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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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all comic book deaths sucks expect catwoman in Batman Returns. By far the best comic book death of any movie.Batman Joker death was lame and comicalBatman Returns classic for killing villainsBatman Forever two face death was lameBatman and Robin just sillyBatman Begins Ra's death sucksThe Dark Knight was Two Face dead? Nobody knew for awhileThe Dark Knight Rise both deaths suckSpider Man Goblin death sucked it was just quickSpider Man 2 good death by Doc OctSpider Man 3 GG death was cheesy and vemon was just stupidAmazing Spider Man I honestly do not remember.Iron Man Lame death just seem anticlimacticIron Man 2 anticlimacticCaptain America ???? did he die? Did Red Skull go into space?Ghost Rider 2 lol ending and villains deathDaredevil cheesy death.

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all comic book deaths sucks expect catwoman in Batman Returns. By far the best comic book death of any movie.Batman Joker death was lame and comicalBatman Returns classic for killing villainsBatman Forever two face death was lameBatman and Robin just sillyBatman Begins Ra's death sucksThe Dark Knight was Two Face dead? Nobody knew for awhileThe Dark Knight Rise both deaths suckSpider Man Goblin death sucked it was just quickSpider Man 2 good death by Doc OctSpider Man 3 GG death was cheesy and vemon was just stupidAmazing Spider Man I honestly do not remember.Iron Man Lame death just seem anticlimacticIron Man 2 anticlimacticCaptain America ???? did he die? Did Red Skull go into space?Ghost Rider 2 lol ending and villains deathDaredevil cheesy death.

I think you're stretching things a bit much in some of those films to try and make TDKR's treatment of Bane seem better.Some of the movies you mention (Batman and Robin, Daredevil, Ghost Rider) were friggin' horrible so I don't see how being better than or even similar to them scores TDKR any points...And while the death of Green Goblin in the first Spider-man movie is over pretty quickly (and the actual grunt he makes when he dies is used for a bit of comedic effect) if I remember correctly we see how the event effects Harry (without waiting for the next film) so it's hardly a throwaway like Bane was.And as far as Captain America goes...why all the ????? jazz? Of course he didn't die....we see him alive at the end. How is that confusing? Did you even watch the film?in TDKR Bane is shown to be this menacing force of nature that defeats Batman...and while Batman returns from his injuries a lot of the satisfaction the viewer might get from his 'rise' is blunted by the fact that he doesn't ultimately defeat Bane. Sure he smacks him around a bit....but it's Catwoman that finally takes him out. Even if they spread out the scene a bit it would still be lame because it's yet another example of our hero failing to be heroic.And then there is the whole fan service twist that serves no purpose. It's as bad as the 'my daddy doesn't love me' shit at the end of the Ang Lee Hulk (that movie would have been x10 better if if ENDED in the streets of San Fran when Jennifer C. calms him down). A twist for the sake of a twist with very little time left to allow it to even have any impact.It would be like if Doc Oct's wife lives in Spider-man 2 only to pop out of the shadows after he makes his noble sacrifice to declare that SHE was controlling the tentacles the entire time (literally pulling the strings) only to be dispatched by a quick punch to the jaw by Mary Jane after revealing her scheme.
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I think you're stretching things a bit much in some of those films to try and make TDKR's treatment of Bane seem better.Some of the movies you mention (Batman and Robin, Daredevil, Ghost Rider) were friggin' horrible so I don't see how being better than or even similar to them scores TDKR any points...And while the death of Green Goblin in the first Spider-man movie is over pretty quickly (and the actual grunt he makes when he dies is used for a bit of comedic effect) if I remember correctly we see how the event effects Harry (without waiting for the next film) so it's hardly a throwaway like Bane was.And as far as Captain America goes...why all the ????? jazz? Of course he didn't die....we see him alive at the end. How is that confusing? Did you even watch the film?

never seen Ang Lee HulkI do not remember the ending I remember the plane crashing. To be honesty that movie was compete shit. First hour of Captain America was fun and excited and second hour I wanted to go to sleep.I agree Bane's death sucked I think he had the worse death in series but the other deaths where not great.
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It would be like if Doc Oct's wife lives in Spider-man 2 only to pop out of the shadows after he makes his noble sacrifice to declare that SHE was controlling the tentacles the entire time (literally pulling the strings) only to be dispatched by a quick punch to the jaw by Mary Jane after revealing her scheme.

