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Weekend #s June 3-5: TMNT2 35.25m, X:A 22.3m, MBY 18.27m, Alice 10.69m, Birds 9.775m

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19 minutes ago, ThatOneGuy said:


Yeah, it's totally not like 9 year olds don't know those words and hear them at school.  When I was 9, everyone at my school knew what each of those words are.


And they said "shit" like once.  I also didn't notice any dick joke, so I don't know what you're smoking there.


I do not know why children learning words is the only reason the should not hear them, it is more like them thinking they can and should use some words constantly to be cool if they hear them often, it teaches bad manners and kids do not know that people can be offended by them like slut and bitch and stuff. And some swear words can just be disturbing for kids.

Edited by Chinoiserie
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2 minutes ago, ThatOneGuy said:


This would be completely flawed.  Kids would be allowed to see Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, or Poltergeist before they could see something like Doctor Dolittle :lol: 


I'm not gonna lie, I plan on showing them the scariest movies in each new movie rating the second they're old enough. Why? Because in addition to being an uncool dad, I also like to scare little children.


In totally unrelated news, I never plan on having children. In fact, I'm legit saving up for a vasectomy.


Edited by johnboy3434
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35 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

Was Ozymandias, The Comedian and Silk Spectre more comic accurate in Snyder's Watchmen than Black Panther, Spider-man and Captain America in Civil War?


Did these WM characters even have a small deviation in character from the graphic novel? BP, SM, and CA have multiple different versions, and depending on which one, you can make an argument that the cinematic version is close or extremely different. Captain America certainly is in FAR more comedic moments than in the comics. Btw, good dodge on Guardians of the Galaxy. Are you unfamiliar with their comic versions or just concede that the movie versions are far different? 


35 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

Despite a lack a story changes, does Snyder's Watchmen get the tone and spirit of the comics better than Civil War?


I hope this is a joke? Civil War got 0 of the tone of Mark Millar's Civil War. The movie barely touched on the themes as well. As far as I can tell, the principal players are mostly intact and the Sokovia Accords has some ties to the Registration Act. Tony, Steve, Spidey, et all were very different from their comic counterparts for this story. Tony and Reed created a Thor that **KILLED** Goliath in the comics. Captain America realized the damage of his actions in the comics. In the movie, we see almost no consequences and neither protagonist came to the conclusion that their actions were leading to escalation. Civil War the comics were dour and serious. Civil War the movie was both fun and funny and was an achievement in action story telling. We do not need to give it the false accolade of also being better at capturing tone (which it is almost 180 of) and accuracy than the most comic-accurate movie. That is so far beyond reaching that you would require a wormhole.

35 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

Snyder's Watchmen resembles the comics in a very superficial way as if Snyder didn't really understand Moore's work and just used the graphic novel as a storyboard without considering the right tone, subtext and motivations.


Ultimately Marvel Studios makes changes where things need to be updated but for the most part they are true to the spirit of the comics.


Being a fan of both comics and movies, I would have to disagree. Marvel, the comics, has been so great because of its building of an underdog, against a public that hates them. Kurt Busiek did a great job of summarizing the difference between DC and Marvel in his JLA vs Avengers story. The Marvel characters are hated and are rarely the cheery happy go-lucky bunch. That'd be maybe the 2nd gen or 3rd gen DC characters. Even Spider-Man uses humor mostly to deflate the tension of his life. Marvel's Cinematic Universe is a faaaar cry from the comics (at least in the classical sense).  I'm not even sure how you can call into question the motivation of the cinematic Watchmen characters...Speaking of superficial, the claims of MCU accuracy are just that imo. Again, **that's not a bad thing**! The MCU has very much **DEVIATED** from the source material to produce a more **PALATABLE** experience for the GA. THAT shows in box-office and critic reception. Does that make sense? Comic book Apocalypse would have no problem choking Mystique, but apparently that's not a cool billboard in real life. Hank Pym is a wife beater in the comics, but Disney/Marvel do not even hint at that possibility in the movies. 



