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July 5 & 6 Numbers Thread

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13 minutes ago, AniNate said:


Also they never talk about how much profit they make in their tv ads either, so I fail to see what point you're trying to make with this willful strawman retort 

 Willful strawman retort? LMFAO. I quoted you.. You literally said it was a selling point... you literally said that. So me asking you to show me an example of something you literally said they could do, which was them using it as a selling point.. is me creating a strawman? No, what it is, is me calling you out on your BS... 

Edited by Elden Lord
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6 minutes ago, Elden Lord said:

 Willful strawman retort? LMFAO. I quoted you.. You literally said it was a selling point... you literally said that. So me asking you to show me an example of something you literally said they do, which was them using it as a selling point.. is me creating a strawman? No, what it is, is me calling you out on your BS... 



You first referred to it in the context of board members, that's what I was talking about. I thought that should've been pretty clear.

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1 hour ago, baumer said:


Actually they can talk about whatever they want to talk about in this thread weekend threads, daily number threads they always veer off course.


As long as nobody's insulting each other or making fun of one another or using profanity towards one another conversations about movies, life, cereal, Fass' dick size, pets, actresses swimming pools, Teles horrible predictions, it's all fair game here. It's been like that since the beginning of the forums.


It gets funny how we can talk about fav pasta in weekend thread but start talking about certain movies and its like nooooo! 


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and if I may venture one more post while sticking only to Elementals box office w/o being banned, it had a terrible opening with what does look like very good legs. I just thought that shows some hesitation in audiences or failure of Disney to get people opening weekend and wanted to share my part. People will have all different reasons as these are big audiences, but the Disney + excuse doesn't square for me since other movies don't have this problem (NWH, Puss in Boots, Avatar, Mario, TGM) and Disney always gets tons of excuses to demand they do not have a cultural problem.

Every movie is going to end up on streaming. Not every movie is released by a company that has a controversial brand trust rating and used to pander to family values goers. Just compare Disney releases and advertising from 25 years ago to now and it looks like a completely different company for a different audience.

Edited by rebelscum86
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4 hours ago, Poseidon said:


Why wouldn't you just suggest to have the discussion they obviously put some thought and time into to another and more fitting place, instead of such a condescending statement?

Brutal honesty. Simple as that. It's the only way some people will learn sometimes and get the message through. And I honestly don't really think this kind of conversation rebelscum was putting in and especially Elden Lord's behavior towards people daring to be more positive on Elemental's box office was something this place needed. It's my job to make this forum a fun, non-toxic environment. And if I have to be a little direct to get the job done, so be it.

4 hours ago, baumer said:


Why? I don't think this is part of your job as a moderator and this comes from somebody who was a moderator for 15 years. I don't know what the hell you're squabbling about but we've had a litany of conversations like this concerning superheroes animation and life in general and a myriad of other threads over the last 20 years that I've been at the forums starting in 2002. I don't know what you think your job is as a moderator but this isn't it. You can't just arbitrarily come in here tell somebody to shut up because you don't like the tone of the conversation. That's not what a moderator does. I'm going to be bringing this up with Shawn after I talk to @Cap I think you're a sub-par moderator dude... I like you as a person we have a good history but I have no idea what you're doing here is a moderator I don't think you understand what it means to be a moderator.

Like I said, my job is to make this place a fun, non-toxic environment. That means nipping conversations that are destined to be problematic in the bud. I know how this place operates and it's better to contain something right away then let something fester. Rebelscum86 is new here, but a lot of his posts frankly evoke the usual concern trolling rhetoric common with Disney movies that are basically bait for pointless arguments and fights. People on the forums often complain about pointless fights and arguments that go nowhere. But when I do my job and try to stop stuff that people here hate, now that's a problem? I don't get it.


13 minutes ago, Torontofan said:


It gets funny how we can talk about fav pasta in weekend thread but start talking about certain movies and its like nooooo! 