Oh, WOW, if you're comparing the Talia/Bane twist to that hypothetical scenario, then you have lost absolutely all credibility with critiquing this film.
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never seen Ang Lee HulkI do not remember the ending I remember the plane crashing. To be honesty that movie was compete shit. First hour of Captain America was fun and excited and second hour I wanted to go to sleep.I agree Bane's death sucked I think he had the worse death in series but the other deaths where not great.

Well....I thought TDKR was complete shit but I still remember what made it shitty. And don't bother with Ang Lee Hulk...even if you shorten the end you still have the mutant dog bullshit to deal with. :(
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Well....I thought TDKR was complete shit but I still remember what made it shitty. And don't bother with Ang Lee Hulk...even if you shorten the end you still have the mutant dog bullshit to deal with. :(

TDKR came out a month ago it been like 13 months since CA. I heard horror stories from Ang's Hulk so I do not care to waste my time with it.
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Oh, WOW, if you're comparing the Talia/Bane twist to that hypothetical scenario, then you have lost absolutely all credibility with critiquing this film.

People here throw that word around too much. I think tons of people on here have terrible taste in movies but I don't think I get to decide if they are credible or not.Maybe we should have a vote every month...the winners could join a team....we could call them 'The 'credibles'....I want credit for that when it happens...I went to an extreme with my Spidey example to prove a point. The key factor in the comparison is TIME...not what characters are involved. Tossing Bane in favor of what's her face with what? 20 minutes of run time remaining? Adds NOTHING to the film. Well other than fan service since they can say they shoe horned her in.It needlessly complicates Bruce's love life. If he's going to sleep with anyone in the film it should be with Selina since that would actually make the mega happy Scooby Doo ending making more sense. As is I guess we're supposed to be shocked by the 'you want to penetrate ME? Well I'm going to penetrate YOU!' switch a roo from his girlfriend that we get in the actual film but it was done better in Kill Bill. :)It needlessly adds length to the whole Bane /whatsherface origin story with that wacky 'hey that child looks kind of like a girl!' wackiness that occurs.And finally it results in the worst death scene in the history of cinema. Not re shooting that is evidence enough that Nolan just wanted to get this shit over with already.But even with all that it's not the worst thing about the film...call me crazy....but when I'm told I'm going to be seeing a redemption movie I want to see some mother Fin' redemption. Nolanman (Since while I liked BB and TDK I think the third movie goes off the rails and has 'Batman' do enough odd things that he's not Batman anymore) starts off the movie as a quitter/pussy....manages to get up the gumption to get back in the game to chase some tail....only to be defeated ...then sorta 'rises' enough so his next booty call can save his ass. The romance in 'What's your Number?' made more sense.I realize that for most fans the climb out of the pit is redemption enough. But who is the villain in this piece? The well from BB/pit in TDKR? Or Bane? I say the latter and it blunts the entire message of the film when Batman doesn't defeat him himself.And some folks are just going to say...'Well Pepper Potts killed Iron Monger'. Yep! But at least Tony was there giving instructions! Edited by Adm56
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the only real flaw of tdkr is bane death

Agreed, I had some other issues with the film, but they all went away on repeat viewing for the most part. But Bane's death just leaves me feeling a little empty. I had no issues at all with the endings of BB or TDK.
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I've seen many good articles and comments that criticise TDKR well.....sadly nothing from Adam has ever hit the mark.Keep trying bro.*Hint* Talia is essential to the plot. It would make little sense without her. *Hint* Not reshooting a scene (we don't even know how many takes of that there are) is NOT evidence that Nolan wants to get the 'shit' over and done with. Otherwise the entire movie would be one take. We are not talking about Ed Wood here.*Hint* Bruce has quit at the beginning of TDK because he is not needed anymore. Time for the symbol of Harvey Dent to do what he never could. He has not quit because 'he is a pussy'. Gotham does not need Batman anymore, but he does.

