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Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! (2018)

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An absolute joy.


The story is close to irrelevant (Cher literally shows up and is pretty much instantly forgiven for her past.) but there’s such joy and bliss on screen that it’s hard not to fall in love the same way.


The last 10 minutes had be sobbing.

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Heartwarming, charming, and has enough musical numbers to get your toes tapping, "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again" is an Abba-solute super trouper of a sequel that is marginally better than it's predecessor. 


★★★★ Review :




Edited by rjones1325
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The original Mamma Mia! from a decade ago (along with the stage musical) has always been a guilty pleasure despite being a very flawed movie from a storytelling and especially technical standpoint. This sequel turns out to be the rare sequel that surpasses its predecessor in every single way. It's upbeat, very heartfelt, and a total joy to watch if you're an ABBA fan (and who isn't?). The ensemble cast is great: the young actors mesh very well with their older and more famous counterparts (the adorable Lily James is especially delightful as the young Meryl Streep), while Cher (of course) and Andy Garcia walk away with the film in their brief screen time. Also, can that immortal customs officer (who appears again after the credits for those who didn't stay) please get his own spin-off? :lol: Dude was hilarious. B+

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in the first movie I was bored and didn't care at the start, then by the end was completely won over.


in this second movie I was won over straight away and by the end I was bored and didn't care.


Don't know why the awful untalented and annoying Cher was allowed to be part of this film.

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5 hours ago, eVerYtHING said:

in the first movie I was bored and didn't care at the start, then by the end was completely won over.


in this second movie I was won over straight away and by the end I was bored and didn't care.


Don't know why the awful untalented and annoying Cher was allowed to be part of this film.

This is the worst take I’ve ever read in my life

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One of the most pleasant surprises of the summer movie season, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again replicates many of the enjoyable qualities of its predecessor while also successfully developing and completing a more poignant emotional through-line. While the first film is a sporadically fun but mostly forgettable attempt to capture the stage show on film, this sequel boasts higher energy and a flashback-heavy structure that takes the mother-daughter relationship at the heart of the previous film to deeper, more affecting levels. The flashbacks are noticeably stronger than both the present-set portions of this film and all of its predecessor, due in no small part to Lily James’s performance as a younger version of Meryl Streep’s character. On top of doing an occasionally uncanny imitation of Steep’s mannerisms and speech patterns from the first film, James has the pluck, charisma, and heart to carry the film on her shoulders. Her chemistry with all three of the prospective fathers is solid, and her last few scenes in the film register in a genuinely affecting manner. The present-day story isn’t quite as strong for most of the running time, but it gets shots of impressively manic energy and well-edited mirroring of the female leads’ entrances into motherhood. On the whole, it’s a more enjoyable and more substantive film than the original. 




Also: the trailer definitely gave away too much of the plot. Cher's appearance was clearly designed as a big reveal, but nearly everyone in the audience knew it was coming. Even the fact that Amanda Seyfried's character is pregnant - which gets a couple mentions in the trailer - seems like it was clearly intended to be a surprise.


Also also: most of the audience I saw this one with was bawling through the last ten minutes. The mother/daughter elements in this film go deeper than those of the first film and successfully develop an emotional through-line that was only kinda-sorta present before (it's occasionally important, hits a head in "Slipping Through My Fingers," and is then promptly forgotten with at least half-an-hour left in the run time - or at least that's how I remember it from ten years ago).

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Is it weird that I thought the first movie was complete trash thus evaluating it to a camp masterpiece, and this was a far better movie but I liked it less. Like, where was my gay trash —



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Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again takes all the good elements of the first movie and makes them better. There’s no plot, the choreography is more elaborate, and the camerawork actually knows how to follow it. It’s relentlessly charming, full of charismatic actors singing catchy songs. Lily James gives her best performance yet, blending in Streep’s mannerisms with her own creative choices to make Donna a more vibrant character than she was in the original. There’s a few story elements that are unneeded and a major missed opportunity which left me a bit disappointed, but not too much. After all, for a majority of its runtime, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again left a huge smile on my face, knowing just how joyous a straightforward movie musical can be. One of the summer’s most fun films. B

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To me the first one was really lame and embarrassing for everyone involved but this was so much better. Really good mixture of silly fun and emotion, also the present/past structure really works. Cher singing Fernando to Andy Garcia was a legit great moment, hilarious and touching at the same time.



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