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Man of Steel


3:55PM Tuesday, June 25th

Regal Fenway 13 & RPX

Theater Capacity: 220 (20% full; not bad considering there were 2 other showings within 20 minutes of this one)

Ticket Price: $0 (reward)

Concessions: medium popcorn, $3



Lone Ranger - "Go big or go home" propaganda.

Pacific Rim - "Go BIG or go extinct!" propaganda... really?! One-after-the-other?! A lot of us were confused, even though I'm looking forward to Pacific Rim soon.

Gravity - excellent trailer, some whispers from crowd

Turbo - weak reaction

Elysium - sick trailer, silence from crowd

Despicable Me 3 - great trailer, gets laughs from everyone every time.

World War Z - some talking from audience

The Hunger Games' Catching Fire - great trailer and lots of talking from crowd

The Butlers - fantastic-looking drama that looks really good; no reaction from crowd, though




Man of Steel has been out for more than a week now, so I went into the film with expectations set thanks to my friends' reactions. About half of them said they loved it, half of them said they hated it, and one in particular said that there was no middle ground--you either love it or you hate it. Well, I'm an anomaly because I'm in that middle ground: I neither loved it nor did I hate it.


The Pros

Visually the movie looked great and definitely was on par with competing superhero fare like The Avengers. And in each of their respective roles, I thought all of the actors performed admirably at their parts. Henry Cavill is a stunning Superman in many ways. Also, Hans Zimmer's score hit the mark beautifully. The two-and-a-half hour run time went by really quickly. Finally, there were many continuity details I was pleased to see addressed


The Cons

Strangely, the biggest problem I had with the movie was the editing--specifically the choice to constantly jump back and forth in time to emphasize a memory or life event significant to Clark Kent/Kal El's origins. It's strange because I always love this about Christopher Nolan's films and I've read an influence he had on this picture. Also, about Zach Snyder directing. I think if I was grading each particular act in the film, Snyder would get very high marks. But as a bigger picture the story is slightly incoherent, which may lend itself to the editing. Lastly, the chemistry between Clark Kent and Lois Lane... there wasn't any. I suspect this is less the fault of the actors or the whole story than it is likely a creative decision to remove scenes of the two getting to know each other better because of the movie's long runtime.


The biggest surprise to me in this movie is how nonchalantly the citizen characters reacted in the face of tragedies throughout the film. On screen you're watching something that looks like 9/11 times 100, but the movies rubs this off mostly in the immediate aftermath as if what happened to Metropolis and the Kansas town wasn't somehow devastating. 


Overall, I think Man of Steel sets up sufficiently for a newer, darker Superman franchise. The audience reaction was also adequate. The movie's not particularly funny except for a few points, but I think men and women enjoyed it equally. There are worse movies playing in theaters right now, so if you're on the fence whether to see this or not I say go for it.


Experience - 18/30

Story/Writing - 12/20

Acting - 11/15

Tech Specs (Editing, Effects, Cinematography) - 10/15 (-5 points for editing, but due credit for everything else)

Directing - 5/10

Music - 10/10 (excellent score!)


THE VERDICT: 66/100, C







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Monsters University 3D
7:00PM Tuesday, June 25th
Regal Fenway 13 & RPX
Theater Capacity: 240 (10% full)
Ticket Price: $13.50
Concessions: n/a
Planes - looks kind of funny; no reaction
Frozen - VERY funny teaser trailer (I had the loudest laugh in the theater); some whispering after
Turbo - a couple giggles
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 - I haven't seen the first one, but kudos to these folks for a very imaginative/creative franchise; good reaction from the crowd
The Lego Movie - cool trailer, can't wait to see this. No reaction from crowd
Despicable Me 2 - excellent reaction [again] from the whole crowd; this is gonna be huge
Free Birds - an anti-turkey movie coming out around Thanksgiving? I smell trouble.
SHORT FILM: The Blue Umbrella was very creative. It looks like Pixar has reached the point where their animation capabilities are as photo-realistic as real life, which is incredible. As always, this short was a delightful mood-setter for the big picture.
I've spent the last week watching a lot of Undeclared, a one-season TV series starring Jay Baruchel and Seth Rogen (sound familiar) about freshman year at college. I'm sharing this because I think that show figured very heavily on my feelings toward Monsters University. Until the last few years, I believed Pixar made excellent movies, not good ones. The studio's biggest strength was always telling a great story. With Monsters University, I think the story is only good.
The first two thirds of Monsters University are nearly perfect. The set up of going to college, proving yourself to others, and having a memorable time are there. The training for the Scare Games and the games themselves feel a lot like a tribute to great college films of the past like Animal HouseBack to School, and Old School. Embedded in all of this is that aspiration young Mike and Sully have to work for Monsters, Inc. one day and be great scarers, which fits very linearly with this universe. Unfortunately, events play out unexpectedly in the last act and I left with a few questions on my mind... questions mainly for the screenwriters choices on ending the movie the way they did. (That's all I'll say without spoiling the picture anymore than I may have already)
I laughed a lot at the movie--the whole crowd did (all 20 of us, haha). As with other Pixar films, it does look really great in 3D and I would recommend that format to others. It was fun just to hear the voice cast again, and definitely safe to watch with people of all ages.

