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Man of Steel

3D version


About 65%-75% full




White House Down: Some laughs

World War Z: No reaction-I did not know this was in 3D. (Oh wait a comment-hey this is coming in just a few days)

Turbo: Tons of laughs-first time I have seen anything for this.Pacific Rim: Some comments-heard someone saying it looks like a Godzilla film (You know it kind of does in a way)

RIPD: Laughs at some points-the Chinese man/Blonde Girl always attracts tons of laughs.

Gravity: Nothing, looks good though.


Dang no Hobbit 2 trailer!


Movie: Awesome. I never thought I enjoy a Superman film that much. This is better then the Spidey films, though I still like most of the Avenger films more (I like this more then TIH, IM2 and Thor more), not sure where to rank this though among other superhero films-have to think about that one. The visuals were great. The score was pretty good. The audience really loved it also. Cavil was great as Supes-probably the best one (well Reeves was not that great though), of course Adams was easily the best Lois Lane-but its not like the other Lois Lanes were great actresses. The last 30 minutes-EPIC. 



2nd best film of 2013 behind Trek.

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Fast and Furious 6

June 13, 4:30 PM, 5% full

Cinemark, Valparaiso, IN

Trailers (no reactions)

Despicable Me 2

Monsters University

White House Down

The Wolverine

Man of Steel - happy I finally got to see trailer 4 on the big screen. :lol:

2 Guns



Movie was really good. Audience was nonexistent but there was some laughter. Fun time

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Man of Steel - 2D

June 17, 5:30 PM, 60% full

Auburn, AL



Pacific Rim



World War Z

The Lone Ranger


RIPD got a lot of laughs, some mild chatter for the others. People were laughing at Gravity, the trailer is unintentionally funny.


Crowd was better than the first showing I had. There seemed to be more kids and families here than the first one. Lots of laughing (and awkward chatter after the "measuring dicks" line).

Superman snapping Zod's neck got a pretty big reaction, audible gasp and the mood in the theater totally changed.

Some applause at the end of the film. There were some people that were laughing at random times, kinda distracting from the film.

Edited by jaredm2012
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. People were laughing at Gravity, the trailer is unintentionally funny.

my theater did the same thing. just watching Sandra floating backwards into space and her saying somebody help me was LOL

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Monsters University

June 20, 8:00 PM, 25% full

Rave Cinemas Fallen Timbers 14, Maumee, OH


Despicable Me 2 PSA About Bright 3D - Some laughs.

Turbo - no reaction


Despicable Me 2 - confusion, the theater showed the trailer in pink and green hues on accident

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 - lots of laughs

Frozen - laughter

Planes - A bunch of "Seriously?" style reactions


The Blue Umbrella: Personally didn't like it and the audience shared my response. People were laughing at stuff that wasn't supposed to be funny.


Movie itself was great. Audience laughed a lot and were overall pretty good, except these two people who kept on talking throughout the movie. <_<

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Man of Steel  3D

50% (Nearly 200 people)



Pacific Rim

The Smurfs 2

The Wolverine

The Conjuring (??? DAFUQ)


NO HOBBIT :(. No reactions during the trailers.




Movie was really good. No special reactions other than a few laughs. This isn't the US or UK :(. After the movie finished there was some clapping and I heard some girls say they nearly cried during some of the emotional scenes.

Edited by ChD
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Film: World War Z


Time: 18:00


Crowd: 40%





The Internship - some laughter


This is the end - Lots of laughs


Pacific Rim - Nothing (Really not seeing the buzz for this)


The Lone Ranger - Nothing


The Film:


As a horror fan I'm glad to say that despite being almost gore free, World War Z is still a very solid, action packed zombie film. It gets straight into the action and is only second to the Dawn of the Dead remake for zombie moving opening sequences. The scale is suitably grand and the film is at it's best when showcasing epic action sequences with the zombie hordes. The film's pace slows toward the end when it changes to a more confined setting and the ending does feel a bit rushed and tagged on for some closure but overall the film is well wort seeing. If you like big action, regardless of whether you are a zombie/horror fan there should be something here for you to enjoy.



