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On 12/30/2021 at 3:37 AM, Darth Lehnsherr said:

Someone made this comparison that essentially the Homecoming Trilogy is the "Smallville" for this Spider-Man.


Anyhow finally some spoiler interviews


Though of course it's secret stars was just about the worst kept secret in history. Yes, I think that SONY delibertly decided to leak it, and then not show thew two spideys before the film openes.

I was happy to see the Garfield Spidey get smething of a moment of redemption by being able to save MJ.

I think the spoiler was not that the two previous spideys were in it,but just how they would show up.

I would bet a lot of money that Gwen Stacy shows up in the next Spider man movie.




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4 minutes ago, Impact said:

I really hope they take a long break from making Spidey films for a while. I loved it, but yeah, it is time for a break.

Spiderverse pt1 2022

pt2 2023

Holland-man 4 2024 latest

Probably at least one more Spiderverse, tobey, or Andrew by 2025

Holland-man 5 2026 at latest

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On 12/17/2021 at 12:50 AM, WittyUsername said:

Wait, it just occurred to me that this movie acts like it was common knowledge in the Raimi universe that Norman Osborn was the Green Goblin. That seems like a bit of an oopsie on the part of the writers. 


On 12/19/2021 at 12:34 AM, John Marston said:

Would it have killed them to rewatch the movies they were trying to follow up on? Doc Ock never knew Norman Osborn was the Green Goblin. Hell nobody did so Sandman shouldn’t know either


Out of the numerous things that didn't work for me in this movie -- this issue is one thing I didn't have a problem with.  I've only seen this once, but I remember Octavious referring to Osborn's brilliant mind that got corrupted.  First of all: who says he was referring specifically to the Goblin's activities?  He could have been referring to an Osborn that became a selfish corporate asshole.  Second, who's to say that who Osborn really was didn't leak out sometime between the ending of Raimi's Spider-Man 1 and 2?  Yes, Harry doesn't discover his father's Goblin "stash" until the very end of Spider-Man 2...but perhaps news/rumors had leaked out already, and he just didn't believe them?  But I understand the shlockiness of storytelling here -- and it's reflected throughout much of this movie, I would argue.  The movie is clearly pinned on the concept of bringing all these villains and heroes together, without a great story to back it up.  My reading was also that when the villains are all whisked back into their own universes, they would just return to the exact same places, for many, their moments of death -- so the Spiders' "healing" them of their psychic and physical "wounds" ultimately doesn't end up mattering.  There's nothing in the movie that says otherwise?  


On 12/19/2021 at 2:09 PM, John Marston said:

I really enjoyed it but some parts bugged me. The blatant continuity errors with the Raimi films (Sandman and Ock shouldn't know that Norman Osborn is the Green Goblin) and I felt some aspects of the other Spider-Man could have been executed a bit better. Felt like Tobey didn't have many lines and their final  goodbye was really rushed. Were Tobey/Andrew a last minute addition? Maybe it would have been better to delay the film and work out some of the kinks. Still a very enjoyable movie but I hope the rumors of Tobey and Andrew potentially coming back in future films is true


Tobey got a scene with Molina at the end, but I would have liked at least one short scene between Tobey and Dafoe, too, considering how fundamental of an impact that whole first movie experience with Osborn had on Maguire's Peter.  And when Maguire's Peter appears to be fatally stabbed at the end, then survives another 10 minutes of hugs, I didn't quite buy that, either.  It's clear that at one point the filmmakers were toying with killing off Maguire's Peter.  He's going to need an ER visit almost immediately once he returns to his own universe -- are we to assume MJ is skilled in treating his wounds, at this point??  I didn't buy it.  


On 12/20/2021 at 1:43 PM, iHeartJames said:

Ned really had me in stitches throughout the lab screen when Tobey tells him about his best friend so Ned slowly approaches Tom all nervous and Tom looks at him like 😐


This is a double reference, of course: "Ned Leeds" in the comics becomes one of the Hobgoblins.  


Having said that, the rather thick fanservice stuff in this movie (even for an old-school Spidey fan) was almost too much -- at the expense of telling a good story.


I mean...announcing to the media that this is where you're having your final showdown?  Endangering another national monument??  Still not smart on Peter Parker's part... 😅


I saw this movie with about 4 other people in the theater -- that was on purpose.  I know that these MCU-type movies are designed lately for audience participation, but I felt many of the dramatic/comedic pauses fell flat/hollow without an audience around.  That's not a good thing.  I wonder how much Maguire's "back" reference was even understood by the general audience, as well...but it worked as a joke on its own, with Andrew's Spidey helping him, so that was...OK.  😅


And yes, stating the obvious, but Dafoe's presence here and the fight at the condo was the best scene/sequence in the movie.  

Edited by Macleod
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On 1/13/2022 at 6:37 PM, Impact said:

I really hope they take a long break from making Spidey films for a while. I loved it, but yeah, it is time for a break.

 When a franchise is a big a cash cow as Spidey has been, it does not get a break.

Interesting the two of the cast members....Garfield and Cumbernathc ..will probably compete against each othe for a Best Actor Oscar


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