Experience - 22/30

Story/Writing - 11/20

Acting - 14/15

Tech Specs (Editing, Effects, Cinematography) - 13/15

Directing - 7/10

Music - 8/10


THE VERDICT: 75/100, B

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The Heat


10:00PM Thursday, June 27th

Regal Fenway 13 & RPX

Theater Capacity: 220 (65% full)

Ticket Price: $9.50

Concessions: n/a (although I had a few "drinks" before the movie)



Machete Kills - hilarious teaser, got lots of laughs and lots of talking from crowd

Lone Ranger - one of those "Go Big or Go Home" ads... no reaction

Runner Runner - hadn't heard of this one before, but a solid cast (Affleck, Timberlake) and a poker premise look intriguing; lots of talking after

Grown Ups 2 - LOL, great reaction and lots of talking

We're The Millers - the red band trailer and the PG trailer for this movie have been getting fantastic reactions; it looks very funny

About Time - a romantic time travel picture from the creators of Love Actually?! It's "about time!" Looks really good, but got a poor reaction

Delivery Man - same teaser trailer I've seen before, got some talking and laughs

The Butler - very deep trailer, but this drama didn't get a big reaction from this comedy crowd

Girl Most Likely - very funny trailer, great cast, and okay reaction



The Heat was one of those comedies I went into expecting most of the good bits would've been spoiled by the trailer(s), but to my surprise about 95% of everything you see in trailers for these movies happens in the first 15 minutes. And thank goodness, because The Heat is very heavy on comedy. Maybe riding a little bit on the coattails Ted's success, there were a big share of jokes in The Heat made at the expense of its setting, Boston. [YAY BOSTON!]


I don't know what draws Sandra Bullock to cop/FBI movies, but she and Melissa McCarthy are hilarious in this! The movie was laugh-out-loud funny almost from start to finish, and their buddy-cop chemistry was spot on. There were some famous faces playing supporting characters that I was not expecting, and their on-screen personas made this all the more fun to watch. Also, shooting with an R-rating in mind really enabled director Paul Feig to go for broke with some of the jokes, dialogue, gags [WARNING: you will gag], and other physical humor.


The audience laughed from beginning to end. There were a couple times I found myself giggling hysterically and trying to contain myself out of fear that I'd embarrass myself in front of those around me, but to my relief there were so many others laughing as hard as I was. In a lot of ways this was like The Other Guys, except with females and--I'd argue--that The Heat was funnier. I'm not sure if it's funnier than This Is The End, but considering the relationship all of these filmmakers have with each other it's safe to say they're in the same wheelhouse. (FUN FACT: Director Paul Feig has directed Bridesmaids and many episodes of Freaks & GeeksArrested Development and The Office) If you liked Bridesmaids and would be down to watch an R-rated, any of Feig's other work, and a Boston-heavy version of Miss Congeniality, you'll love The Heat.


Experience - 30/30

Story/Writing - 18/20

Acting - 13/15

Tech Specs (Editing, Effects, Cinematography) - 10/15

Directing - 10/10 (he's an excellent comedy director)

Music - 7/10


THE VERDICT: 88/100, A


Comments, feedback, and likes are always appreciated. Thank you.