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World War Z




June 21st


35% full




Elysium - no reaction

Pacific Rim - no reaction

Anchorman 2 - laughs (it was the old teaser that was shown)

Wolf on Wall Street - laughs, some people murmuring that it looked pretty cool




I entered the movie with pretty low expectations, and the film ended up blowing me away.

I really ended up enjoying the flick more than I ever thought I would. The use of 3D was way better than 

MoS, and was used really well. I was scared that the zombies would all be CGIed, but they weren't that much. 

Overall this was an excellent popcorn flick 8/10.

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Man of Steel - 2D
June 17, 5:30 PM, 95% full
Auburn, AL

Pacific Rim
Anchorman 2
The Lone Ranger
RIPD got a lot of laughs, big laugh at the Anchorman 2 teaser ("Be sure the parents are around when you hug a child"). One guy clapped at the end of the Pacific Rim trailer.
Crowd was pretty great. Seemed really into the film. Lots of laughs and 

a big, big reaction to Superman snapping Zod's neck.


Probably the last time I'll see this in theaters (went and saw it with different people each time), but each showing was great and the crowd was really into it. Hope it continues to do really well!

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Monsters University

AMC Century City, Friday 5:00pm, Pretty much sold out, 75% young kids, felt like I was in a school or something


Trailers: There were way too many trailers before this movie, by the time the trailers and the short film ended, i almost forgot which movie I had come to watch


Turbo: No reaction

Planes: The kid next to me told his mom "This seems to be the same as that snail movie"

Frozen: all the kids laughed when the snowman sneezed his head off

Despicable Me 2: Huge reaction, especially for the minions

Free Birds: I liked the trailer, no reaction from the audience

A couple of other trailers which I can barely remember, pretty sure the kids in the theater won't remember them either.


Short Film: The Blue Umbrella - I personally thought that the idea was good, the execution was not. Also, Paperman had done the same idea a lot better last year (and still remains the best short I have seen before any animated movie)


Main Film:


The movie was good, but it was just missing something, The kids didn't seem to laugh at a lot of the jokes. The adults were involved throughout. It was not particularly memorable as much as Monsters Inc. was, but it was better than Cars 2. 7/10.

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Monsters University


Cinemark Hollywood USA - McAllen, TX, USA

2D, 1:00 PM showing on June 22, 2013


Theater was about 95% packed, tons of little kids.



Free Birds - some murmurs, but otherwise little reaction

Turbo - same as Free Birds, with one guy nearby said, "Are you serious?"

Despicable Me 2 - lots of laughs

Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 - some whispers but almost no laughs

Frozen- this got the biggest reaction. People were cracking up the whole time.

Planes - almost no reaction


Short - The Blue Umbrella

It was cute, but it wasn't outstanding or fantastic like some of the past Pixar shorts have been. Very similar to Paperman, but Paperman had more charm. I was also disappointed with the ending. Animation style's nice, but I feel as if it wasn't utilized to its full potential. 6/10



I went in expecting very little, and I was pleasantly surprised! I laughed at several jokes, and I thought the story overall was very good and I liked all the characters. There are a few loose ends that aren't really resolved, but I think the rest of the film kind of compensated for that. The last third of the movie was my favorite part, and I loved the message. Personally, I think it was better than Brave, but slightly. I would probably put this on par with A Bug's Life - one of the weaker of Pixar's strongest films. My theater applauded. 8/10

Edited by Ladybug
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Man of Steel: IMAX Experience 2D


AMC Altamonte Mall 18 - Altamonte, FL

Saturday, June 22nd. 12:45 pm

90% full




Turbo- No reaction

Gravity- No reaction

Pacific Rim- some talking surprisingly. A little boy about 7 told his dad, "take me to see that" :lol:

Elysium- no reaction

One or two others that I cannot remember....




