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Gladiator 2 | November 22, 2024 | DENZEL IS REUNITING WITH RIDLEY?!

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3 hours ago, TomThomas said:

So the point is they could've released it late May, still attach it to D&W and turns out D&W had nothing to do with very late marketing start? Got it.

I mean…I guess? Also, this isn’t a “very late marketing start”, it’s not out until November, but some people seem to have a personal bone to pick with the marketing team of this movie and keep reiterating the same points, so let’s drop it, hearing people whine about not seeing anything from this film became boring about 23 pages ago…

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52 minutes ago, SnokesLegs said:

I mean…I guess? Also, this isn’t a “very late marketing start”, it’s not out until November, but some people seem to have a personal bone to pick with the marketing team of this movie and keep reiterating the same points, so let’s drop it, hearing people whine about not seeing anything from this film became boring about 23 pages ago…

Yeah, and if it started in October, you would say it has the whoooole month till release, so it's all good, I got it.


Whatever, let's move on, I just wanted to say it had nothing to do with D&W release like people claimed here.

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2 minutes ago, TomThomas said:

Agree, I remember he claimed Terminator: Dark Fate is great and RE: Welcome To Racoon City is real good, so true.

Yes, but Empire said it’s amazing too. Two wrongs make a right


I don’t think test screenings or audience reactions carry any weight one way or the other. 2023 should’ve killed scoop culture dead.

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11 minutes ago, Speedorito said:

Yes, but Empire said it’s amazing too. Two wrongs make a right


I don’t think test screenings or audience reactions carry any weight one way or the other. 2023 should’ve killed scoop culture dead.

I remember every scooper out there claimed Birds of Prey had outstanding test-screenings and it's the best thing since sliced bread. But when it came out, trades wrote it actually tested poorly and WB took the movie away from its director to try to save it with significant reshoots and re-edits. When was the last time test-screening raves translated to equally rave reception of a final film? 'Cause I don't remember. The whole Flash bullshit should've put the nail on the coffin of those test-screening scoops.

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33 minutes ago, TomThomas said:

Agree, I remember he claimed Terminator: Dark Fate is great and RE: Welcome To Racoon City is real good, so true.

Nah, he said they both tested well, which i’m sure they did. The people are selected in these screenings, they’re testing with many demos, the same movie can test very well with some people and awful with other people.


We all know how these tests work and are highly controlled to a point that they don’t necessarily matches critical reception sometimes. 

Still, many times they do, especially when the good data seems to come from

many different tests which seems to be the case. Let’s wait, is just an info.

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26 minutes ago, TomThomas said:

I remember every scooper out there claimed Birds of Prey had outstanding test-screenings and it's the best thing since sliced bread. But when it came out, trades wrote it actually tested poorly and WB took the movie away from its director to try to save it with significant reshoots and re-edits. When was the last time test-screening raves translated to equally rave reception of a final film? 'Cause I don't remember. The whole Flash bullshit should've put the nail on the coffin of those test-screening scoops.

Again, not truth. The divisive reports was discussed since mid 2019, before the reshoots.


You can’t keep twisting things to fit your pov.

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1 hour ago, TomThomas said:

I remember every scooper out there claimed Birds of Prey had outstanding test-screenings and it's the best thing since sliced bread. 


Did I say that? I'm not challenging you, BoP was so long ago I genuinely don't remember. I know that I saw it myself and the structure of the movie was different - it was split into separate chapters and it didn't have the very action-focused reshoots yet. I thought it was OK.


But yeah, test screenings are always shaky. This was just a reply to someone talking about my personal excitement level due to what I've heard, not trying to make a grand statement.

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42 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

Nah, he said they both tested well, which i’m sure they did. The people are selected in these screenings, they’re testing with many demos, the same movie can test very well with some people and awful with other people.

Nobody liked Welcome To Racoon City, not a single audience segment, fans hated it, casual audience hated it, critics hated it. Maybe they put together a room of crazy people who like literally everything, but there's no chance it tested well among real audiences with the reception it got.


38 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

Again, not truth. The divisive reports was discussed since mid 2019, before the reshoots.


You can’t keep twisting things to fit your pov.