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I've seen many good articles and comments that criticise TDKR well.....sadly nothing from Adam has ever hit the mark.Keep trying bro.*Hint* Talia is essential to the plot. It would make little sense without her.*Hint* Not reshooting a scene (we don't even know how many takes of that there are) is NOT evidence that Nolan wants to get the 'shit' over and done with. Otherwise the entire movie would be one take. We are not talking about Ed Wood here.*Hint* Bruce has quit at the beginning of TDK because he is not needed anymore. Time for the symbol of Harvey Dent to do what he never could. He has not quit because 'he is a pussy'. Gotham does not need Batman anymore, but he does.

Adam? Who is this Adam person? I want to read his stuff....if YOU disagree with him it must be really good.
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*Hint* Talia is essential to the plot. It would make little sense without her.

Why is she "essential"? I can see why comic book fans like her because of her origin in the comics, but within the movie itself why is she essential? In other words, if she was cut out and Bane made the sole villain how would the movie be hurt?What about this: Take her out of the movie altogether; have Bane be the brains as well as brawn behind the scheme. Give Talia's scenes to Catwoman, whose relationship with Bruce can be fully fleshed out, so the ending feels earned.Suddenly you have a better movie. Edited by yads
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Adam? Who is this Adam person? I want to read his stuff....if YOU disagree with him it must be really good.

I've seen many good articles and comments that criticise TDKR well.....sadly nothing from Adam has ever hit the mark.Keep trying bro.*Hint* Talia is essential to the plot. It would make little sense without her.*Hint* Not reshooting a scene (we don't even know how many takes of that there are) is NOT evidence that Nolan wants to get the 'shit' over and done with. Otherwise the entire movie would be one take. We are not talking about Ed Wood here.*Hint* Bruce has quit at the beginning of TDK because he is not needed anymore. Time for the symbol of Harvey Dent to do what he never could. He has not quit because 'he is a pussy'. Gotham does not need Batman anymore, but he does.

I guess Adam isn't here so I'll help him out.Talia is NOT essential to the plot. ALL of her actions could be attributed to other characters and if they removed her entirely it would remove a lot of bloat.And as far a Nolanman not being needed anymore....what a great idea! Just think of the possibilities! SO MANY classic works of fiction would be SO MUCH better if the hero wasn't needed. It would up the drama to 11! Especially how we effectively see in Nolanman Rises how Gotham probably would have eventually figured out Bane without him. (and YES I'm being intentionally absurd here since Nolanman DOES take the trash out at the end of the film...he probably figures it's the least he can do considering his low screen time).Call me and this Adam person crazy, but I think we want our movies to be about characters that ARE needed.But hey...since NOT needing him is so much better...they should make a movie about the 8 year gap! Bruce could sit around eating Ding Dongs and rubbing Ben Gay on his knee while the cops track down library books. One of the subplots could be about him watching Project Runway every week and rooting for his favorite to be the winner! They could even pull a Pete Jackson and expand the whole thing into a trilogy!
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Why do some people get so worked up, make it personal and take it a lot more than it's necessary. Overblown out of proportion with condescending tone doesn't help really.Whether true or not, it just comes off as someone trying to hide that they are fanboys of sort with an agenda.Opinions are great if they are contained. Like HULK for example, I don't necessarily agree on his points on TDKR but he's opinions are thorough and something that generates plausible arguments.

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Adam? Who is this Adam person? I want to read his stuff....if YOU disagree with him it must be really good.

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And as far a Nolanman not being needed anymore....what a great idea! Just think of the possibilities! SO MANY classic works of fiction would be SO MUCH better if the hero wasn't needed. It would up the drama to 11! Especially how we effectively see in Nolanman Rises how Gotham probably would have eventually figured out Bane without him. (and YES I'm being intentionally absurd here since Nolanman DOES take the trash out at the end of the film...he probably figures it's the least he can do considering his low screen time).

I would had thought it was a fairly common motif in classical literature where the protagonist is dealing with feeling like they are past their used by date or just not needed anymore. Hell I just read Oliver Twist, where Oliver feels unneeded for much of the book. Now, admittedly, for those who want to just see Batman kick some ass for 2 hours, this stuff is just going to feel like unnecessary bloat. Then again, for those people there is always Batman 89. But seeing him at he was at the beginning of the film makes his 'rise' all the more impressive. It has, what do we call it, ahhhh yes, thematic resonance.

Now you dont like the film, fair enough. No film is ever going to connect with everyone. But seriously, the reasons you are coming up with as to why it is a bad film are ridiculous. Please, please, stop.

Edited by Phil in the Rises
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