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Legend of Korra

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Wow, I'm glad I checked this thread; somehow I had completely missed that trailer up until now. I think Book 2 looks great. The trailer itself was beautiful. All instrumental and showing off gorgeous animation. And I think the spirits look pretty cool too. I definitely can't wait for the new season.

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So I watched the premiere. Spoilers abound ahead.It reminded me a lot of Book 1's premiere, in that it was entertaining and fun, with decent intrigue. Not that great, but a step up from the last few episodes of Book 1. The ending was resolved way too quickly though, Korra did absolutely nothing, and she gets the spirit portal open? Psh.To be honest, Korra was the biggest issue I've had in this episode. She's even more of a whiny b*tch in this episode than I noticed in Book 1. "Everyone hates me and I'm better than anyone gives me credit for. Shut up dad and boyfriend for talking sense into me." She's so obnoxious and unlikable she pretty much ruins the whole show. Maybe that's a bit hyperbolic but eh, it's true. Also, the biggest mistake the writers made last finale which was apparent here is giving Korra full control of the Avatar State. She uses it willy-nilly which is annoying, but more importantly, none of the fights so far have felt like a real challenge to her since she can just go "AVATAR STATE YIP YIP" and annihilate her opponent.Now, you may have noticed last paragraph I mentioned Korra's boyfriend, Mako. The way I said Korra's become a bigger pain? Mako's actually the exact opposite. I still don't like Mako, but he was much more likable here than at all in Book 1. Maybe it's because Korra spent most of the episode being obnoxious to him while he was trying to be normal, but I actually had empathy for his problems.Now, what was I disappointed most about in these episodes? Lack of Asami. Now, it's no secret Asami's my favorite character, since she's literally the only likable person on Team Avatar in Book 1 (but that's another rant.) She's literally in these 45 min episode for maybe 5 min. That might be an issue for some other characters, but this is ASAMI we're talking about. I especially liked her stuff going on with Bolin. I'm not for Bosami at all, but those scenes were easily my favorites in the episodes.Actually, in general, Bolin was a highlight of the episodes. He's still a poor man's Sokka and is utterly useless in the fights, but hey, he's funny so it works. I'm gonna take this time to start talking about two of the new characters, Desna and Eska. They're very cliché "creepy twins" characters, but y'know what? They proved to be funny foils to Bolin, and I welcome them with open arms to the cast. Looking forward to more comedy between the three.Another pillar of book 1 was the airbender family of course lead by Tenzin. Already we can see that they will be the subplot this Book, and I'm actually more interested in it than the main story. Tenzin's still awesome, and I'm excited to see more of Bumi and Kya, especially Kya since Bumi was actually grating on me in the first episode, but no matter. I'm also very excited to see Jinorra apparently getting an expanded role this season, as she's easily one of my favorite characters in this show. It also always nice to see Katara again. Looking forward to see where the airbender B-plot takes us.And now, we reach the final characters I'll speaking of. I'll start with Varrick. I already said the scene with him, Asami, and Bolin was one of my highlights in the episodes, but he in particular seems very entertaining. He's an in-your-face entrepreneur, something that's always entertaining to watch. He didn't do much in these episodes, but there's certainly potential for more fun with him.Now... Tonraq and Unalaq. I've been saving them for last simply because... I don't like how the episode handled either of them. Tonraq, as Korra's father, is actually a pretty interesting character in his own right... but then they had to pull "derp let's put in a backstory that really doesn't fit the episode except to waste time and get Korra even more pissed than she already is." That's probably not the best way to word my issues with it... what I mean is I'm not a fan of the flashback sequences in this show period (looking at "Skeletons in the Closet" from last season.) They just feel disruptive and although they may technically move the story forward, I'm just not a fan.Unalaq... Spirits, this guy is such a douche. He takes over Mako's title as Douchebender for now. I can't tell his placement on the show but just his whole attitude is just ugh. Now, this is fine if he ends up being the bad guy for the season (something I completely expect,) but I just can't deal with how not a single person can tell he's an piece of scum. Maybe this is a good thing that the writers have gotten me to hate a character irrationally after one episode, maybe not. Time will tell.Other comments on the show? Well, my fears seem to be realized that Lin will not be having a large role in the season, which is a shame since she was a part of the Big Three Great Characters from last season (those being Lin, Asami, and Tarrlok.) I also had a big issue with the exposition at the beginning; it went by way too quickly. I mean, the Council has been disbanded? What the heck? That's something we actually need backstory on, instead of Childhood Memories with Korra's Daddy. You don't just switch governments within six months. Also, how are the nonbender/bender sentiments going? I understand this season is about Spirits, but there are still unresolved issues from last season and just yelling "NEW GOVERNMENT YAY" doesn't get rid of them. In fact, the change in government seems to exist solely to allow Tenzin and Family's vacation. I also had an issue with Mako being a cop. Just because... why? There was literally nothing in the episodes and as it appears in this arc requiring it, so why is there a Firebender on an all Earthbender force? This isn't because I don't like Mako, the reason I don't like this is because it doesn't make sense.Regardless of those complaints, this proved to be a surprisingly good premiere, despite me hating the main character of the show. I'll stick around for this season definitely, even though I fear the writers will once again give me a terrible ending. At least it'll be a fun ride.

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The new episode had some issues, (Why was Ikki the one to run off after they had some buildup for Jinora in the prior episode, and where's Asami?) but I like where this show is going. They also made Korra much less unbearable than she was in the premiere, and her approach to her parents at the end was touching, if it a bit rushed. 


Can't wait for the next episode. It's not perfect, but I'm definitely intrigued.

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This episode was great. A bit of editing issues with the fusion of the Tenzin/Korra plotlines, but the intensity is high, and the characters are great. Too bad the last shot of Eska pretty much destroyed my chances of getting sleep tonight.


Also, as ridiculous as it was, "That platypus bear is pooping money" killed me.

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Varrick is such a hilarious character, "why do you think I built this boat?"



The pacing in this seems really... unsmooth for some reason.  It seems like they're just jumping from plot point to plot point with the Korra land, and the animation during some dialogue parts is very stiff and cardboard like.  Which is a shame because there are many aspects of season 2 that I'm digging so far.

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