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SpongeBob SquarePants: Sponge Out of Water | Paul Tibbitt | Feb. 6, 2015 | First Trailer on Page 9

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I LOVE IT! Has the wit I was looking for. I dont care if Im the only person on this board who likes it, Im not here to follow yall. My main concern was the new writers and if they could capture the wit from the early 2000's episodes, and it looks like it. Ill be there. Screw Jupiter Assending.

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Why is it that animated shows tend to put out high quality movies even when the show's lost steam on TV? (SpongeBob 1, Rugrats 1 and 2, Simpsons Movie - Simpsons should have been nominated for Best Animated Feature, same for SpongeBob SquarePants Movie... especially compared to Shark Tale) 

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Why is it that animated shows tend to put out high quality movies even when the show's lost steam on TV? (SpongeBob 1, Rugrats 1 and 2, Simpsons Movie - Simpsons should have been nominated for Best Animated Feature, same for SpongeBob SquarePants Movie... especially compared to Shark Tale)

The Simpsons Movie and this brought back old writers.
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Is Spongebob still popular?


I feel like I've typed this 10 times, but yes. Spongebob is still the #1 cartoon on cable, even though it's 16 years old. It's the #1 show on Nickelodeon, which is the #1 overall basic cable network since 1995. Yes Nickelodeon still beats AMC and TBS and TNT and MTV, etc. When you factor in primtime and daytime, Spongebob is the #1 show on cable period. In 2009, he was accounting for as much as 30 of the top 100 shows of the week. Spongebob's international popularity has also grown, which is one of the main reasons they're making this movie. Spongebob is usually the only cartoon in the top of cable, and alot of the episodes are just reruns. Spongebob still pulls double the ratings of Phineas and Ferb, Adventure Time, and even Family Guy and The Simpsons, which are on broadcast, are starting to fall to and behind Spongebob's levels. If FG and Simpsons keep falling the way they are and Spongebob stays steady, Spongebob will soon be the #1 cartoon on TV period.


A lot of older fans don't like the current episodes, but Spongebob has been able to span 2 generations and is now doing great by younger kids. I don't watch the new episodes, but I make sure to catch the old ones when theyre on. Older fans now are quick to say "nobody likes Spongebob" just because they don't like it anymore and don't think it's funny. It's that elitism, but ratings are better in 2012 than they were in 2002, so...Merchandise sales for Spongebob in 2002 were $500 million. In 2009, 5 years ago, it was $8 billion. There were 75 licenses in 2002, and 700 by 2009. That's not counting the ad revenue for Nickelodeon either. 


So yes, Spongebob has gained popularity since the first movie. He's done things like hit the bell at the NYSE, he just got his own Toyota Highlander, just got his own statue in 12 countries, has his own star on the HWoF, a Pacific mushroom was named after him, and became the first animated wax figure at Madame Tussade's worldwide, has his own Nascar, among other things. Japan has also embraced him the same way they embraced Frozen because of his cuteness. He's more popular with Japanese women than with children. And he was a defacto mascot in the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. Weird, but true. Last year, the show was ranked 12th in "top 25 animated series for adults", and the show and the character are on several top 10 all time lists made in the past few years. 


Now does this mean gangbusters BO and totals over Frozen? No, but hopefully thisll end the tired "is he still popular" questions.

Edited by Jandrew
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Spongebob's new episodes may have gone to shit, but nothing can get rid of the classics' brilliance. With Hillenburg writing the story, I can see why it doesn't look too awful. Hopefully it's not too much competition for 50 Shades of Grey.

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Spongebob's new episodes may have gone to shit, but nothing can get rid of the classics' brilliance. With Hillenburg writing the story, I can see why it doesn't look too awful. Hopefully it's not too much competition for 50 Shades of Grey.

50 Shades of Grey - girls who like erotica SpongeBob - kids, men (ones who like the show) and girls who don't like erotica Neither target anything close to the same audience. Both could gross $100 million+ pretty easy (expecting major front loading for 50 Shades)
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50 Shades of Grey - girls who like eroticaSpongeBob - kids, men (ones who like the show) and girls who don't like eroticaNeither target anything close to the same audience. Both could gross $100 million+ pretty easy (expecting major front loading for 50 Shades)

...that's the joke.

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