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A Marvel Fanboy

Tron: Ares | October 10, 2025 | Jared Leto to star, Joachim Ronning to direct

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Ok, lets see if I got this right: TH, which came 10 years after the supposedly most beloved trilogy ever and which had 3D, Imax and inflation to its advantage, couldn`t match FOTR unadjusted domestically but for unknown reason Disney expects that Tron 3, that`s coming off shruggable TL, and only has 3-4-5 years inflation on its side, is going to make more money than the said shruggable second movie that excited only very few fanboys and non of GA? OK.

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Ok, lets see if I got this right: TH, which came 10 years after the supposedly most beloved trilogy ever and which had 3D, Imax and inflation to its advantage, couldn`t match FOTR unadjusted domestically but for unknown reason Disney expects that Tron 3, that`s coming off shruggable TL, and only has 3-4-5 years inflation on its side, is going to make more money than the said shruggable second movie that excited only very few fanboys and non of GA? OK.


Why do you care?

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2 weeks from draft.4 years working on.Opening=broader appeal.TR3N=code name, have ideas.http://collider.com/tron-3-sequel-details-joseph-kosinski/

As a Tron fan, I loved TL. However, I have to agree that it was geared more towards the original fans than broadening the base. Can't wait to see what comes out of this.
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Ok, lets see if I got this right: TH, which came 10 years after the supposedly most beloved trilogy ever and which had 3D, Imax and inflation to its advantage, couldn`t match FOTR unadjusted domestically but for unknown reason Disney expects that Tron 3, that`s coming off shruggable TL, and only has 3-4-5 years inflation on its side, is going to make more money than the said shruggable second movie that excited only very few fanboys and non of GA? OK.

The two problems with TL (that it was a sequel to a movie most people never saw and the story went nowhere in the second half) can be easily corrected for the sequel. If a half-decent Tron movie can make $400 million then there's no reason why a great Tron movie can't make half a billion or more. Plus, TL had a good cinemascore rating, especially with women, so WOM wasn't as bad as people claim.

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The two problems with TL (that it was a sequel to a movie most people never saw and the story went nowhere in the second half) can be easily corrected for the sequel. If a half-decent Tron movie can make $400 million then there's no reason why a great Tron movie can't make half a billion or more. Plus, TL had a good cinemascore rating, especially with women, so WOM wasn't as bad as people claim.


It was never bad to begin with.

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How can TL grow when very few people cared for TL? Why would anyone care for tron 3 if they didn`t care for rpevious 2?



Why do you care?


because I`m interested in why franchises go down the toilet. This one never really took off so I can`t call the sequel even a cash grab since cahs grab implies someone makes money and this shit was too expensive last time.

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I'm still waiting on more solid development news but glad it's still moving forward. 


I think the cartoon only helps to build the fanbase. 

As by the time the next film airs some of those tween kids will be teenagers and that's a growing fanbase right there. 

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How can TL grow when very few people cared for TL? Why would anyone care for tron 3 if they didn`t care for rpevious 2?




because I`m interested in why franchises go down the toilet. This one never really took off so I can`t call the sequel even a cash grab since cahs grab implies someone makes money and this shit was too expensive last time.

TL made double the original even when you adjust for inflation, so there is a growing fanbase. Disney just need to keep the budget down and not half-arse the script this time.

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Yeah because TR3N will do a billion even if Tron Legacy with all Disney marketing blitz and hullabaloo barely broke even, it only appealed to fans and was lackluster. People that didn't care for the story of TL will not show up to see the third. It's not like GA desperately crave to see what's next.

Edited by dashrendar44
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Yeah because TR3N will do a billion even if Tron Legacy with all Disney marketing blitz and hullabaloo barely broke even, it only appealed to fans and was lackluster. People that didn't care for the story of TL will not show up to see the third. It's not like GA desperately crave to see what's next.



Fanboys are illogical.


:worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

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I;d say coming and constantly ragging on people looking forward to the movie and calling them fanboys because you personally aren't interested in it is more illogical


Exactly. A life, these people should get.

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Why do you care so much?


Why do you care so much that I do care? Why does it bother you? Chill out.


Disney will not pay a fortune to get this third movie made if it only appeal to fans and doesn't expand on GA significantly because TR didn't generate as much profits proportionately that the amount of money they have invested in that property led them to believe. ("Invest big, bigger profits") That's a fact.

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Why do you care so much that I do care? Why does it bother you? Chill out.


Disney will not pay a fortune to get this third movie made if it only appeal to fans and doesn't expand on GA significantly because TR didn't generate as much profits proportionately that the amount of money they have invested in that property. That's a fact. Deal with it.


I didn't write your name there sir. Why react?

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