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White House Down


4:10PM Friday, June 28th

Regal Fenway 13 & RPX

Theater Capacity: 240 (15% full)

Ticket Price: $9.50

Concessions: n/a




Machete Kills - funny trailer, no reaction

Elysium - looks fantastic on the big screen, got whispers from the audience

Captain Phillips - thrilling trailer, got lots of talking from crowd

Runner Runner - trailer gets boring on a repeat viewing, some talking and good reaction from crowd though

We're The Millers - very consistent reactions to this trailer, lots of laughs and a great reaction

2 Guns - cool-looking action movie with Denzel Washington & Mark Wahlberg; okay reaction from crowd

Wolf of Wall Street - I'm sure the movie will be good, but this trailer sucks. One girl in front of me said "that looks terrible."

Red 2 - loved the first one and can't wait to see this movie in a few weeks; got some talking from crowd

The World's End - British This is The End... I like it, but no reaction from crowd

(I notice people get trailer fatigue by the end of the sixth one in a row... 9 is a bit excessive)




Roland Emmerich has a funky reputation with the movies he's directed, stirring controversy in some cases and dividing the critics in others. But something he consistently manages to do is make for an excellent movie theater experience, no matter how ridiculous the film. Including White House Down, Emmerich's last three films had me on the edge of my seat in the theater and packed quite a punch (2012 and Anonymous were the other two movies). White House Down was like Die Hard at the white house and was more exciting than I had anticipated.


Channing Tatum is a born action star. His character tries to prove himself professionally and as a father the entire movie, and he does a great job channeling that from start to finish. Jamie Foxx channels President Obama nicely (the never actually come out and say it, but it's obvious what the aim is here). There's even an impressive supporting cast; I didn't know Maggie Gyllenhaal and Richard Jenkins were in this.


The formula may be familiar, but the story and its layers were more layered than I'd expected. You go into one of these movies wondering what the motive for all this is, and the fun part with WHD is that it uncovers more and more as it moves toward the end, all of which blends cohesively and even believably. I was impressed by this movie and a number of people in the crowd walked out of it commenting about how good they thought it was. It's no Independence Day, but it's no G.I. Joe either. White House Down is fun, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a fun action movie the next couple weeks.


Experience - 26/30

Story/Writing - 18/20

Acting - 13/15

Tech Specs (Editing, Effects, Cinematography) - 14/15 (you definitely see the $150 million budget on screen; some of these sets had me convinced they shot on location)

Directing - 8/10

Music - 7/10


THE VERDICT: 86/100, A


Comments, likes, and feedback are always appreciated. :-)

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White House Down


4:10PM Friday, June 28th

Regal Fenway 13 & RPX

Theater Capacity: 240 (15% full)

Ticket Price: $9.50

Concessions: n/a




Machete Kills - funny trailer, no reaction

Elysium - looks fantastic on the big screen, got whispers from the audience

Captain Phillips - thrilling trailer, got lots of talking from crowd

Runner Runner - trailer gets boring on a repeat viewing, some talking and good reaction from crowd though

We're The Millers - very consistent reactions to this trailer, lots of laughs and a great reaction

2 Guns - cool-looking action movie with Denzel Washington & Mark Wahlberg; okay reaction from crowd

Wolf of Wall Street - I'm sure the movie will be good, but this trailer sucks. One girl in front of me said "that looks terrible."

Red 2 - loved the first one and can't wait to see this movie in a few weeks; got some talking from crowd

The World's End - British This is The End... I like it, but no reaction from crowd

(I notice people get trailer fatigue by the end of the sixth one in a row... 9 is a bit excessive)




Roland Emmerich has a funky reputation with the movies he's directed, stirring controversy in some cases and dividing the critics in others. But something he consistently manages to do is make for an excellent movie theater experience, no matter how ridiculous the film. Including White House Down, Emmerich's last three films had me on the edge of my seat in the theater and packed quite a punch (2012 and Anonymous were the other two movies). White House Down was like Die Hard at the white house and was more exciting than I had anticipated.


Channing Tatum is a born action star. His character tries to prove himself professionally and as a father the entire movie, and he does a great job channeling that from start to finish. Jamie Foxx channels President Obama nicely (the never actually come out and say it, but it's obvious what the aim is here). There's even an impressive supporting cast; I didn't know Maggie Gyllenhaal and Richard Jenkins were in this.


The formula may be familiar, but the story and its layers were more layered than I'd expected. You go into one of these movies wondering what the motive for all this is, and the fun part with WHD is that it uncovers more and more as it moves toward the end, all of which blends cohesively and even believably. I was impressed by this movie and a number of people in the crowd walked out of it commenting about how good they thought it was. It's no Independence Day, but it's no G.I. Joe either. White House Down is fun, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a fun action movie the next couple weeks.


