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Justice League (2017)

Justice League (2017)  

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How the F did WB allowed Snyder to even came close again to a DC property? they clearly are mad. This movie is far worse than BvS and competes with SS as the biggest letdown for a SH for me.

The production felt cheap and rushed, ironic, considered the budget and people behind it.

Acting was cringy as f.


Edited by Belakor
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A movie that wasnt good but wasnt entirely bad either. A movie like this should not be a forgettable and it is a shame. The biggest team up in history and it falls flat. 


Some good moments with a few good laughs. The 'do you bleed' and 'somethings definitely bleeding' was hilarious. 


Aquaman was good but i feel very underutilized. Perhaps they held back from displaying his full power set and back story for his solo movie which is fine. But lets be frank he wasnt needed here. But i really liked him. Probably more so than all the others. 


Flash, well he was OK but he looks nothing like Barry Allen. Just gets to me as an avid comic book fan, when the actors dont look even the slightest like their comic book counterparts. Plus i have no idea why they have to force on Wally Wests or Bart Allens personality on Barry. Thats not who he is. Anyways he had some good scenes. 


Wonder Woman needs Patty Jenkins. 


Batman needs to be recast. Affleck looks fat as hell and his body proportion is just not right for the role. He definitely cant stand properly and his suits are horrible. Though i dont like him as Batman i do feel offended that they really just ridiculed him this movie. He got his ass handed to him on many occasions. Also his whole guilt thing about Superman, i get it. I would feel guilty too if i starred in BvS.


Cyborg was decent. I feel he could develop nicely in future movies. 


Superman...finally! This is how he should be. Had to wait 3 movies for the real deal to appear.


Steppenwolf...GTFO. Worse shit i have ever seen. My God that CGI was bad. So so bad that its unforgivable. His mouth couldnt even move according to the words properly. Christ, how the effects team did this i have no idea.


Supermans upper lip was only noticeable in that first clip. Other than that it was bearable. 


Superman vs the League = GOLD


The plot about the mother boxes barely made sense. What was it all about. Terraforming? like what Zod wanted? Could have just used the kryptonian technology from Man of Steel dumbass. Only one mention of Darkseid when he said praise Darkseid. Nothing else. Pathetic. 


Other than that the movie was just OK. Shitty editing and generic music and it could have been better and had a better story if it didnt need to develop 3 new characters. 


Its a pity. We wont be getting another Justice League anytime soon. What a flop. Its shameful. 


The 2 credits scenes were well done. Lex Luthor actually looked somewhat like Lex Luthor...until he opened his mouth.




I am still looking forward to Aquaman. I'm hoping the new batch of filmakers reignite everyone passion for DC movies like Wonder Woman did. I feel Justice League killed Wonder Womans momentum. But honestly i'm not holding my breath. My childhood dreams are shattered.



Edited by Omario
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I am putting this post as a reply to the justice league movie review thread. Moderators, I would like for this to have its own thread for some serious discussion. 




Step 1, you must save it by continuing from where we left off. I think there will be fatigue and outcry if you recast, revamp, or restart any on your DC universe. We have had 3 teens play Spiderman in 20 years, Tom Holland was helped by the Marvel Universe inclusion, but three was too much there. Batman has had more than three (counting M Keaton, as seperate from the V Kilmer, G Cloony attempts). You can do it, and it should be done that way. You should be confident that you did things well, so only a few tweeks will be done to fix things, NEVER a restart. 


Step 2, Take some time to plan out a phase 2. Consider everything thus far phase 1. That may change release dates, but so be it. I remember (working in a theater) when Robin Hood Prince of Thieves & Terminator 2 Judgement Day both postponed their release date off of Memorial Day weekend. We had 5 movies open on May 18 and 6 more open 5 days later on the 23rd. That was a near complete turnover in every multiplex and some great movies competed for our business. Don't worry about missing a date, we will all recover. 


Step 3 keep your plans for the stand alone Aquaman in tact. I think you were already going to do that well judging by how well Wonder Woman was received. Just make sure the CGI is worthy of not being insulted. BTW I thought there was an actor in the Steppanwolf costume because it looked so real. His plan was lame, and there were problems. Only after Everyone and their mother complained about that effect did I realize your efforts of realism backfired. Green Lantern was the opposite, his Clearly-CGI outfit was received poorly. Steppanwolf's realism (alien face and all) was the right choice, and the lame plan, story, etc were IMHO the real problem. And as far as story goes, we needed Steppy's mommy to make an appearance in the climax. 


