sides in the space of 3 minutes? Why did the evil orc turn one Orc into the strongest Orc ever only for that Orc to get defeated in a 2 second fight? How does the strongest Orc ever get defeated in 2 seconds? Why is this character suddenly in love with another character? Why does this one guy give Paula Patton a rose made out of light? What does the light rose represent? What was that cube thing? Who was the person inside the cube thing? What was the point of the person inside the cube thing? 


3/10. DREADFUL. The goddess Paula Patton (who struggles to get her lines out thanks to these upside down vampire teeth they put in) was the only saving grace of this mess. The action has also been outdone by Game of Thrones, and LOTR, you'll find more tense and thrilling action there and one of those is a TV show that has a seasonal budget that is a fraction of the budget of this movie. This movie isn't even convoluted, I wouldn't say that, it's pretty simple 'Orcs VS Humans', it just fills it's time with nonsense to make up for the fact that they have no idea how to build a story that would make people excited to see the resulting battle. In that regards it actually feels like a Video Game, you have the main premise, and then you have all the random levels and events in-between. Games takes a thin premise and spins it into situations that are fun to play through, not actually focus on an immersive and captivating story because at the end of the day the story isn't what truly matters to a game, it's gameplay. 


Fuck this movie and fuck China for making it profitable. Game fans for the love of God please recognise that you deserve better. 


CGI is big part of this movie , you seem to ignore it tho.


As long as fans enjoy it ,and theres enough of fans to carry this movie solely ,its all good.


Even critics on RT gave it 4.2/10 ,for average non-fan person its around 5-7/10 mostly ,and for most of fans its 8+/10 .


" Fuck this movie and fuck China for making it profitable. Game fans for the love of God please recognise that you deserve better.  " -Amongst all     this movie is targeted towards warcraft fans ,and they liked it,if u check any warcraft related fanpage ,you can usually only see really positive critics.Its kinda silly to think that you know what warcraft fans or even game fans deserve or want.




Edited by nexoskirya
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26 minutes ago, nexoskirya said:


CGI is big part of this movie , you seem to ignore it tho.


realistically its 6.5-7/10






The CG was a mix of great and 'meh' Those crowd shots sucked, I could see where they started copying and pasting parts of a crowd to make it look bigger just by looking at the way the crowd moves and behaves (some people raised their axes at the same time, small stuff like that, but I dont think it truly matters). The Orcs, and the nature was great, but the human cities and the green screen use was lacking.


It's 2016. Unless you're gonna blow my mind with the CG, or have absolutely dreadful CG I'm just not that bothered. I'm not knocking it in that department, it's just seems to be standard CG and any flaws I see in it I forgive due to the $160Mil budget (a ton of movies have incredibly much bigger budgets). I haven't really been blown away by CG in these blockbusters for years now. When it comes to these big movies I dont think it's that important, it's just so common.

Edited by AJG
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2 hours ago, AJG said:

In terms of building a living world with places, elements, characters, and species and races I care about this movie falls flat on it's face. The Humans need to stop the Orcs from invading their world and I'm still trying to figure out WHY. The Orcs just seem to be in one isolated location throughout the whole. Where's the threat? What is that green stuff the evil orc is using? Where does it come from? Why is their a giant man made out of clay? Why is the Orc in-fighting not explored enough to make people care? Why does one Orc betray another Orc, start a conflict within the Orcs and then switch sides in the space of 3 minutes? Why did the evil orc turn one Orc into the strongest Orc ever only for that Orc to get defeated in a 2 second fight? How does the strongest Orc ever get defeated in 2 seconds? Why is this character suddenly in love with another character? Why does this one guy give Paula Patton a rose made out of light? What does the light rose represent? What was that cube thing? Who was the person inside the cube thing? What was the point of the person inside the cube thing? 

Dude, I've never played Warcraft or had even the slightest knowledge of the franchise, but even I could answer most of those questions after seeing the movie only once.


1. The Orcs aren't always in an isolated location. They're pretty clearly shown to be raiding and attacking villages all throughout the kingdom. Hell, they first come to the human's attention because they slaughter a garrison.


