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Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

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It's very good. Dug the Pinocchio route the went with for the story. Really made it feel like it's own thing rather than just a sequel. Also glad they stuck with the ambiguity on Deckard being/not being a replicant. I was a little concerned about the runtime going in but honestly can't think of anything I would of taken out. Might have been a bit tighter with some stuff cut, but I really loved spending time in the Blade Runner world again. Honestly, they could have had it run for like five hours and I'd probably still be happy. Real good stuff.


I only wish they could have got Vangelis back for this; the score was by far the most disappointing thing for me.


Also Deakins diddydatazz2.png


PS. I felt bad for that naked girl that Leto kept rubbing his hands all over. I'd definitely be questioning my career choices at that point.

Edited by aabattery
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Big oh shit moment was when the lady told K that he wasn't Deckard's son. That was brutal. I kinda worked it out when he started literally running through walls but I wasn't 100% sure till then.


"You thought it was you?"

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1. Since K wasn't a real boy after all, why exactly did he care in the end? Felt the feelings, is all?

2. Why was Wallace replicant girl crying all the time? She jealous?

3. What's the track that plays when K is leaving LA to go to the orphanage?

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So fucking good. Easily the best sci-fi film since Arrival and Ex Machina (I still liked those slightly more). Borrowed a bit from Her in some of the world building but I love that movie so I was fine with it's reworking of that idea. It's long and I definitely have a few questions but this is going to become a modern sci-fi classic.

I'm so glad I only saw the two trailers and avoided everything else (I wish they had kept everything from the final set piece out of the last trailer). I totally didn't see the end reveal coming (among a lot else). It's the type of film that requires multiple viewings to really get everything and I can't wait to experience it again.


Edited by somebody85
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6 hours ago, aabattery said:

Big oh shit moment was when the lady told K that he wasn't Deckard's son. That was brutal. I kinda worked it out when he started literally running through walls but I wasn't 100% sure till then.


"You thought it was you?"


I figured it was a red herring, because 1) It'd be way too cliche, and 2) it made no sense that the LAPD wouldn't know exactly where one of its new model replicants came from



Film could have lost about 15ish minutes, with 2-3 scenes in particular. The whole lady rep monologue about a rebellion coming and building an army and that the child would be their messiah felt like it came from a completely different movie than this one and I guess this movie agreed in the end because the rest of the movie essentially forgets that entire scene ever happened.


Also the ruin ambush + orbital strike scene should have been axed. Adds nothing other than some random violence to spice up that part of the movie, but also it creates a plot hole because K should have known he was being tracked by someone at that point, and yet when he flees LA to find Deckard he still takes his totally trackable police-issue flying car with him.

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16 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:


I figured it was a red herring, because 1) It'd be way too cliche, and 2) it made no sense that the LAPD wouldn't know exactly where one of its new model replicants came from



Film could have lost about 15ish minutes, with 2-3 scenes in particular. The whole lady rep monologue about a rebellion coming and building an army and that the child would be their messiah felt like it came from a completely different movie than this one and I guess this movie agreed in the end because the rest of the movie essentially forgets that entire scene ever happened.


Also the ruin ambush + orbital strike scene should have been axed. Adds nothing other than some random violence to spice up that part of the movie, but also it creates a plot hole because K should have known he was being tracked by someone at that point, and yet when he flees LA to find Deckard he still takes his totally trackable police-issue flying car with him.


The rebellion gives them a good sequel hook for when they make Blade Runner 2079 though :sparta:


Agree that the second scene you mentioned could have been cut. That section of the movie was starting to lose me before he got to the furnace. Was back on board after that. Watching the floaty car crash was pretty cool though so I'm not too bothered about it's inclusion.

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2 hours ago, 4815162342 said:

For a minute I thought the film was gonna have Mackenzie Davis be the child because she had a curious reaction to the toy horse in K's apartment that felt like she recognized it.

I thought she did recognize it. Replicants with memories crafted by Deckard's daughter a had fragments of that same memory.