Well...yeah. Sometimes certain movies have a lot of unnecessary toxicity to them. And since my job is to get rid of unneeded toxicity, I think it's fair to stop conversations And you have often been a ringleader with a certain kids movie about a last jedi. You've constantly trolled Star Wars threads for years and everybody here was sick of it. Like do you really, really want to talk about Last Jedi or Man of Steel or whatever for the umpteenth time? Do you think people are desperate, chomping at the bit to do it all the time? Is your life dependent on this kind of stuff? I don't think so. This kind of stuff was irritating for many to read. And I very much agree to that. So I'm just doing my job.


And to everybody here, because I know I've gotten complaints over my moderation style...why are you here? Like I am genuinely confused by this. If you hate how a forum is run, and note that my fellow moderators generally seem fine with my style (though yes, they can and have argued with me on previous moments before), and it's clear things aren't going to change, why hang around a place you hate? As I've said countless times, this is not the only place where you can talk about box office, and it's more than easy to still stay connected with your buds here. So why are you still on this website? It's like a vegetarian hanging around a steakhouse.


The only reason I can understand why hanging around a place you hate is if you were being forced to by some external force. And I am confident in saying that isn't the case. So what gives? This isn't rhetorical, I genuinely want to know.

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20 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

I’d wager gen z on the whole doesn’t even know or care about the name “Christopher Nolan.” Which is a very alarming drop off on relevancy considering Nolan had Millennials en masse foaming at the mouth about how he was the greatest thing to ever happen to media for a stretch in the 00s/early 10s. 


He directed their Batman. A cute story to clear the air. I had my nephews for a week about 10+ years ago (7 & 9 at the time). I hyped up watching Batman and that we were going to have a movie night. Took them to the store, gave them $20 bucks told them stock up on candy, got slushies. We got home and I put on my Batman, Tim Burton and Michael Keaton of course.

They hated it and the younger one said, "this isn't Batman. We've seen Batman"!

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30 minutes ago, rebelscum86 said:

and if I may venture one more post while sticking only to Elementals box office w/o being banned, it had a terrible opening with what does look like very good legs. I just thought that shows some hesitation in audiences or failure of Disney to get people opening weekend and wanted to share my part. People will have all different reasons as these are big audiences, but the Disney + excuse doesn't square for me since other movies don't have this problem (NWH, Puss in Boots, Avatar, Mario, TGM) and Disney always gets tons of excuses to demand they do not have a cultural problem.

Every movie is going to end up on streaming. Not every movie is released by a company that has a controversial brand trust rating and used to pander to family values goers. Just compare Disney releases and advertising from 25 years ago to now and it looks like a completely different company for a different audience.


It's funny that two of the movies you used as examples are extreme outliers because the filmmakers involved made damn sure to get extremely long theatrical exclusivity lol.


That's literally the opposite of straight to streaming.

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7 minutes ago, Deep Wang said:


It's funny that two of the movies you used as examples are extreme outliers because the filmmakers involved made damn sure to get extremely long theatrical exclusivity lol.


That's literally the opposite of straight to streaming.

On top of this the services they went on were nowhere near as big as Disney+ which is more likely to eat into each other. 

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33 minutes ago, rebelscum86 said:

and if I may venture one more post while sticking only to Elementals box office w/o being banned, it had a terrible opening with what does look like very good legs. I just thought that shows some hesitation in audiences or failure of Disney to get people opening weekend and wanted to share my part. People will have all different reasons as these are big audiences, but the Disney + excuse doesn't square for me since other movies don't have this problem (NWH, Puss in Boots, Avatar, Mario, TGM) and Disney always gets tons of excuses to demand they do not have a cultural problem.

Every movie is going to end up on streaming. Not every movie is released by a company that has a controversial brand trust rating and used to pander to family values goers. Just compare Disney releases and advertising from 25 years ago to now and it looks like a completely different company for a different audience.


The only real comparable movie you listed, Puss in Boots, did fail on opening weekend, and only later made up for it with incredible holds.


Not to mention Avatar 2 also had a softer than expected 'disappointing' opening weekend followed by incredible holds to end up with an over 5x multiplier. 