Step 4 Do Not think about movie lengths, rather complete stories. The Dark Knight was long with a rich story and it was good. And it was copied by others. I thought the last Bond movie, going back to orphan JB's home and all, was a copy on the success of the long rich story idea. Iron Man 3 did that a little too, with that (needed) bonding with boy sequence that helped him overcome anxiety and become the ticket selling hero again. too much drama is bad for sales. 


Step 5 balance the darker dramatic side with the pure entertaining superhero action side. Marvel began light and fun and got dramatic. DC wants to be better, and your approach is fine, just remember that action adventure is what keeps the franchise breathing. 


step 6a Keep the Ben Affleck Knight. He is older, bruisier, and far better. We need a good stand alone story that takes what we have and makes 150 mill opening weekend. This film should not be a prequel to the events in Justice, it should give him a good threat to defeat, using his mind and gadgets. And he needs to leave gotham for much of it. 


6b Keep the Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern. He needs to have his stand alone film where the adventure ages him so that character comes out of it without the humor and cavalier behavior that...partially panned the first G L film. I think that he should help the Hawk people and, from being the jerk we last saw, cause the hawk people to go closer to extinct. He can end the film bringing Hawkgirl to earth. He can join earth movie crossovers, join Hawkman for a film in space / earth, or whatever. Ryan will be grown up not recast, and the next Justice League film will be better for it. [ I know I am getting specific about some things and broad about others ]


6c Man Of Steel 3 can focus on Lex + . Superman needs to be as well received as Christopher Reeve was in the first 2 movies. Add some homages to Smallville, Cameo's from Flash or whoever. Just give him a more fun than not story. Dealing with rebirth, reconnecting with Lois, the military, setting up a fortress. (that ship must get out of the city) are fine to resolve, but action is essential. Get creative. 


Step 7, introduce the Hall of Justice. We need that location recreated in film. Fans will cheer. Have confidence. 


Step 8, The next Justice League assembly Must be released the first week of May!!!!! Since Spidey in like, 2000, Marvel officially changed the start of the summer movie season, It used to be Memorial Day weekend (although May 18th that week I described above the headlines read that summer begins early this year) Take that weekend confidently, and when you have ads for a great film and your fan bass back on track, Marvel will be the one to change their date. Movies make money that week. 


Step 9 set up one new show on TV that connects with the movie universe. And let the Aarowverse continue as it is. Aarowverse is a wonderful thing combining The Green Aarow, a TV Flash, Supergirl (with its own superman) and DC Legends of tomorrow. Whatever that is, it is fine. Certainly better than Agents of Shield and that Captain a secretary show. Let that continue its coarse even if it ends long before your films reach their coarse. I think the new TV show should be Nightwing. There is a great budgeted show (2 seasons) on Youtube. Look it up and be amazed. Ben Affleck should cameo on that, and being older and alone, it would fit. Anyone can cameo on that because you will PLAN the perfect show. If the syfy channel gets Krypton they can have Amazon, the story of those females 1000 years before Diana. They can do that and DC TV will be super strong. 


Step 10. Make a Teen Titan cartoon movie one per year each summer. Tie it in with the show somehow. What is that Green changer? I swear I don't watch, but cranking those out and keeping that running or rerunning will not hurt. That Star Wars cartoon didn't make a fortune as expected, but if you don't expect it you won't be upset if it only makes 30 mill. Toy sales will boost. 


I liked Zack Snider, who handled the new Sup better than anyone could have. I would hate a remake even more, and the Death of Zod was a choice. A choice of confidence that we don't need to depend on him for sequals. We got doomsday,Steppanwolf, and soon Darkseid. Nolan recreated Batman with Scarecrow and Ra'as Al Gool. Forgive him for whatever, and it isn't much. Put Hanz Zimmer music back in the spotlight for Man of Steel movies [ yes I'm a drummer ] and show them that the fixed track is better with him than not. Josh is awesome, and so is Geoff Johns. but we need Zach and all the talent that built up what we have. 


If I think of anything else I will add it. I seriously want oodles of replies, reactions, and input. 



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one more step came to mind.