I remember this, it looks like a twist to fit their pov: good audiences loved it, but bad studio executives didn't, which I think is a bunch of balloonies. There was no divisive reports most of the time, scoopers were defensive about it and insisted it's terrific. We have trades actually saying it tested poorly, that's it, cold facts, they reshot the entire third act and maybe other things too, removed the director from editing room, they wouldn't do that if it tested as well as scoopers pretented it did, audience reception wasn't anywhere near stellar when it was released.

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10 minutes ago, ViewerAnon said:

Did I say that? I'm not challenging you, BoP was so long ago I genuinely don't remember.

I don't remember of you did, but I remember Daniel RPK, Grace Randolph and a couple of other scoopers all claiming in one chorus we are in for something truly magnificent.


10 minutes ago, ViewerAnon said:

But yeah, test screenings are always shaky. This was just me talking about my personal excitement level due to what I've heard, not trying to make a grand statement.

But aren't they supposed to invite audiences diverse and random enough to have valuable feedback? What's the point in invinting groups with the result so far away from the actual reception? The Flash was a disaster and it was hyped to the moon, it was very weird situation all around.

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5 minutes ago, TomThomas said:

But aren't they supposed to invite audiences diverse and random enough to have valuable feedback? What's the point in invinting groups with the result so far away from the actual reception? The Flash was a disaster and it was hyped to the moon, it was very weird situation all around.


They do. I heard Terminator: Dark Fate's test numbers were right in line with its critical reception (good, not great). With The Flash you need to remember that because it was an early cut, audiences wouldn't be as bothered by the VFX. It also had a different ending with the return of Keaton's Batman and Calle's Supergirl, so audiences didn't walk out having last seen them die on screen.

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16 minutes ago, ViewerAnon said:

With The Flash you need to remember that because it was an early cut, audiences wouldn't be as bothered by the VFX. It also had a different ending with the return of Keaton's Batman and Calle's Supergirl, so audiences didn't walk out having last seen them die on screen.

But didn't it have terrific test-screenings of a nearly final cut as well? Plus Cinema Con audience hyped it hard as well, especially Umberto if I'm not wrong. I just don't feel like differences were significant enough to go from what was promised to what we got. I actually liked fatalistic ending we got more than "they are back, all is good".

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8 minutes ago, Porthos said:


(posted for no particular reasons)

((NARRATOR::: That would be a lie))


Like, on some level, I don't blame people when they see folks who absolutely should know better* hype up test screenings as a barometer of final product and then reflexively get all contrarian after they get burned repeatedly.

* And I am absolutely not including @ViewerAnon here as they tend to be very nuanced about this thing/expect their main audience to actually remember what test screenings are all about/will remind folks just what test screenings are and aren't when folks reacting get too far ahead of their skis.


But, c'mon now; it's 2024.  We here at least should know just what test screenings actually are: Feedback on an unfinished product.  


By definition — *BY DEFINITION* — unfinished product does indeed mean something can swerve from "fantastic reception [to current state of work in progress]" to "how the hell did the soufflé deflate in the oven this time?!?".  Something can have stellar feedback at the three-quarters mark of post and still all fall apart.  


Lord knows, I've (and others) have posted that vid more than enough times.


Yes, one version of The Flash reportedly had very good test results.  Tend to think that was a special case though since all of the toxicity surrounding the project led to a lot of executives on the WB side to blast that far and wide in an attempt to drive away the bad buzz.  Ironically enough, doing that probably raised expectations for at least some people and thus became a net-negative/backfired, especially since the final film looks to have been fairly re-worked post said test screenings.


Doesn't mean those prior test screening results were "wrong".  Just meant they weren't predictive. At least in that case.


In a way, I do think it's healthy that people look at test screening reports a bit more judiciously.  But don't throw out the baby with the bathwater as there's still a healthy amount of useful info that can be gleaned from them.

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VIewerAnon is a good guy who keeps it 100 with what he has heard, sometimes people hear things that aren't always how it ends up but it's not like he's actively lying or manipulating information just to generate hype for their agenda like EmprieCity or Ruimy. If he said he's heard it's fantastic, then he's heard it's fantastic, whether it actually is fantastic or not.

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