Experience - 26/30

Story/Writing - 18/20

Acting - 13/15

Tech Specs (Editing, Effects, Cinematography) - 14/15 (you definitely see the $150 million budget on screen; some of these sets had me convinced they shot on location)

Directing - 8/10

Music - 7/10


THE VERDICT: 86/100, A


Comments, likes, and feedback are always appreciated. :-)


Just lost some respect for you. That's one of the best TEASERS in a while. Looks hilarious. 

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Monsters University

June 29, 8:30 PM, (As it is a drive-in, I cannot judge how full it is)

49er Drive-In, Valparaiso, IN

Trailers (no reactions)

Despicable Me 2



The Blue Umbrella: Liked it better this time but still a lesser Pixar short. People I was with hated it.


Movie was better with a rewatch. Audience laughed quite a bit, which is surprising that I heard that at a drive-in.


Man of Steel

June 29, 10:25 PM, (As it is a drive-in, I cannot judge how full it is)

49er Drive-In, Valparaiso, IN

Trailers (no reactions)

The Lone Ranger

300: Rise of an Empire


Annoying people next to us were talking throughout the entire movie. Halfway through, we had to go inside the car just to hear the movie. I enjoyed for a third time, but disappointing experience for sure.

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Just lost some respect for you. That's one of the best TEASERS in a while. Looks hilarious. 


I'm sorry to hear you've lost some respect for me, but I stand by that statement.


I'm sure the movie will be good, but that trailer is a mess. It shows too much footage/story to be a teaser, but at the same it's less coherent than your standard non-teaser trailer. The crowd reactions speak louder than just my opinion, and after seeing this in front of two or three audiences now I can tell you confidently that this trailer is weaker than others playing before & after it. If you went to see two movies a week in theaters on average as I do, you'd start to notice these intricacies that make or break a trailer.

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World War Z

July 1, 7:15 PM, 10% full

Portage 16 IMAX, Portage, IN


The Wolverine

Anchorman: The Legend Continues - some laughs



The Wolf of Wall Street - looks awesome


Movie was average and the audience was unresponsive. Dull time.

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I saw Kings of Summer on Monday night, and I also caught a 10:30PM showing Tuesday night of Despicable Me 2 in 3D. I'm so burned out right now that I need to sleep. But if 5 or more people like this comment by the morning, I'll write a crowd report for Despicable Me 2. If 8 or more people like this comment by the morning, I'll also write a crowd report for Kings of Summer

Edited by Andy Stitzer 2
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I saw Kings of Summer on Monday night, and I also caught a 10:30PM showing Tuesday night of Despicable Me 2 in 3D. I'm so burned out right now that I need to sleep. But if 5 or more people like this comment by the morning, I'll write a crowd report for Despicable Me 2. If 8 or more people like this comment by the morning, I'll also write a crowd report for Kings of Summer

Don't whore yourself out, man...

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Well, I read them, even though I don't usually agree with you.

But I just don't like the whole "like if you want this..." system that's going on everywhere. I'd rather like the crowd report itself than the post advertising it... ;)

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Despicable Me 2

Amstar 12 - Lake Mary

Lake Mary, FL

Tuesday, July 2nd 10pm

40% full (more adults than kids)




Smurfs 2: kids laughed


Turbo: some laughs


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2: big audience reaction from both adults and kids. This will break the september record, don't be surprised. Looks great!


Planes: not much of a reaction, was that Dane FUCKING Cook as the lead voice actor?


Enders Game: no reaction, looks expensive


Free Birds: laughs from kids and adults, I really like the premise of this. Impressive.




It was good. Its not as good as the original, and certainly can't compare to Pixar's best, but it was a lot of fun. The minions and Agnes stole the show, anytime they were on screen you couldn't help but smile. Everybody loved it, very funny, lots of laughs. The CG was astounding, so bright and colorful. It looked just fantastic. They had a lot of 3D money shots during the movie, I could just tell this would look great in 3D. We saw it in 2D because it was so cheap, but knowing what I know now we would have went with 3D. If you like 3D, go see it in that format. You wont regret it.


It's always great when you leave a movie happy and in a great mood. Don't expect some animated masterpiece, just expect a good movie and a good time. 

Edited by Witness
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