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@Eric Bunny these forums have been around long before you were here. They're going to be here long after you're gone as well, that's why we're all still here. Most of us love this place and a lot of us have been on these forums for over a decade some of us right from the beginning. Saying that we don't like the way you moderate and find you way too temperamental and egregious in your style of moderating doesn't mean that we don't like this place. And where else are we going to go? World of kj?


And why would we leave just because of you? I'm not going to let you drive me away from this place, I've been at these forums way longer than you have! I'm sure not going to let your questionable moderating style drive me away.



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32 minutes ago, Eric Bunny said:

Brutal honesty. Simple as that. It's the only way some people will learn sometimes and get the message through. And I honestly don't really think this kind of conversation rebelscum was putting in and especially Elden Lord's behavior towards people daring to be more positive on Elemental's box office was something this place needed. It's my job to make this forum a fun, non-toxic environment. And if I have to be a little direct to get the job done, so be it.

Like I said, my job is to make this place a fun, non-toxic environment. That means nipping conversations that are destined to be problematic in the bud. I know how this place operates and it's better to contain something right away then let something fester. Rebelscum86 is new here, but a lot of his posts frankly evoke the usual concern trolling rhetoric common with Disney movies that are basically bait for pointless arguments and fights. People on the forums often complain about pointless fights and arguments that go nowhere. But when I do my job and try to stop stuff that people here hate, now that's a problem? I don't get it.


Well...yeah. Sometimes certain movies have a lot of unnecessary toxicity to them. And since my job is to get rid of unneeded toxicity, I think it's fair to stop conversations And you have often been a ringleader with a certain kids movie about a last jedi. You've constantly trolled Star Wars threads for years and everybody here was sick of it. Like do you really, really want to talk about Last Jedi or Man of Steel or whatever for the umpteenth time? Do you think people are desperate, chomping at the bit to do it all the time? Is your life dependent on this kind of stuff? I don't think so. This kind of stuff was irritating for many to read. And I very much agree to that. So I'm just doing my job.


And to everybody here, because I know I've gotten complaints over my moderation style...why are you here? Like I am genuinely confused by this. If you hate how a forum is run, and note that my fellow moderators generally seem fine with my style (though yes, they can and have argued with me on previous moments before), and it's clear things aren't going to change, why hang around a place you hate? As I've said countless times, this is not the only place where you can talk about box office, and it's more than easy to still stay connected with your buds here. So why are you still on this website? It's like a vegetarian hanging around a steakhouse.


The only reason I can understand why hanging around a place you hate is if you were being forced to by some external force. And I am confident in saying that isn't the case. So what gives? This isn't rhetorical, I genuinely want to know.

I personally don't mind your moderation style, but to somewhat guess an answer to that question of why be on here if you hate it, is that I don't think the regulars on here actually do hate it at all. They like discussion about box office and these forums don't become such a circlejerk like reddit becomes for example. People want free and open discussion, and from my POV, it seems there is a disconnect or rather disagreement on here of what what is beneficial discourse and what is toxic, so I think this may have just got overblown a bit. (This is my POV after being on here for a couple of months so I don't know how things are typically run around here outside of that timeframe)

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The fact that this argument sprung out over an obvious bait post implying that Turning Red (an infamously over trolled movie by a certain political side) was problematic and going to turn kids against their parents is dumb as hell. Like...come on guys. That was not some good faith post. I don't always agree with Eric on everything but he's easily one of the reasons this place is as readable as it is.

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35 minutes ago, rebelscum86 said:


He directed their Batman. A cute story to clear the air. I had my nephews for a week about 10+ years ago (7 & 9 at the time). I hyped up watching Batman and that we were going to have a movie night. Took them to the store, gave them $20 bucks told them stock up on candy, got slushies. We got home and I put on my Batman, Tim Burton and Michael Keaton of course.

They hated it and the younger one said, "this isn't Batman. We've seen Batman"!

