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ROGUE ONE WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals R1 155.09m, Moana 12.7m, OCP 8.58m, CB 7.1m, FB 5.07m

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2 minutes ago, Grand Moff Tele said:


Did the theater comp you tickets or anything? They should for a breakdown like that.


They gave everyone coupons on our way out for free popcorn on our next visit. :rofl:


MEDIUM POPCORN. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


As I said elsewhere if I didn't have my 76 year old father with me, I would have demanded a refund.  But it was going to take too long, and I would have had to talk to people outside in the cold damp outdoors (where the box office was) and getting potentially rained on as the wind swirled around. And I didn't want comped tickets to another showing coz it's a theater I don't normally go to.


All in all I just wanted to get the hell out of Dodge before I got even more upset.


So, yeah, I was a pushover.  But I can eat the money, and I just didn't want to go through the hassle of seeing what I could get out of it.  Maybe I'll drop by tomorrow in my free time and see what, if anything, I can get.  But probably just going to blow it off as one of those things.

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5 minutes ago, Grand Moff Tele said:



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I think there was a tiny tinge of uncanny valley every so often... in large part because I know he's dead. I suspect that if he wasn't, I wouldn't have caught it. Not sure. In any case, what a ballsy and unexpectedly glorious move to have Tarkin as a significant supporting character.




You WOULD say that, wouldn't you? :ph34r::P


I was actually wondering how you would take it, as I was sitting during one of the shutdowns. 


To tell the truth, I think I'm more impressed with getting the voice right, all things considered. ;) 


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8 minutes ago, Porthos said:


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Yes, as I said in the spoiler thread, I literally have zero idea what critic(s) were bitching about there. Tarkin and Leia didn't look 'photo-realsitc', they looked REAL.


If I hadn't known they were recreations, I would have never suspected.



ya that was impressive


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7 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I'm sure this is going to come off as me "trolling" again to some, but I'm wondering if they didn't mean 52% and made a typo, because 30m is exactly 52% of TFA's previews. 



No, they mean it already did 50% of TFA's business and are expecting 62% before the day ends. They wouldn't write that if they would mean 52%, 2% falls under margin of error.


Personally, it would be more than i expected after seeing some of the OS numbers. Curious how frontloaded it'll be during the weekend...

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10 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

SW is the most preview/midnight frontloaded franchise out there. Previews are always huge for them, it basically invented the whole midnight thing which became the previews we now know. If it's doing roughly 50% of TFA's previews, it should hold that it would do around 50% of TFA's OW. But that's not set in stone. It could be more or less frontloaded than TFA for example. 


I know but what I also know is that, for a given franchise, the lower the midnight number, the higher the OD to Midnight ratio. There is simply no way that RO's OD will only be 2x its midnight nimber. If it follows historical trends, then 30m in previews will lead to at least 40m true Friday worst case, with 45m+ being likelier. That would still make it far more midnight-loaded (or whatever the term is) than every major tentpole released this year (BvS, Deadpool, SS, CW etc) like you'd expect from a SW movie, but at the very least, it would be roughly in line with historical précédent. Not to mention that TFA probably had a bigger rush factor than RO, being the first SW movie un a décade and all.


What you're doing would be like predicting FB to have a 16m OD after the 8m in previews because "lol DH2 did it, and the Potter franchise is midnight frontloaded".



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"Rebel spaceships, striking from a

hidden base, have won their first

victory against the evil Galactic



During the battle, Rebel spies

managed to steal secret plans to

the Empire's ultimate weapon,

the DEATH STAR, an armored

space station with enough power

to destroy an entire planet."



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21 minutes ago, Porthos said:


They gave everyone coupons on our way out for free popcorn on our next visit. :rofl:


MEDIUM POPCORN. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Completely not kidding about this, BTW:




Acutally kinda funny now, looking back on it.


Person I feel badly for is the poor attendant who had to hand that out to everyone as they filed out and had to say "For the inconvience" as folks were filing by. 


Wasn't HER fault she was in that position.  Also felt bad for her coz I'm sure some folks didn't take things as much in stride as I did when I walked by her.


(Was actually momentairly stunned when I saw that coupon and didn't even say anything as I walked by her :ph34r:)


Edited by Porthos
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10 minutes ago, Grand Moff Tele said:

"Rebel spaceships, striking from a

hidden base, have won their first

victory against the evil Galactic



During the battle, Rebel spies

managed to steal secret plans to

the Empire's ultimate weapon,

the DEATH STAR, an armored

space station with enough power

to destroy an entire planet."




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7 minutes ago, Grand Moff Tele said:

Always best to laugh at those things, if you can. Life is goofy as hell sometimes.


Now go find a way to see it in IMAX. :) 


THIS WAS AT THE 15/70mm IMAX THEATER!!!! :rofl:



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1 minute ago, eXtacy said:

Very unusual that we have not got any concrete numbers yet for such a big film.


Really? Seems like we always have to wait until at least early morning for the numbers, no? I mean, it's 1am on the west coast. There are shows that start all the way to 5am. The 11pm shows are barely finishing up now. Still a lot of work for each theater to tally up and send on to Rentrak.

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9 minutes ago, Grand Moff Tele said:


Stupid analog film... :ph34r: 


That's what I actually thought at first (that the film broke), but near as I can tell the nasty weather we had caused power surges that knocked the projector offline or power systems inside the booth (as power was still on inside the theater).  Something to do with power, at any rate (we were in the lower half of the theater and couldn't hear everything they said and had to get things through the grapevine; I definitely heard the word 'power' the second time).


Could have been something to do with the film breaking though.


We did get something like 2 inches of rain today with nasty wind, and the weather was hellish (for Sacramento) at the time of our screening, so power problems does make a fair amount of sense.


And while 2 inches of rain in under a day (and an inch of rain in FOUR hours) might not seem like a lot to some, we get about 20 inches of rain a YEAR here (when there isn't a 100 year drought going on at least <_<).  So it's a lot for us. ;)

Edited by Porthos
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1 minute ago, Grand Moff Tele said:


Really? Seems like we always have to wait until at least early morning for the numbers, no? I mean, it's 1am on the west coast. There are shows that start all the way to 5am. The 11pm shows are barely finishing up now. Still a lot of work for each theater to tally up and send on to Rentrak.

And hasn't Rth indicated that the studios really don't like preview numbers to be released early? 

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Just now, Porthos said:


That's what I actually thought at first (that the film broke), but near as I can tell the nasty weather we had caused power surges that knocked the projector offline or power systems inside the booth (as power was still on inside the theater).  Something to do with power, at any rate (we were in the lower half of the theater and couldn't hear everything they said and had to get things through the grapevine; I definitely heard the word 'power' the second time).


Could have been something to do with the film breaking though.


We did get something like 2 inches of rain today with nasty wind, and the weather was hellish (for Sacramento) at the time of our screening, so power problems does make a fair amount of sense.


And while 2 inches of rain in under a day (and an inch of rain in FOUR hours) might not seem like a lot to some, we get about 20 inches of rain a YEAR here.  So it's a lot for us. ;)


Hey man, you don't need to talk to me about rain. We got a little bit of whatever storm hit you and traffic turned bad fast (as it always does).


Still, we need the water. Always happy when it rains, no matter how much it complicates things.

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SW7 previews included those marathon tickets that cost 50-60 bucks. Plus the anticipation was unreal. R1 should be less front-loaded than SW7.

If R1 does 55% of SW7 previews (~31m), it should do well more than 55% of SW7 ow (136m).  Probably 150m (60% of SW7 ow).

If previews inch towards 35m, 160m+ would be in play.

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