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Pacific Rim

7:00 PM

Cedar Falls, IA

Marcus College Square theater 12



Ride Along  ( best reaction of the any of the trailers lots of laughs)

Planes (no reaction)

Seventh Son  (no reaction)


Best blockbuster of the year. The film is highly enjoyable and all the designs for the jagers and Kaiju.


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Despicable Me 2

July 13, 7:10 PM, 15% full

Portage 16 IMAX, Portage, IN


Ender's Game - Ugh. No reaction. 

The Smurfs 2 - Ugher. Some laughs.

Planes -  Ughest. I heard a few "I wanna see that!"s


Movie was better than expected but still awful. Some kid couldn't take it and had to leave. Besides that, no reactions since it was a small crowd.

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Unless the movie is three hours long I see zero point in a break.


We don't have that in Australia either.


Unless I'm watching a marathon of movies (like movies back to back or something) then i won't mind, but in a middle of one movie? Nope.

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After Earth

Splau (Barcelona - Spain) 10.45PM 30% full. Most of the audience 25+ aged.



White House Down – It was the short trailer. Some chatter. My friend was confused at first, thinking of OHF though

GU2 – laughs through most of it. Solid reaction



After all the negative hype, I finally found a film not as bad as many here say. The first 5-10 minutes are horrible, Jaden proves once again he's not a good actor and the story is predictable, but there were too many redemible things about this film that I finally kind of enjoyed it. The survivor setpieces are solid, and once they're on earth I liked the mood and the pace. Also, I liked many of the Shyamalan shots. 


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The Way Way Back


2:45PM Monday, July 15th

AMC Boston Common 19 & LieMAX

Theater Capacity: 250 (8% full; everyone was middle-aged except for myself and the two girls in front of me who looked about my age)

Ticket Price: $10.75

Concessions: n/a




Captain Phillips - looks good; whispers from audience

About Time - great looking premise; no reaction

Baggage Claim - silence

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters - I think it looks fun; no reaction, though




Since it's in limited release and has received far too little publicity at this point, I imagine most people haven't even heard of The Way Way Back. It's about Duncan, a 14-year-old boy, and his mom (Toni Collette) who go to her asshole boyfriend's (Steve Carrell--yes, you read that correctly) beach house on the Massachusetts South Shore for the summer. While at the house, Duncan seems to be ignored by all of the adults, including his own mother. It isn't until after a couple chance encounters with Owen (Sam Rockwell), a full-of-life water park manager, that he makes a friend and becomes more self-confident.


I intentionally decided to wait a day and think about this film before writing the crowd report. Technically, the movie is at the same level as other Fox Searchlight dramedies like Little Miss Sunshine and The DescendantsThe Way Way Back is funny, dramatic, simple, and heart-warming. But that right there--the heart-warming aspect--is why I decided to take a day to think about the film. The relationship dynamic between Duncan (a teenager) and Owen (a grown man) is rarely conveyed in movies--there are maybe one or two others I can think of from the last 30 years off the top of my head that share this same scenario. I personally identified with this friendship as it reminded me of a couple particular friendships I struck when I was Duncan's age and attending sleep away camp. I could've easily gone the summer interacting with nobody and coming off as uninteresting, but it was the reassurance and positive energy of three of my camp counselors over different summers who brought me out of my shell and encouraged me to be the life of the party. In a way this is kind of what The Way Way Back is about, and when I realized it I almost started to well up.


The Way Way Back is a wonderful movie, and right now is in contention as one of my favorites for the year. I'm hoping to watch it again this week/end, if only to have a richer crowd experience in a fuller theater because a sunny weekday afternoon is the wrong time to have watched it. Sam Rockwell is as wacky and genius here as his character in Seven Psychopaths. Allison Janney is at her comedic peak here as well, if that was even possible. The two of them alone are enough reason to watch this movie, and if you need one more reason then perhaps it's the urge you'll have to visit a water park immediately after watching it.