2. The green stuff is a type of dark, corrupting magic called The Fell, which is fueled by lifeforce.


3. The giant man made of clay was a golem. He was shown and explained in the Guardian's first scene. (In a moment that, for me at least, was fairly clear foreshadowing that he was going to come to life and do something)


4. Are we talking about the orc with the big hammer here? Because he betrayed his clan leader (the main character orc) because said orc wanted to side with humans against the dark wizard orc (since he believed the dark wizard using the Fell was what killed their land). He then switched back sides because dark wizard orc ordered the slaughter of his entire clan. 


5. For the strongest orc being killed in like 2 seconds... yeah, that was kinda silly. Only explanation I can give is that super strength doesn't really help when someone slices your gonads apart.


6. Why is this character suddenly in love with another character? Because movie romances are bullshit. Nothing new there.


7. The light rose thing, yeah, I was also kinda confused with and expecting to show up again. I guess it was probably just supposed to be something beautiful for her rather than to have any real purpose. Either that or it'll turn up in the sequel.


8. The cube thing was something containing a guardian entity who used the last of her power to bring to Wizard Jr's attention that the Guardian was corrupted. I suppose you could argue it came out of nowhere, but it didn't really bother me.


Not to say I don't get people being confused, since for the first third or so I was struggling to keep up as well, but the stuff was answered in the film.



Personally, I actually really enjoyed it. It had a very shakey and confusing 1st third, I have to admit, but I after a while I really found myself getting into it. A lot of the characters I found myself feeling genuinely invested in. They did a good job fleshing out the comraderie between them and it was pleasant to find there were actually very few 100% villainous characters (aside from the one dark orc wizard). It's seriously rare for a movie to genuinely leave me wanting to see more of the characters/world/story, but this one managed to do it.


I can entirely understand if people can't get past that confusing first act and get invested in the rest of the story and I'll openly admit I'm probably less bothered than most by what others might call an excess of CGI but the movie just really worked for me. Hope it gets a sequel.

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33 minutes ago, rukaio101 said:

Dude, I've never played Warcraft or had even the slightest knowledge of the franchise, but even I could answer most of those questions after seeing the movie only once.


1. The Orcs aren't always in an isolated location. They're pretty clearly shown to be raiding and attacking villages all throughout the kingdom. Hell, they first come to the human's attention because they slaughter a garrison.


2. The green stuff is a type of dark, corrupting magic called The Fell, which is fueled by lifeforce.


3. The giant man made of clay was a golem. He was shown and explained in the Guardian's first scene. (In a moment that, for me at least, was fairly clear foreshadowing that he was going to come to life and do something)


4. Are we talking about the orc with the big hammer here? Because he betrayed his clan leader (the main character orc) because said orc wanted to side with humans against the dark wizard orc (since he believed the dark wizard using the Fell was what killed their land). He then switched back sides because dark wizard orc ordered the slaughter of his entire clan. 


5. For the strongest orc being killed in like 2 seconds... yeah, that was kinda silly. Only explanation I can give is that super strength doesn't really help when someone slices your gonads apart.


6. Why is this character suddenly in love with another character? Because movie romances are bullshit. Nothing new there.


7. The light rose thing, yeah, I was also kinda confused with and expecting to show up again. I guess it was probably just supposed to be something beautiful for her rather than to have any real purpose. Either that or it'll turn up in the sequel.


8. The cube thing was something containing a guardian entity who used the last of her power to bring to Wizard Jr's attention that the Guardian was corrupted. I suppose you could argue it came out of nowhere, but it didn't really bother me.


Not to say I don't get people being confused, since for the first third or so I was struggling to keep up as well, but the stuff was answered in the film.



Personally, I actually really enjoyed it. It had a very shakey and confusing 1st third, I have to admit, but I after a while I really found myself getting into it. A lot of the characters I found myself feeling genuinely invested in. They did a good job fleshing out the comraderie between them and it was pleasant to find there were actually very few 100% villainous characters (aside from the one dark orc wizard). It's seriously rare for a movie to genuinely leave me wanting to see more of the characters/world/story, but this one managed to do it.


I can entirely understand if people can't get past that confusing first act and get invested in the rest of the story and I'll openly admit I'm probably less bothered than most by what others might call an excess of CGI but the movie just really worked for me. Hope it gets a sequel.


1) I remember seeing 2 human slaves, one woman, and one old man getting the soul sucked out of him. I remember the humans hearing that villages are being raided, and an quick overhead shot or orcs fucking shit up. The movie just presentation of the matter didnt stress it's seriousness. Look at the difference between how people responded to the dark end battle in MOS to the battle in The Avengers. Raids of human villages should surely be made to feel much more heavy then anything they presented me with here, and with those raids being as important as they were I felt the film didnt do enough to drive that point home.