A lot of it will be anecdotal, no doubt. It’s funny bc I have a broad range of age nieces and nephews… the older gen z ones in their early to mid 20s love the TDK trilogy and Nolan. The ones who are teen and tween aged have no idea who that is or seem to care about the TDK trilogy. 

100% agree with you though on Keaton Bats holding next to no relevancy with younger gens (and I even include my gen in that). This was a main thing I argued for why Flash would get zero boost from that, and I feel like I was pretty right on there… 

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21 minutes ago, baumer said:

@Eric Bunny these forums have been around long before you were here. They're going to be here long after you're gone as well, that's why we're all still here. Most of us love this place and a lot of us have been on these forums for over a decade some of us right from the beginning. Saying that we don't like the way you moderate and find you way too temperamental and egregious in your style of moderating doesn't mean that we don't like this place. And where else are we going to go? World of kj?


And why would we leave just because of you? I'm not going to let you drive me away from this place, I've been at these forums way longer than you have! I'm sure not going to let your questionable moderating style drive me away.


I was curious about that part. I don't hate this place at all, but what other forums are to talk about box office.

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38 minutes ago, Austin said:

there is a disconnect or rather disagreement on here of what what is beneficial discourse and what is toxic


Toxic is anything too critical of Disney movies. We can crack billion unconstructive jokes about The Flash bombing cause it's WB aka the currently approved punching bag but dare not suggest in well-argumented constructive manner that Elemental is a bomb whose legs are not impressive in the context of low opening. There's a very clear pro-Disney bias. Very clear. Other studios are fair game but this one always gets "moderation: discussion is getting toxic/you are concerned troll" kind of debate ender. Even though reputable trades like Variety don't sugarcoat that Elemental, TLM, Indiana Jones, Qunatumania are bombs/disappointments suggesting the studio has lost its Midas touch to some degree.  And if you want to play politics, you can't get more liberal than Variety so "boo alt right is vilifying Disney" argument doesn't stand. Industry has noticed that the studio is making wrong moves and talks about it so why can't we? 

Edited by Valonqar
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7 minutes ago, Valonqar said:


Toxic is anything too critical of Disney movies. We can crack billion unconstructive jokes about The Flash bombing cause it's WB aka the currently approved punching bag but dare not suggest in well-argumented constructive manner that Elemental is a bomb whose legs are not impressive in the context of low opening. There's a very clear pro-Disney bias. Very clear. Other studios are fair game but this one always gets "moderation: discussion is getting toxic/you are concerned troll" kind of debate ender. Even though reputable trades like Variety don't sugarcoat that Elemental, TLM, Indiana Jones, Qunatumania are bombs/disappointments suggesting the studio has lost its Midas touch to some degree.  And if you want to play politics, you can't get more liberal than Variety so "boo alt right is vilifying Disney" argument doesn't stand. Industry has noticed that the studio is making wrong moves and talks about it so why can't we? 

To be fair, Flash is going to make considerably less than all the films you just mentioned. I'd venture to say if Flash matches Quantumania's WW number of 476M, people wouldn't be quite as hard on it. What's Flash going to finish with WW? 275M~?

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11 minutes ago, Valonqar said:


Toxic is anything too critical of Disney movies. We can crack billion unconstructive jokes about The Flash bombing cause it's WB aka the currently approved punching bag but dare not suggest in well-argumented constructive manner that Elemental is a bomb whose legs are not impressive in the context of low opening. There's a very clear pro-Disney bias. Very clear. Other studios are fair game but this one always gets "moderation: discussion is getting toxic/you are concerned troll" kind of debate ender. Even though reputable trades like Variety don't sugarcoat that Elemental, TLM, Indiana Jones, Qunatumania are bombs/disappointments suggesting the studio has lost its Midas touch to some degree.  And if you want to play politics, you can't get more liberal than Variety so "boo alt right is vilifying Disney" argument doesn't stand. Industry has noticed that the studio is making wrong moves and talks about it so why can't we? 

Name a single person on here defending Indy.

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