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Eric the Marxist

***PLEASE READ***Why the Fanboy Wars Thread is Locked: New Rules are being TESTED ***PLEASE READ***

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I will admit I have become rather hesitant to state my opinion of certain movies on this site, not because of the mods specifically but because of the toxic environment and groupthink that seems to brew. Saying "I hated TLJ" is going to raise some eyebrows and some may think I'm trying to start a fanboy war (and other fanboys will want that war to start). Saying "I liked 1917 more than Parasite" sort of goes against the majority opinion on here, and I'm kind of scared to say things like that either. I think a certain group of people who admittedly are on this site to troll have made the staff and some of the more reasonable posters on here uneasy about someone stating a controversial opinion, because it's presumed to be a precursor to deliberate trolling. 

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Again, I fail to see how this a bad thing. No one is saying this’ll be the end of criticism. All it just does is make it harder to troll and makes it easier to find, police and stop toxic fanboys, which has plagued the boards since IMDB closed down. There’s a main and major difference between a negative opinion and trolling, and cutting out the main source of the problem will cause the rest to adapt or die out. You either get better and stop trolling or keep on getting banned and leave, it’s a win-win.

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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1 hour ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

Where is the line, and is it a subjective or an objective one?

That the problem;everybody sees the  line differently.

I agree that getting personal is bad; in formal debate there is a slogan "attack the argument, not the arguer" which might serve as a guide.

I admit I have not always followed that advice.

But some fanboys so ideintify with a movie or franchise that they see any criticism of it as aimed at them.

IMHO it's stupid and bad to get that emotionally involved with a freaking movie.

I also think a lot of fanboys don't distinguish between criticisng a movie and talking about how it is doing at the box office.

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I find the over modding post-2016 on here has  just caused additional problems where certain mods seem to being go after people's opinions by enforcing certain rules that are increasingly vague and subjective ... Rather than focusing on the main purpose of a mod (I am a mod on a discord server) which is stopping racism or threats violence against each other.  


These rules are not evenly applied or always enforced by the moderation team, which has just created further tensions and resentment in the user base.


I know people will not like what I said here but I been on this forum for a while and I feel this forum was a much better place with far less moderation and rules in the past.


All of these endless rules have not really stopped the toxicity and it seems to just perpetuate a victimization complexes on the numerous groups of users belonging to certain beliefs. 


(stop the SJW turds on here! Stop the Alt right trolls on here! ) 


I dont have much faith that these issues will be corrected without censorship being enforced by the moderation team. 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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On 2/8/2020 at 11:24 PM, DAJK said:

lmao at the people thinking the mods are giving out strikes "based on opinions". If people can't tell the difference between poisoning the well and having an opinion, they need to enroll in Internet 101




You are under the assumption being a mod automatically makes one lose bias and most of the rules on here that go beyond banning racist or violent comments are very subjective in nature.


A lot moderation e is not objective it is subjective and anyone who has been or is a mod can agree. 


We just accept the subjectivity of it hoping for the greater good of the forum but let's stop pretending that moderation is objective.


I know for a fact I can  say negative things about certain people or franchises but if i say anything negative about certain people, some mods will come with the wrath of God against me :)


so yeah that is my 2 cents... 


Edited by Lordmandeep
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8 hours ago, JGAR4LIFE said:

Just take out the not cool reactions


Im already seeing multiple on this page alone

Can you guys please give me some before it's removed? I'm too nice, never got any of it. :(


Edit: Thanks, DAJK, I love you! :wub:


Edited by misafeco
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20 hours ago, Eric the Hedgehog said:

As for VENOM... He randomly went into the TROS thread


Should I have knocked first? :sparta:

20 hours ago, Eric the Hedgehog said:

stating it was gonna get 75% reshot..When people called him out, asking for reciepts, but put out this dodgy excuse of "you already know it's out there, go look it up", not even bothering to give out a source when people asked him to. All it seemed like to me was him making stuff up and trying to make people angry.


Not sure how I could have made it up when JJ came out in the EW interview at the end of November saying it’s still going through reshoots and it would be a race against time to get it done. That’s what people were arguing about already before I even said anything,  I just gave a number and I mean just watch the movie if you still don’t believe it, it’s a hot mess 


20 hours ago, Eric the Hedgehog said:

We gave him all the chances he needed, and when he wasn't cooperating and making things even more miserable, we had to threadban him. Besides, the man's a bully anyways. It's really a bad idea to defend him.

Haha just because I poked fun at some movies or companies you like it doesn’t make me a bully, that’s just called a difference of opinion dear.

Edited by VENOM
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5 hours ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

Where is the line, and is it a subjective or an objective one?

Should be objective. As per Wikipedia:


Troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.


So honestly, I feel like the rules should be pretty clear. You can express your views however you like as long as

- It is on-topic to the thread you're in (i.e. no going into the Joker thread and saying Endgame sucked or something)

- It is irrelevant to the subject being discussed. If you are trying to start a new conversation, don't make it one that's already been had many times unless you have something new to add.

- it is intended to elicit some kind of upset or angry response from a particular group in particular. That could be like going into a star wars thread and saying "all star wars fans are lifelong virgins go back to your mom's basement" or it could be saying "so-and-so has shitty opinions on Oscar movies I don't know why anyone listens to them"

- "normalizing tangential discussion" i.e. don't deliberately derail a thread. I understand for example Weekend threads go off-topic a lot. But there's a difference between someone posting something and the conversation naturally going in that direction, and someone repeatedly trying to force the thread to discuss Rian Johnson/Zack Snyder/Green Book etc. 