Experience - 20/30

Story/Writing - 20/20

Acting - 15/15

Tech Specs (Editing, Effects, Cinematography) - 13/15

Directing - 10/10

Music - 9/10


THE VERDICT: 87/100, A


Comments, likes, and feedback are always appreciated. Thank you. :-)

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The Conjuring


8:00PM Thursday, July 18th

Regal Fenway 13 & RPX

Theater Capacity: 150 (35% full)

Ticket Price: $9.50

Concessions: n/a




The Wolverine (Go BIG or Go Home ad) - some talking

We're The Millers - very loud laughs; this trailer always gets a solid reaction

Getaway - I can't take the trailer seriously when THIS is all that's on my mind
Fruitvale Station - some "WTF's" from the crowd; trailer isn't very good, even if the movie is

Carrie - excellent trailer! Can't wait to see this; a few "looks sick" reactions and some talking from crowd

Riddick - doesn't look very good, no reaction

Wolf of Wall Street - such a weird trailer; got some talking at the end

You're Next - looks like a fun horror movie, got lots of talking




My Thursday night was a toss-up between watching this or R.I.P.D., and I only went with The Conjuring because the woman in the box office said it had sold 3x as many tickets as the other (I am looking for a great crowd experience, after all). The theater was small enough and people split up evenly so it felt very full. I think I'd only seen a single trailer for this movie before watching it and knew very little about the story, but I'm a fan of the principle cast members and the movie does not disappoint.


The whole "This is based on a true story" component and the script's attempt to legitimize and justify the supernatural/demonic activity going on in the Perron family household is executed well enough that I was able to suspend any disbelief necessary to enjoy some of the ludicrous absurdity that happens in this film. There are more than a couple moments when I rolled my eyes and thought to myself, "Come on, really?!", but the story keeps chugging along and won me back every time. Also, for the number of shrieking, nail-biting, hiding-your-eyes/ears-behind-your-hands, and jumpy moments throughout this movie, The Conjuring is well-worth the $10 experience. In some moments I felt like I was riding Disney's "Tower of Terror" or Universal's "Revenge of the Mummy" all over again, which is pretty awesome.


Overall I think most people liked it. There were a few very vocal black women sitting in my aisle who always make horror movies memorable, especially with their, "BITCH, DON'T GO IN THERE!"'s and "RUN! GET OUT!"'s. (hahahaha, sorry, laughing so hard as I'm typing this). The Conjuring was definitely the most jumpy I've been during a horror film since Paranormal Activity, except nobody walked out during this from being too frightened (vs. the 4 PA films I've seen where there were always at least 4 walk-outs because people were disturbed). Definitely great to watch with a group of friends. As a side note I think it would be really cool if a cult theater somewhere started playing screenings of The Conjuring at exactly 3:07AM every week. (You'll understand after you've watched the movie)


Experience - 29/30

Story/Writing - 17/20

Acting - 12/15

Tech Specs (Editing, Effects, Cinematography) - 11/15

Directing - 8/10

Music - 9/10 (the creepy sound effects in this were awesome)


THE VERDICT: 86/100, A


Comments, likes, and feedback are always appreciated. Thank you. :-)

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Pacific Rim

2.30 PM 20% FULL (Mostly 18+ aged - I might've been the only one under 18 actually)


Mortal Instruments - The only reason I would watch this is because of the actress (Lily Collins)

R.I.P.D - Trailer got a few laughs and a friend said he would want to watch it when it comes out.

The Wolverine - Meh trailer.


It's a very fun movie with a lot of holy shit moments. I enjoyed it tremendously, and so did my friends.



I also had a lucky day. There is a contest right now. If you buy tickets during July 1st and August 31st, you get a chance to enter a contest where the main prize is a car, a flight to greece and something else. There are lots of other smaller prizes that you can pick up at the tickets. I won a free ticket for next week: Might as well see Grown Ups 2 then, lol.

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Well I'm back!

And here:Despicable Me 2


Wednesday, July 17th about 40% full, tickets were A LOT, 11 dollars for a 2D showing!


Trailers:Ender's Game: Some talking.

Planes: Few laughs.

Cloudy 2: Really good reaction, tons of laughs.

Lego Movie: Best reaction.