2) I knew it was called Fell, but i have no clue what it was. Just thought it was evil green magic goop they get from sucked out souls.


3) But why? Why a giant clay man? To protect the library? It's so odd and out of place here. I need more detail. I'm just meant to accept this random giant clay man? Any other movie would recognise out of place elements, and would do more convince the audience as to why it is needed and why it fits in with the rest of the film


4) The character was too underdeveloped and the reversion back to good was so quick it just seemed pointless. He just became interesting and boom he goes back to being the nobody he was only a couple of minutes ago


5) This sucked for me. It's a problem with the movie. What was the point of that? "Hey guys here's the big bad threat, wait a second he's already dead, don't worry". It was unnecessary. 


6) Sucked too. I agree.


7) No idea.


8) Why add such a convoluted and distracting method to do something so incredibly simple in this of all movies?


9) Thank God for you. Im happy somebody here just wants to discuss their thoughts. :)

Edited by AJG
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2 minutes ago, AJG said:


1) I remember seeing 2 human slaves, one woman, and one old man getting the soul sucked out of him. I remember the humans hearing that villages are being raided, and an quick overhead shot or orcs fucking shit up. The movie just presentation of the matter didnt stress it's seriousness. Look at the difference between how people responded to the dark end battle in MOS to the battle in The Avengers. Raids of human villages should surely be made to feel much more heavy then anything they presented me with here, and with those raids being as important as they were I felt the film didnt do enough to drive that point home.


2) I knew it was called Fell, but i have no clue what it was. Just thought it was evil green magic goop they get from sucked out souls.


3) But why? Why a giant clay man? To protect the library? It's so odd and out of place here. I need more detail. I'm just meant to accept this random giant clay man? Any other movie would recognise out of place elements, and would do more convince the audience as to why it is needed and why it fits in with the rest of the film


4) The character was too underdeveloped and the reversion back to good was so quick it just seemed pointless. He just became interesting and boom he goes back to being the nobody he was only a couple of minutes ago


5) This sucked for me. It's a problem with the movie. What was the point of that? "Hey guys here's the big bad threat, wait a second he's already dead, don't worry". It was unnecessary. 


6) Sucked too. I agree.


7) No idea.


8) Why add such a convoluted and distracting method to do something so incredibly simple in this of all movies?


9) Thank God for you. Im happy somebody here just wants to discuss their thoughts. :)

1) I get why the relative lack of detail and pillaging might have annoyed some people, but it actually really worked for me as a good representation of the human point of the view of the conflict. Unlike the audience, they have little idea what's going on. Villages keep getting destroyed, something is attacking them, but they don't know who, what or why. In that respect the fact that most of these reports came second-hand did kinda help me empathize and understand that sort of panicked confusion from their side. Plus pillaging scenes are dime-a-dozen in Fantasy and I doubt they'd have added much. So I can understand why you might not feel the same, but that's what worked about it for me.


2) *shrugs* I just went with it 'cause it's magic.


3) Not 100% on whether this was stated outright or not, but at the very least, I got the impression that it was a bit of a side project or hobby for the wizard guy making it. Sorta like a guy building a computer in his garage out of spare parts. Not something he necessarily needs, but something he enjoys doing which happens to have a useful purpose. Especially since, as far as he knew (or the sane side of him knew), the kingdom was at relative peace and didn't need him much. And he had nothing else to do with the tower being empty and all.


4) Agree to disagree on that point, then. I got the impression that he, like the chieftain, was doing what he thought was best for the clan. When the dark wizard turns on said clan as punishment, he realises his mistake and becomes determined to atone for his betrayal of his close friend. It was a character arc that worked for me. 


5) Only point I'd make there was that guy clearly wasn't the big bad threat of the bunch. He was pretty much just a puppet for the wizard orc. Still disappointing he went down in 2 seconds though.


6 & 7) Not much else to add to that. I pretty much just ignored the romance altogether.


8) It don't think it was necessarily a convoluted method/plot thread so much as just the reveal/explanation itself of the cube thing just being convoluted. Personally, it's something I'm of two minds about. On the one hand, it's a cool mystical, higher-magic thing that I felt added an extra layer of 'unknown' to the magic of the land. On the other hand, it kinda came the fuck out of nowhere and I can get why that would bug people. 