- one other thing I'd add in there obviously is personal insults. Seriously. Don't say anything you wouldn't say to a user in real life... how about, assuming they're 6 foot 6 and a bodybuilder with an attitude problem. Treat them with respect. 

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7 minutes ago, DAJK said:

- it is intended to elicit some kind of upset or angry response from a particular group in particular. That could be like going into a star wars thread and saying "all star wars fans are lifelong virgins go back to your mom's basement" or it could be saying "so-and-so has shitty opinions on Oscar movies I don't know why anyone listens to them"

Problem is, this is subjective. If someone overreacts to a post that was not posted with the intention to incite (for example, you explain why you don't think a film will do well, and another poster goes on about you having a "negative bias" that's preventing you from being objective), how does a moderator judge? (Another example, I point out a film isn't getting advanced screenings, several members harp on me for denying the existence of test screenings, an entirely different thing) 



Just because something elicits a reaction (and I'm talking about posts far less inflammatory than your examples that have been considered inflammatory) doesn't mean it was intended to provoke people.

Edited by OncomingStorm93
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9 minutes ago, DAJK said:

Should be objective. As per Wikipedia:


Troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.


So honestly, I feel like the rules should be pretty clear. You can express your views however you like as long as

- It is on-topic to the thread you're in (i.e. no going into the Joker thread and saying Endgame sucked or something)

- It is irrelevant to the subject being discussed. If you are trying to start a new conversation, don't make it one that's already been had many times unless you have something new to add.

- it is intended to elicit some kind of upset or angry response from a particular group in particular. That could be like going into a star wars thread and saying "all star wars fans are lifelong virgins go back to your mom's basement" or it could be saying "so-and-so has shitty opinions on Oscar movies I don't know why anyone listens to them"

- "normalizing tangential discussion" i.e. don't deliberately derail a thread. I understand for example Weekend threads go off-topic a lot. But there's a difference between someone posting something and the conversation naturally going in that direction, and someone repeatedly trying to force the thread to discuss Rian Johnson/Zack Snyder/Green Book etc. 

- one other thing I'd add in there obviously is personal insults. Seriously. Don't say anything you wouldn't say to a user in real life... how about, assuming they're 6 foot 6 and a bodybuilder with an attitude problem. Treat them with respect. 

Problem is a lot of people here accuse anybody who disagrees with them of being a troll...

A number of fans of a specific film or franchise get upset if anything critical or negative about a movie is said in thread about that franchise or thread. I think this a carryover from their spending so much time at fansites where anything other then praise is unwelcome or out and out forbidden.

The classic definition of a troll is somebody who delibertly set outs to get a reaction, they don't really care what kind. In fact the angry,outraged reactions gives them more jollies.

Best way to deal with a obvious troll is to don't feed them,just ignore them. Reacting to them is just giving them want they want.

Problem is, some trolls are really smart about knowing which buttons to push to get a reaction.

Edited by dudalb
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6 minutes ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

Problem is, this is subjective. If someone overreacts to a post that was not posted with the intention to incite (for example, you explain why you don't think a film will do well, and another poster goes on about you having a "negative bias" that's preventing you from being objective), how does a moderator judge? (Another example, I point out a film isn't getting advanced screenings, several members harp on me for denying the existence of test screenings, an entirely different thing) 



Just because something elicits a reaction (and I'm talking about posts far less inflammatory than your examples that have been considered inflammatory) doesn't mean it was intended to provoke people.

Pretty easy to avoid that. Saying "Joker will suck because every movie DC has ever made sucked" can be easily turned into "I doubt I'm gonna like Joker because I haven't liked anything else DC has done" without having to change the idea of what you're trying to get across. It's also pretty obvious when someone is trying to bait: "I can't believe anyone likes this crap" versus "meh, I didn't like it" or "I'm not gonna see it" is so easy to distinguish. 


3 minutes ago, dudalb said:

Problem is a lot of people here accuse anybody who disagrees with them of being a troll...

A number of fans of a specific film or franchise get upset if anything critical or negative about a movie is said in thread about that franchise or thread. I think this a carryover from their spending so much time at fansites where anything other then praise is unwelcome or out and out forbidden.

There definitely are, but I would argue that they are in the vast minority. What I'm saying is if the mods laid out some ground rules "you can be negative about a movie as long as it's either backed up by evidence, not just you going into a thread every day saying "this sucks" and you follow those explicit rules, then the people "complaining" about you don't have grounds to stand on

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And personally, I stay out of the more fanboy-type threads for the most part, so I've never actually seen someone say "you have a negative bias" etc. etc. But if I did see that, and they were saying that to someone who clearly was just stating an opinion, I'd say that's just as bad in terms of poisoning the well as the people making trollish comments. 

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I think I have pretty thick skin, I can deal with criticism about movies I like. I’ll even shrug off posters personally attacking me with names “bully “troll” “evil” “villain” for not liking something they do but I’ll never stoop down to their level because once you start personally attacking someone you’ve already lost the argument.

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2 hours ago, Ninenin said:

I honestly don't understand how some people can handle the real world. 


Yeah sometimes i get annoyed by some things said on here.


Be honest, If you get in too deep, just take a breather and do something else and come back.


The world likely has not changed from your lack of input on whatever debate you had. 


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