Boxtrolls: Some laughs at the date. (Okay this film looks strange and rather depressing and well, British. Probably not as messed up as Coraline apparently is though)

RIPD: Ummm yeah....


Movie: Really fun and funny. Really enjoyed the humor in it. Not sure if I like it more then Monsters U or not yet. But I did think it was a very fun film with a heart.



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carribean cinemas megaplex7 


pacific rim 3.30pm about 3% full we were like 25 people 



some animation that looked like cars didnt catch the name 

thor 2 (lokiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :wub: )

another animation named zambizia ???????????


you guys had me thinking the worse about this film and the fact is 


I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT , this is the most fun i've had since IM3 at the cinema

 I was thoroughly entertained JUST FOR THAT THIS FILM  gets a big A+ from me 


as a person who grew up on power rangers and other manga type cartoon , i was totally geeking out 

i loved the fights , the robots , the monsters , the characters , it was just good all around fun


it kinda reminded me fun wise of real steel


when the robot and monster kaiju were fighting in the city OMG , and when they turn that piece into a sword lolllll

def a film worth buying the dvd just for its repeat value , this was fun !

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Only God Forgives


7:15PM Thursday, July 25th

Coolidge Corner Theater

Theater Capacity: 180 seats (15% full; almost entirely men, except for two couples on a date)

Ticket Price: $7.00

Concessions: N/A




Don Jon - awesome trailer and looks hilarious; got lots of laughs, too

Lovelace - good trailer, I like the vintage filter they used for it; some talking from the crowd




Only God Forgives is a TERRIBLE film! AWFUL! I can say, without question, that this was the worst movie I've seen in theaters since The American. It is a complete desecration of Bangkok and Thai culture. This is marketed as and set up to be a revenge film, but Only God Forgives does a huge disservice to the R-rated revenge genre. I've seen better acting in amateur pornos than this movie. Between this and Gangster Squad, I'm confident Ryan Gosling deserves this year's Razzie Award for acting.


This movie is so bad, it makes Happy Madison films look like Syncope productions.  The music's timing is about as good as Ashlee Simpson's performance on SNL. I haven't personally witnessed a bomb this devastating since the Boston Marathon. For the first time in my life, I actually flicked off the movie screen when the film ended, it was that bad.


Only God can forgive director Nicolas Winding Refn for making a movie this deplorable. Do not see this movie. I REPEAT: DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE!


Experience - 2/30

Story/Writing - 0/20

Acting - 0/15

Tech Specs (Editing, Effects, Cinematography) - 2/15

Directing - 0/10

Music - 1/10


THE VERDICT: 5/100, F...-

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July 25, 6:30 PM, 20% full

Portage 16 IMAX, Portage, IN


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 - some laughs; looks good

How to Train Your Dragon 2- silence after the trailler, but I had goosebumps. Looks amazing. 

Rio 2 - some laughs.

Walking with Dinosaurs -  A lot of "What?"


Movie was better than expected; surprisingly good. A lot of laughs for the small crowd.

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Looks like MOS/WHD/The Heat are on the small screens based on how many showtimes they have.

Edit: Oops read Heat wrong, it was a 3D showing for PR that had just 2 showings, along with a 3D showing of Turbo that has just 2 showings. Looks like too many 3D films.

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My dad's reviews for Red 2 and RIPD:

Red 2-great film, very enjoyable.

Now for his wonderful and amusing RIPD review: A poor man's Ghostbusters.


I take it he really didn't like RIPD. :P

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megaplex 7 caribbean cinemas 


the wolverine 8.45pm about 70% full 


missed the trailers but woohoo not beyonce's horrendous pepsi ad 


i liked the film, it was a bit complicated to follow the plot in sense who were the bad guys , they were bad guys but then not really but then actually yes!


now i've been in a manga kinda mood since pacific rim so i'm loving the japan setting , really a beautiful place one should visit someday , my only pet peeve a lady that kept appearing , i wish he wasnt so hung up on her ughh


this film reminded me of many an episode of nicky larson , hmm oh wait right in english its called city hunter ok off to review center lol


i give this a solid A , the action was crazy esp the train sequence!

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