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Shawn Robbins

The Official TASM Weekly Thread (6 Day EST-140m) (Warning: Whiten Out Spoilers/Spoiler Tags)

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Eh, not really a good enough reason to include them. My biggest problem with the mech shooters is how purely illogical they are. A small wrist-sized cartridge can produce webbing for hours on end? Ironically ASM never even used the "run out of webbing" nailbiter.

They used the "got destroyed" nail biter.

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Especially considering that the person reporting that $5 ticket said people still weren't buying tickets after they lowered their price...

Don't confuse me with that other tweet.The theater I went to looked to have about 2000 people there for Spidey's midnight showing last night. They were hardly desperate to sell tickets.
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I think people were expecting Sony to tell the truth. They lied. Stop trying to justify it.And you are not trying to be reasonable. You told everyone that knew that Sony lied that they were wrong. You argued with them, when you were the one defending a lie. You were wrong because Sony was wrong. Accept your mistake and move on.

Yeah, that's exactly how it went down. I never say that anyone is wrong, because I've learned that things aren't black and white, and I'm not "admitting" something that I don't believe in. I just think that it takes a little bit more of good will than some are willing to give, I can't give a single fuck about Sony besides Spider-Man, but I don't see what its on Deadline as a lie. Now what is on BoxOfficeMojo that came afterwards, I see it as an extrapolation. But hey, whatever. Edited by iJackSparrow
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I don't want to get into spoilers, so I'll just ask you a yes/no question. What didn't you like about the origin story?.....just kidding.In all seriousness, you didn't feel that TASM did the origin story any better than SM1? Or it was better but just not good enough?

It was better in some ways, but it was actually more like the Ultimate Spider-Man origin, which I didn't mind because I found that to be a nice modernized update. It's always easy to go back after the history of the character is established to write a more logical origin with more reasonable connections to the villian or villains as the case may be. My deal is some of the more iconic happenings in the original origin were not covered by either movie.

Like before he goes on the trip to the science lab he's invited to go to a party. He refuses and they ridicule him. Neither film really establishes, well enough for me, anyway, that he is tired of being made fun of and that he will "get them all back one day".Also, there's the moment he discovers his powers by jumping out of the way of a car, then climbing a building, then crushing a pipe at the top. There had to be a way to throw an adaption of these moments in there.And this film totally leaves out a major part that I won't even go into in a spoiler.

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They used the "got destroyed" nail biter.

True. Forgot about that (already forgetting important parts of the film...whoops). Nevertheless it just makes more sense that the spider-bite would've given Peter the ability to spin webs. Source material is not perfect, some things CAN be improved. And I feel that was one change that was an improvement on the comics.Also, if they want to show Peter's intellect...spider-tracers.
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Yeah, that's exactly how it went down. I never say that anyone is wrong, because I've learned that things aren't black and white, and I'm not "admitting" something that I don't believe in. I just think that it takes a little bit more of good will than some are willing to give,

If you don't believe that Sony lied, then I don't know what to tell you. But 5 years ago, they reported their midnight SM3 numbers as $10M. Other posters were here to witness it. They released those numbers to websites, who posted them at the time, and we have seen the links to those websites.Now, after 5 years, Sony decided to change those numbers, all of a sudden, to make TASM look better. And you don't believe that they're lying? What more proof could you possibly need?Edit: And when you disagree with me, you tell me I am wrong all the time. So what's with this false statement that you never say anyone's wrong? Edited by The Iron Horse
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Knowing you're pretty picky about the franchise, this gives me some encouragement for when I see it tonight.

I would say my biggest problem with the movie is that it's too long and too short at the same time. I had the same issue with Superman Returns(but, thankfully, this doesn't have some of the more cringeworthy moments in SR and it does have actual battles...more than one even.)Tell me if you get what I mean after seeing it. ;)
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Wait are the loonies are opening the champagne already and expecting 160m 6-day tally? As far as I'm concerned it's an okay number, not good, not bad. One thing we know, Jack is way off with his prediction.

Wait are the loonies are opening the champagne already and expecting 160m 6-day tally? As far as I'm concerned it's an okay number, not good, not bad. One thing we know, Jack is way off with his prediction.

Im just hopeing for a 30mill+ ODThats all
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I would say my biggest problem with the movie is that it's too long and too short at the same time. I had the same issue with Superman Returns(but, thankfully, this doesn't have some of the more cringeworthy moments in SR and it does have actual battles...more than one even.)Tell me if you get what I mean after seeing it. ;)

That was my biggest problem too. The film manages to be slow while still glossing over some major character development, for both Peter and Connors. Also, even though the moments they have together are some of the best in the movie, Peter and Gwen's relationship is rushed. Edited by tonytr87
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I would say my biggest problem with the movie is that it's too long and too short at the same time.

You're the second person who has seen TASM who has said that. I forget who the first was. However, I totally understand what you mean because I have read all the reviews and spoilers from everywhere.
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True. Forgot about that (already forgetting important parts of the film...whoops). Nevertheless it just makes more sense that the spider-bite would've given Peter the ability to spin webs. Source material is not perfect, some things CAN be improved. And I feel that was one change that was an improvement on the comics.Also, if they want to show Peter's intellect...spider-tracers.

Organics webbing is just obvious and lazy. Mechanical web shooters are far more inspired like making the spider-sense a nuerological development.Spider-tracers are weak. Basically GPS microchips you can buy off the internet.Synthetic webbing prove only a nerd like Peter Parker could be Spider-man.
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Yeah, Sony is a stickler. They will get their money.During Smurfs opening weekend last year, they had someone come and do head counts. They didn't match with what we had in our system as far as tickets sold, so they charged us. It was a load of bullshit and it pissed me off because they were really wrong and still collected.

Wow. Do studios often do that?

They came to your theater? That is odd unless you guys have been caught messing up before.

first of all :wtf: 75+ pages and I though the orginal TA discussion was bad when I say some insane number of pages, scanned a few then jumpsed to last page :)Above, theatre checking services, sometimes its done at random other checks are done on theatres believed to be skimming.There was a report once years ago before most theatres had POS systems a theatre owner who kept a ledger but had two columns, one that said what was taken for the day, the other column what they told the distributors they took for the day.Now if you were going to do that sort of thing smart move to keep it in the same book side by side LOLAlso a ticketing system(that I believe has since been changed) that allowed at least supervisor staff to clear of tickets sold with no proper audit trail, so they could have sold say 100 tickets but reduced it to 90 and most of the audit trail wasn't recorded.
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I would say my biggest problem with the movie is that it's too long and too short at the same time. I had the same issue with Superman Returns(but, thankfully, this doesn't have some of the more cringeworthy moments in SR and it does have actual battles...more than one even.)Tell me if you get what I mean after seeing it. ;)

Shall do. ;)
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first of all :wtf: 75+ pages and I though the orginal TA discussion was bad when I say some insane number of pages, scanned a few then jumpsed to last page :)Above, theatre checking services, sometimes its done at random other checks are done on theatres believed to be skimming.There was a report once years ago before most theatres had POS systems a theatre owner who kept a ledger but had two columns, one that said what was taken for the day, the other column what they told the distributors they took for the day.Now if you were going to do that sort of thing smart move to keep it in the same book side by side LOLAlso a ticketing system(that I believe has since been changed) that allowed at least supervisor staff to clear of tickets sold with no proper audit trail, so they could have sold say 100 tickets but reduced it to 90 and most of the audit trail wasn't recorded.

Thanks for the info, Rth.Now...... any idea about how today is looking? :D
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