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Watched it mainly because I've enjoyed all of Jones previous films. I'm also a fan of both Cooper and Negga but they were underused and overall I found the whole film pretty dull. Maybe it works better for fans of the game? 

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hmmm. As someone who plays world of warcraft and has read every novel and lore literature available i am very disappointed in the story. When youre trying to get new fans dont leave plot holes and half answered mysteries that really dont make sense (looking at you the black cube with Alodi in it). 


I really liked the orcs. I thought they were the best part of the movie. There was real inner conflict there. The humans though were some of the worst. Absolute shite and cheap actors that had no real expressions and couldn't carry a tv advert let alone a movie. Lothar was probably the only one i liked though i felt he wasn't written well. Medhiv and the King were the worst. The kings talk with Garona at the end to kill him didnt make sense and Medhiv was just shit. Sorry but that is not the guardian of Azeroth. 


They took Sargeras and the burning legion out of the story hence why it was pointless. The only mention was of Garona telling the humans of  Guldan hearing a demons voice to open a portal. At the end it seemed that may have been Medhiv when he got corrupted by Fel magic. 


Very sad how this movie turned out. I expected better.


CGI was fine in places but there is just so much of it it takes you out of the scene. LOTR had actual backdrops which melded everything together. This sadly did not. The Hobbit movies did it better but even they couldnt bring back the magic of the original trilogy. 


It was hinted Medhiv was Garonas father. He gave her a flower gift why? did he know she was his? guess we will not know now that he is dead!


So Blackhand is bad...but wait he has honor....But wait he is bad....but wait, honor...Wait strongest orc...Wait he got his nuts sliced. The end. Worst orc ever.


They needed to explain more on Guldan and how he and medhiv encountered fel magic. 


I enjoyed some parts. hated others. Also hate love stories that come out of nowhere and make me cringe.






oh and they made Grom Hellscream into some dumbass henchman. WTF

Edited by Omario
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Overall this was something of a mess and had many objective problems, but nonetheless I was able to look past this and found it very engaging and entertaining.


The CGI was amazing in general (a few patchy exceptions), especially the orcs, they really came to life for me. They were also the part of the film that worked best for me, with the human side feeling a bit rushed and poorly fleshed out. The portrayal of magic is probably the best I've seen in movies. The romance was something I was rather concerned about based on the trailers, but for me it worked, the two actors had genuine chemistry.


It felt at once too short and overstuffed. By this I mean that the human characters/world especially needed a bigger introduction to make us feel engaged with them, and more room to breath (many of their scenes felt chopped short). On the other hand there were some scenes (Ironforge and Dalaran I'm looking at you) that felt unnecessary and shoehorned in.


As a big fan of the games I loved most of the references and being able to tie things back into my knowledge of the universe. Difficult to tell how much of my positive opinion of the film comes from that.


I feel like this is the kind of film you will either go with and really enjoy, or quickly take against and dislike/hate.




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the only thing I really liked was CGI :( I wanted to see elves tho. The only instances they were shown were the council & the end.

Still I am happy fantasy isnt dead & I gave it my money :D but not looking forward to the sequel

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I enjoyed the movie.  I wish Jones would have taken his time to tell the story.  I think they didn't find the best way to present the world initially.  It wasn't a problem with me cause I know the lore and warcraft so I really enjoyed it but I can understand how people can get confused and not get attached to the characters. 


I also think marketing wise, they should've done short stories weeks and months before the movie comes out to hype and give a little background on who the orcs are, where they initially came from, etc. same with the humans.  It would've been a very unique way to market.


I give it a B.  I honestly think Warcraft should be a tv series if budget were to permit it, there is so much story and lore that it is extremely hard to put it into a 2 hour film. 


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Solid fantasy movie that's perhaps being dragged down a bit by choppy editing, and fast transitions/pacing during the first half an hour, I find the acting to be a bit inconsistent. I am certain this would be a better film had it been 2 hour 30 min to 3 hours long. The movie is otherwise intriguing and the world is majestic and beautiful that I hope there's many more chances to revisit in the future.

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On 6/1/2016 at 5:07 PM, IronJimbo said:

B, thoroughly enjoyable.


Character Development seemed rushed as hell, Lothar and the green women were in love in just moments.

Also the kings armour was so clean, it looked like a cosplay.



Fair point...

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