Also really liked how her superior, physically formed AI was so dismissive of his holographic AI. Would've liked to see that explored more. She'd an interesting light on how humans we're dismissive of Replicants. Replicants were were similarly dismissive of the OS stick holograms.

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Visually this should be the frontrunner for the technical Oscars. In a perfect world, films like this or Logan/WftPotA would have also chances at the major categorys but this isnt a perfect world.


Gosling was stoic, but it made total sence in this world. Ford is at his best since - well, maybe The Fugitive. Ana de Armas as Joi was also a delight. Such an interesting idea. Generally this movie is just a wet dream for sci-fi-fans. It not only feels like a proper Blade Runner film, it expands the world and gives the audience a lot to think and process about. In the end, the 3 hours flew by and the ending was somewhat abrupt to me but nevertheless, i think this is a masterpiece and i enjoy it more than the original.


A, maybe A+. Need a second viewing to decide.

Edited by Brainbug
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This movie does a fine job of nodding to Her, Under The Skin, Minority Report, A.I., Children Of Men, Battlestar, WALL-E, Ex Machina and Ghost in the Shell 1/2 animes. Just wish it had more of a narrative identity of it's own. So many fascinating tangents are only faintly explored. But, yeah. Looks majestic as fuck. Kubrickian icy, steely tone fit the glacial pace. All the women were incredible here. Gosling does his best Gosling... Meh. Ford was almost really good. Leto does his best Leto... Meh. This flick was missing a M. Emmet Walsh type presence from the original. Something/Someone dirty, loud and painfully human. There are a few of them but they're just nothing characters... His neighbors, a cop, orphanage guy and Robin Wright. Wright's more robotic than most Replicants here though.


That score was awful. Less is more in that regard. Just too much. Jarring to the point of inducing giggles from me.


Action is abrupt, brutal and awesome. Villeneueve is great with that. 


Ending is perfect. Almost too sentimental but I liked it.


Somewhere between a B and B+ for me... Maybe closer to a B+ for the sheer scope, ambition and Deakins unparalleled genius.



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1 minute ago, 4815162342 said:

I'm gonna have fun if some of the people who raged on CGI Tarkin and Leia last year praise CGI Sean Young in this.

Not gonna praise it, but in a sense, she's supposed to be artificial so it works. Did they do what Marvel does with de-aging effects? Or, was Sean Young never on set?

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Did someone roll their eyes hard when Hologram Girlfriend told K put her in the stick and then K proceeded to say he would lose her for good if the stick was destroyed? It lessened the impact of the destruction of the stick A LOT cause it made me expect her eventual demise. Terrible piece of writing that was.

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Don't understand why the killing of Dave Bautista and the discoering of the dates in the dead tree had to be 2 (lenghty) separated sequences. Example of bloat right there. Amubsh sequence mentioned by Numbers is another one.

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2 hours ago, 4815162342 said:

I'm gonna have fun if some of the people who raged on CGI Tarkin and Leia last year praise CGI Sean Young in this.


Well, Sean Young isn't dead yet to boot so it's not CG necromancy and she's credited on IMDB so she got the RDJ/Douglas LOLA treatment, not the same process...

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I thought CGI Tarkin/Leia looked laughably video-game terrible, but I intimately knew both of their faces beforehand - and knew they were both actually dead (well, their actors) as I saw the movie.

Ive never seen the original Blade Runner and hadnt heard of (or seen) Sean Young before..., so when I watched Blade Runner 2049 I thought that 'rachel chick at the end with the funny black dress and whacky hair/lipstick' was a real actress. Only when I googled her after the film did I discover its actually the same actor as the original, with cgi de-aging.

The biggest giveaway for Tarkin to me was his unnatural movements, specifically subtle facial expression / lips etc. I think I need to really rewatch the Blade Runner 2049 Rachel scene carefully to see why I was fooled this time. Is the technology that much better since Rogue One, or did they simply hide its limitations better?

Edited by Tyrian
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