Edited by UrosepsisFace
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1 minute ago, Chinoiserie said:


I do not know why children learning words is the only reason the should not hear them, it is more like them thinking they can and should use some words constantly to be cool if they hear them often and some swear words can just be disturbing for kids.


Swearing is really only just words and they're gonna learn them eventually, even if they don't already know them.

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2 minutes ago, johnboy3434 said:


I'm not gonna lie, I plan on showing them the scariest movies in each new movie rating the second they're old enough. Why? Because in addition to being an uncool dad, I also like to scare little children.


In totally unrelated news, I never plan on having children. In fact, I'm legit saving up for a vasectomy.



*kids turn 17*

Let's have a nice relaxing evening and watch The Human Centipede.  ;)

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5 minutes ago, Chaz said:

I wonder how long it will be before domestic numbers become a non-factor? China will be the #1 market in just a couple of years, and the rate of growth there is astronomical.

China's growth can't last forever. And the total from USA+Canada will always 100% be relevant.

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6 minutes ago, Chaz said:

I wonder how long it will be before domestic numbers become a non-factor? China will be the #1 market in just a couple of years, and the rate of growth there is astronomical.


The difference between the US and China are the ticket prices and population. The US has less people and has to pay so much more for a ticket. In China, 3D Imax can be found for under 5 bucks, and there are millions to watch. Of course, the average Chinese income is supposedly approx 10k a year vs 80k for US.

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5 minutes ago, cannastop said:

China's growth can't last forever. And the total from USA+Canada will always 100% be relevant.

The scary part is, the majority of the Chinese population aren't watching these movies yet. There's probably 1.2 billion people that don't even go to the theater. The reason for China's eventually decreased influence on Western movie box office will be due to China's own movie expansion. India, for example, is a huge market, but it has its own industry to keep the public interested over Hollywood. Yes, I know Hong Kong has been in the game for a while, but w/ acquiring Legendary and making deals w/ the WB, I think China is gearing up to do its own thing...

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Now, that I think about it, I think the expansion of the Chinese box office can imitate the expansion of the North American one.




I think China can have a streak of maybe 20 more years of box office growth until some plateau is reached, and then expansion becomes choppy.

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3 minutes ago, UrosepsisFace said:

The scary part is, the majority of the Chinese population aren't watching these movies yet. There's probably 1.2 billion people that don't even go to the theater. The reason for China's eventually decreased influence on Western movie box office will be due to China's own movie expansion. India, for example, is a huge market, but it has its own industry to keep the public interested over Hollywood. Yes, I know Hong Kong has been in the game for a while, but w/ acquiring Legendary and making deals w/ the WB, I think China is gearing up to do its own thing...

The only way China's film industry will capture the minds of the population is if the government fucks off with its censorship. Until then, American films will provide an interesting alternative for the people of China.

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22 minutes ago, ThatOneGuy said:


This would be completely flawed.  Kids would be allowed to see Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, or Poltergeist before they could see something like Doctor Dolittle :lol: 


Hell, if/when I have kids, they're seeing all three of those movies as soon as they come out of the womb.

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23 minutes ago, NCsoft said:

Yes, what makes it more exciting is that China will open 2 days before domestic, so we'll likely have super "encouraging" WarCraft numbers and "Discouraging" WarCraft numbers around the same time.

THe propaganda goes strong though, when  they asked her where did she find that number.SHe deleted her post lmao.


Mark my words Warcraft WONT open below 30 million

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Something to keep in mind: while China may become the biggest market for film consumption in a few years, the big center for film production will still be the United States, and there's a shitload more inertia behind that side of the equation than the other. Hollywood's power may wane, but that's a lot further in the future than market size would indicate.


Also, I'm sort of curious: Why are the United States and Canada considered a single market? In their annual report, the MPAA doesn't give numbers for the US or Canada alone, only combined. I had to get the Canadian figures from the MPAC and subtract.


Edited by johnboy3434
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Just now, The Panda said:


Hell, if/when I have kids, they're seeing all three of those movies as soon as they come out of the womb.


Show them the extended R-rated cut of Batman v Superman too, you need to know if they're hater ass Marvel loons as soon as possible

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