Step 10 KEEP IT OPEN. do any of you remember Creature Double Feature on TV. Okay, I'm old. the monster never came out to attack the city until the end. That is when it opens up. People running for there lives everywhere, tanks roll out and start shooting as the monster levels buildings. Some films are closed. there is a vampire in the basement and 6 people need to get out into daylight before the sun goes down. It is just them in the building. That is closed. Marvel is very open. The public is aware of the heroes in cities like New york. The last movie was closed. The whole climax was in an abandoned plant with only a handful of people who live quietly in a desolate area. The other battle was underground. So what if 15 people go missing, it isn't the same as a whole in the sky over a city flooded with flying things. All those battles seen in the previews were in an abandoned city where we only see 4 people escaping. Open is harder to pull off, but much more for the audience to see. That is one of the reasons IMHO people didn't like this rushed film, because the previews show battles in a major city and it was a minor Russian rural zone with only 4 people. We were lied to in the ads. You may not know it (or agree yet) but that is a major reason why you didn't fully like this film. 

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You really felt that it was a Frankenstein of a movie which combined the style of two directors like Superman II. The editing was choppy and pacing was FAST, the movie really got going with what felt like a dozen locations. The movie should have been longer so it could have time to breathe.

Batman was far more likable in this movie than BvS, Wonder Woman continues to carry this entire cinematic universe on her shoulders with her charisma, Flash was funny, Cyborg was better than I expected him to be, and Aquaman was fine as the dudebro. Superman was clearly reverted fast to boyscout due to popular demand which is fine, the CG used to hide the mustache only bothered me near the start of the movie when it was the most obvious. Lois and Martha (Why did you say that name? Martha? Why did you say that name? WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?) (It's his mother's name! It's his mother's name.) barely got anything to do, but there you go.

The villain sucked, worst superhero movie villain ever. Steppenwolf just did stuff and I forgot why. Should have used human actor in costume over that dopey CGI character.

The best action scene was the League vs Superman, because evil Superman is always interesting. Also because the lame Steppenwolf wasn't in it. Superman being able to track Flash and Flash freaking out got major laughs at my audience.

The movie's climax once again went full Snyder. Very very video game with iffy CGI, but I guess I'm getting used to it now? Also what was with the dumb Russian family? The plot kept following them and I was wondering if they would actually do anything important, but nope.

I thought JL was decent. This was basically a Justice League Unlimited 3 part episode made into a live action movie, which is fine since I freaking love that show.


Edited by Mojoguy
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I'm about half way through your pod cast.....interesting so far and you are your manic self Jay...love it.  But I have to say....Justice League is miles better than Ultron.  Ultron imo is kind of shit.

And the reason they brought back Superman wasn't just to have him fight Steppenwolf....it was because Batman feels immense guilt for his death.  And he wants to make it right.  Sure he helps defeat him but that's not the only reason they wanted to bring him back.

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On 11/21/2017 at 9:52 PM, GroceryGuru said:

Moderators, I would like for this to have its own thread for some serious discussion. 

You....you know you could make one right? There's already 3 threads dedicated to this movie and DC on the main page. Plenty of discussion to be had.

Justice League
Justice League (Spoilers)

Marvel vs. DC

I'm sure someone will agree/disagree with your ideas there but yeah....I'm not reading all of that either. 

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I can't believe you don't like Everybody Knows.  That's a classic song by Leonard Cohen.  I think it was also in Pump Up The Volume with Christian Slater.  If you haven't seen it, please find it.  It's a great fucking song.  And it was in a terrific spot in the movie.  Can't believe you guys dissected it that much.  :(


Oranges?  Come on Jay.  :sparta:

Getting back to the villain, I can agree with you guys that the villain is kind of weak, but is his motivation different than any other super hero villain the exception of Nolan/Ledger's Joker?  Hela in Thor wanted to enslave everyone, she wanted to kill because she's a bad guy.  That's what she does.....it's like those Geico commercials.  Bad guys do what bad guys do.  They just want to dominate the world.  The villain was weak here but not weaker than any other super hero villain.


The Flash stuff was awesome.  The look he and Superman give each other when he's in speed mode was cool, and you guys cover that.  Kudos to that.


I only know Aquaman from The cartoon Superfriends, so this version of him to me was pretty cool.  I'm a big Mamoa fan. I remember seeing him in Bullet to the Head with Stallone and he took a typical bad guy role and made it incredibly memorable.  Again, if you have not seen this movie, it's not great, but worth seeing for Mamoa and for some of the banter between Stallone sung Kang (Han from Fast and Furious). 


Also, you guys complained a bit about Aquaman just showing up out of the blue to help the other heroes under Gotham Harbor.  Iron Man kind of did this as well in Avengers when he gets to Germany to stop Loki and there's all kinds of bullshit examples of this kind of thing in The dark Knight Rises.  Just felt like you guys were nitpicking a bit here.  It's clear I liked the movie way more than you guys so obviously our opinions are going to clash a bit here.  


Yea, the mother box stuff on Earth was kind of weird.  Agree with you on this point.  