Loved every second of it yet again. 2nd time seeing, first time we saw it in a non IMAX 4K screen and the sound was not optimised and would get distorted. This time in IMAX it sounded so good and crystal clear. Of course that beautiful IMAX 2D image was fantastic. Audience was on the edge of their seat, great crowd and time. Now just need the blu ray, I really don't want to wait until novembe :(

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World War Z
June 22, 4:20 PM, 95+% full
Auburn, AL

Anchorman 2
The Conjuring

You're Next

Insidious 2

The Wolverine

The Wolf of Wall Street

Crowd was really into it. Some laughs at the zombies toward the end (funny movements/sounds, etc). Seems like most people liked it, lots of talking right when it ended. 

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WWZ in LondonSold out evening showMixed crowd. Several mAle teenage groups.No real reaction to the trailers such as Now you see me. Some groaning at the Kevin Bacon advert where he appears as several characters from his films. I think people are tired of seeing it now.WWZ - People seemed to engage with the story early on and remained so until the end. When it finished there was a lot of animated chatter about the film. I heard several people say they wanted to see it again. Some had read the book and were comparing notes. Overall, I got the impression the audience had really got involved with the story and wanted to discuss it with their companions. From the smiles and excited chatter I'll have to conclude people enjoyed it.I did too as did my friends. It's not making my all time favourite lists but as a summer popcorn film it was fun and and a good trip to the cinema.

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Man of Steel 



The Internship - No reaction

The World's End - No reaction

The Lone Ranger - No reaction

Pacific Rim - No reaction, though my friends who I watched the film with liked the trailer, it was the first one, they thought it was a Godzilla movie at first.

World War Z - No reaction, though my friends liked it and were talking about it.




Thought the plot was meh except for a few parts didn't really care for it and found most characters (except Faora, Superman and Zod) uninteresting, The pacing of the movie was dodgy it felt rushed, things happened too quickly.  Action was really good and intense it had me gripped, fights were well choreorgraphed aswell.



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Question to those who saw Before Midnight. Did anyone get a trailer to a Pedro Almodovar movie called I'm So Excited and thought WTF?

'I'm so excited' was lulzy (if you dont mind gay jokes 100% of the movie :lol: )

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The Heat

Glorietta 4, Makati City, Philippines

8 PM (Press Screening), 6/24/13

95% Full




Gravity - People laughed at the end part when Sandra Bullock was asking for help

Internship - Some laughs

Rio 2 teaser - Some chatter

Turbo - Laughs

300: Rise of the Empire - Some chatter

Pacific Rim - Some chatter

The Wolverine - some chatter

The Conjuring - BEST response from the crowd, people clapped at the end!


The movie:


It didn't start well because it felt uninspired as Melissa was once again playing an obnoxious, foul-mouthed lady that whenever she curses (which was almost every line she had in the beginning) it's so annoying already. Bullock's character was quite bland and felt like Sandra was just phoning it in. But when the two had scenes together well it got really better and funnier! Sandra and Melissa play off each other VERY well. It was so fun to watch them banter and do some silly stuff together. The story got interesting as it progresses as well as the case they're working on had some real danger on it and you'd be surprised how violent it is (and not just in the comedic way). In fact, this is bloodier than World War Z ! Even without the excessive cursing, the violence justifies the R rating. I also think the movie did a good humanizing both Sandra's and Melissa's characters and just like in Identity Thief, Melissa can do touches of drama so I hope she'll have projects that can showcase that she can play a character other than  the aggressive big lady with a foul mouth


There's still some cheap humor in it and some unnecessary scenes (the choking scene should have been cut IMO) but mostly it worked thanks to the leads. The crowd didn't laugh that much in the beginning but when they had the scene in the bar, the laughs kept on rising and there were even scenes that you can't hear the dialogue anymore because of the laughter.


I hope this will do well in US Box Office, I think this is way better than Identify Thief.



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