Love some of you Gal Gadot shots in the podcast.  God that woman is so beautiful.  


Sorry, don't know your friends name....but I don't get his criticism of the Russian family.  This is a typical movie trope.  They often show random people in danger.  I had no problem with it.


When you talk about Cyborg's vision of Doomsday and how it makes no sense that "he isn't sure of this"  I think once Whedon came on board and presumably wrote the Pet Semetary joke, Doomsday's vision was no longer necessary and it would have been redundant.  The Pet Sematary joke covered all of that and it did it in a comedic way.  So the vision stuff might have been necessary without the PS joke.


The Clark thing was kind of vague.  I don't think he was going back to work.  But you are right about the identity stuff.  The bank buying scene was cool imo but saying each other's name was kind of stupid.  That I agree was bad writing.  


The post credit corn scene was cool imo.  But yes the scene looked a little off.  I couldn't put my finger on it but I guess it makes sense that it was all CGI.


I loved the Death Stroke post credit scene.  And btw, I think we will see a Death Stroke movie.  I can't see how WB doesn't do a third JL movie.  They kind of have to in a way imo.


C for your friend...oh well.

B- for you is fine but I obviously liked it more than you.  :)


I'll probably buy the BR as well.


And the last little part there with you guys rhyming....lol.....epic!


Thanks for doing this.  You guys did a terrific job and it was incredibly in depth and detailed.  I learned a lot.  I disagree with a lot of what you guys said..but you did a terrific job.  @Jay Hollywood







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13 hours ago, Christmas baumer said:

Also, you guys complained a bit about Aquaman just showing up out of the blue to help the other heroes under Gotham Harbor.  Iron Man kind of did this as well in Avengers when he gets to Germany to stop Loki and there's all kinds of bullshit examples of this kind of thing in The dark Knight Rises.  Just felt like you guys were nitpicking a bit here.  It's clear I liked the movie way more than you guys so obviously our opinions are going to clash a bit here.  



Thanks for doing this.  You guys did a terrific job and it was incredibly in depth and detailed.  I learned a lot.  I disagree with a lot of what you guys said..but you did a terrific job.  @Jay Hollywood




No, thank YOU for actually watching hahah I greatly apprecaite it!!! It means a lot really!  Glad you enjoyed it. Hopefully you like the rest coming too




And I will say, its not an Avengers review. We don't talk about that scene in Avengers. Never said that moment was better ever hahaha I don't like that scene in Avengers. The first act of Avenger is weak. Thats not what we were talking about, we are comparing 3rd acts and talking about Avengers larger stakes at that point.


That scene with Aquaman is better than that Germany/Iron Man scene in Avengers forsure. 

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I ended up enjoying this although it was at times a chore to sit through. First, the opening credits just about put me to sleep. I hated that song they used. In the first half, pretty much every scene without action was boring as all get out. I haven't seen any previous DC movies with these characters/actors so if there were tie-ins to previous films, it was lost on me. The villain was lacking. He certainly looked menacing but I think they needed to show him doing more than just retrieving the blocks. He wasn't evil enough. Did he even kill a human? I didn't care for Batman. Aquaman reminded me too much of WWE's Roman Reigns, who I'm not a big fan of. That was kind of distracting. I loved Wonder Woman. I'll have to check out the Wonder Woman film now. Flash was great. Cyborg and Superman also get thumbs up. The action is what saved the film for me. I thought it was awesome.



Edited by xanamanax
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Copied from my post in the Weekend Thread:


 It was decent. A lot better than what I was expecting. The common complaints I hear are ones I have as well. The painfully weaksauce villain, the choppy editing, the hit-and-miss humor, the shitty VFX, Mustache-gate, etc. The thing that really helps is the interaction between the heroes which I feel is easily the strong point of the film. The Flash and Aquaman are great editions and I found myself warming up to Cyborg as the film went along.


Overall, it's a very mixed bag but it seems that the folks at Warner Bros. did listen to some of the criticisms of previous films. I just wished that for a film bringing all these great characters to the big screen for the first time could've been done so much better with less mixed results. 


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I actually enjoy and like the movie... from a Neutral's perspective , there are soooo many super heroes movies and TV series these days , i basically give up relating which version is which version from the originals, especially Arrow who stole the league of Assassins from the Batman franchise and made Talia evil......


This version of Justice League seems fun to watch if i don't relate it to other spin-off... However i prefer the original Goodie-2-shoes Superman who was much more righteous and chivalrous..


This version of Superman is too sinister looking... 

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